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Работа в парах

  1. Воспроизведите следующие диалоги, заполнив недостающие реплики

  1. A: What is your speciality?

B: ..

A: What special subjects do you study?

B: ...

A: ...

B: My speciality is ...

A: ...

B: My favourite subject is ...

A: Who delivers lectures on this subject?

B: ...

  1. A: How many examinations and tests have you?

B: ...

A: What subjects are you especially interested in?

B: ...

A: ...

B: Yes, we’ll defend a term paper in …

  1. A: Where can the graduates of your department work?

B: ...

A: Where would you like to work after graduating from the University?

B: I’d like to work ...

II. Прочтите диалог

  1. A: Where do you study?

B: I study at the Technical University.

A: What is your future speciality?

B: I’ll be an electrical engineer.

A: You are a student of the electrical engineering department , aren’t you ?

B: Right you are .

A: What special subjects do you study ?

B: The major subject is the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering .

A: What does an electrical engineer deal with , I wonder ?

B: As far as I know , he deals with electrical supply .

б) воспроизведите этот диалог, сделав соответствующие подстановки, касающиеся вашей специальности

III. Спросите по–английски своего товарища

где он учится; на каком факультете, какая его будущая специальность; какие специальные предметы он изучает, какой специальный предмет ему больше всего нравится; занимается ли он исследовательской работой, где бы он хотел работать после окончания университета?

IV. Обсудите следующие ситуации в парах

  1. A has finished a secondary school and is interested in redioengineering.

What department and what speciality would you recommend him to enter ?

  1. Your friend is a student of the machine – building department, but you are a future radio engineer.

Tell him why you are fond of your speciality.

  1. You and your friend are both students of the radioengineering department. Have you any difficulties in your studies at this department?

V. Спросите по–английски своего товарища

Какие лаборатории имеются на радиотехническом факультете? Каково оборудование лабораторий? С какими устройствами и приборами знакомятся и имеют дело студенты в лабораториях?

VI. Воспроизведите диалог, заполнив недостающие реплики, затем поменяйтесь ролями

A: What are the Laboratories of your department?

B: ...

A: What do the students do at the Laboratories of ...?

B: At this laboratory we get knowledge of ... .

VII. Составьте свой собственный диалог на следующие темы

1. I am a student of the radioengineering department.

2. My future speciality is radioengineering (mobile means of communication, etc.)

3. My favourite subject is microelectronics, etc.

4. We study many special subjects.

5. There are many laboratories at the radioengineering department .

При составлении диалогов используете следующие разговорные выражения

1. Certainly

2. Right you are

3. By the way

4. That’s an idea

5. Am I right to understand that ...?

6. As far as I can gather

7. As far as I know

8. To my mind

9. As for me

10. Do you mean to say that ...?

11. I take it for granted that ...

12. To come back to ....

13. What do you think of ....?

14. What do you find interesting about ...?

15. What are your reasons for ....?