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Vocabulary to learn:

To be in business

Быть в бизнесе

to treat smb fairly

Должным образом относиться к кому-либо

Necessity to find out

Необходимость разузнать


честно, открыто, без утайки, без обиняков

To get ahead

Идти вперед, развиваться

To extend concern

Распространять заботу, беспокойство…

To portray an environment

Зд: создать атмосферу

Beyond just…

Не только



Self centeredness


in order to gain

Чтобы выиграть, добиться

The competitive advantage

конкурентное преимущество

Empathic to

Чуткий к

To avoid defensiveness

Избегать защитной реакции

Humble but self-assured

Скромный, но самоуверенный



His career stalled

Его карьера заглохла

His career reversed

Его карьера дала задний ход

Answer the questions and then, retell the text:

1. Why has the author paid readers’ attention to the necessity to keep carefully to the 4th principle of business etiquette?

2. What may be the origins of lack of concern towards other people?

3. Is this principle proper only to business life or to everyday life as well?

4. Which words could be used instead talking about “Being concerned with others”? Set at least 5 phrasal verbs or collocations.

5. What adjective from the text is defined like “having the opposite of the desired effect?”

6. What idea is considered as counterproductive way of thinking? Do you agree with this statement of author?

Six basic principles of business etiquette.

5. Dress appropriately.

Necessary vocabulary for this topic:



путаница, неразбериха




принципы, стандарты


обладающий чувством

собственного достоинства, заслуживающий внимания


Повседневный, мн.ч.

повседневная одежда


Рассудительность,свободный выбор




недавно созданная фирма, обычно интернет-компания

Except for

За исключением


джинсовый полукомбинезон


(официально) принимать (что-л.)

low-cut top

имеющий большой вырез

Substitute ..for..

использовать вместо чего-л.


Форма цвета хаки


широкие брюки (мужские или женские)


недвусмысленно, детально


спортивный костюм


Кеды (gymshoes, plimsolls, trainers )

Do fine at a party

превосходно подходить для вечеринки



A survey responded to by ...

Опрос на который отреагировало около …

Problem setting (before learning the text):

1. There are 6 basic principles in business protocol: 1. be on time;2. be discreet; be courteous, pleasant and positive; 3. be concerned with others; 4. dress appropriately; 6. use proper written and spoken language. Which of the 6, is the most important. What place should the 4th principle get? How important it is?

2. What clothes should people wear to correspond to the idea of “dressing appropriately”? Name at least 4 of them.

3. What clothes must people avoid to wear to work? Name at least 4 of them.

4. How does a badly-dressed person make you feel? Find three adjectives.

5. How does a well dressed person make you feel? Find three adjectives.

6. Name five public places and five types of clothing corresponding to each of them.

7. A fancy dress party and a funeral are social events. What other examples of social events may you set? Which clothes would do fine at them?


There is more confusion about the principle “to dress appropriately” than about any other protocol guide line. With “casual Friday” becoming casual every day at more and more companies not just during the summer but all year round, except for the client meetings, when a traditional business suit may still be mandatory, just what does “dress appropriately mean”?

The biggest mistake of those who are adopting casual business dress is that they are simply substituting their weekend casual clothes for business attire.

But you still want to appear powerful, appropriate and dignified. That wild plaid shirt might do fine at a Saturday night party, but discretion is what is required at work and, in all but a few industries such as those with more relaxed dress standards, like publishing, advertising, Internet start-ups or art studios, certainly avoid wearing dungarees, sandals, beach shoes, or low cut tops to work.

A June 2000 survey responded to by 142 companies out of 592, on various policies, including casual business dress, found that 82% of the firms responding had casual dress, 18% did not allow it. For 64% casual dress was allowed all year round, except when meeting with clients or when clients are in the office.

77% of the firms responding defined “casual dress” to include “khakis, dress slacks, collared shirts, and no ties”. And 31% explicitly stated “no jeans, sweat suit, shorts, sneakers or T-shirts.

Principle 6: Use Proper Written and Spoken Language.

Problem setting:

  1. Here are 5 word collocations related to the 6th business protocol principle: foul language, rude words, cursing, curse words, disgusting language. Which of the expressions would correspond to the term “improper language” best of all. What does it mean “to use improper language in business”, in your opinion?

  2. Prove that cursing has become a big problem at all levels in our culture setting an example from e-mail, telephone conversation, business talk, journal and movie.

  3. Can the habit to use curse words be corrected? In what ways?

  4. To what extent would you agree with the saying: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything?” Is silence really golden in business? Set a few examples please.

  5. In what ways is it possible to avoid offending anyone? Is proper language important to achieve this goal (to avoid offending anyone)?

Vocabulary to learn before reading the text:

To be at an advantage

Иметь преимущество

Demeaning language and gestures

Унижающая другого речь и жестикуляции

To hold someone back

To prevent smb from making progress

To be thorough about…

Досконально знать что-либо

To be overheard by smb

Быть подслушанным

кем- либо


Унижения, оскорбления

To quote someone else

цитировать; ссылаться

To be sensitive to

Быть внимательным к


повторяемое бранное восклицание


(помета на приглашениях)

от répondez s'il vous plaît ; просим ответить

Undermine the other skills

Обесценивать другие навыки, разрушать до основания.

A foul language


To proofread

читать корректуру с целью исправления ошибок

Proficient (in)

искусный, опытный, умелый

To know the words better.” Please, find the words relevant to the following definitions:

  1. If you are attentive to other people's needs, problems, or feelings, you show understanding and awareness of them, it means you are ………………

  2. Lessen gradually or insidiously the effectiveness, power or ability of some good points means that you ……...

  3. Here are a few synonyms to an adjective from the text : filthy , obscene , abusive, cursing, swear word, disgusting… Which two other adjectives from the text is it going about? Set them.

  4. Language and gestures that cause a severe loss in the dignity of someone and respect for someone (or something) is …………………………..language.

  5. Competent or skilled in doing or using something means……………………….

People who can express themselves clearly are at an advantage. Poor written and oral communication skills may hold someone back, undermining their other skills.

Sharon Peak Williamson.

Люди, умеющие ясно выражать мысли и чувства имеют много преимуществ. Плохие навыки устной и письменной речи могут тормозить карьеру, обесценивая все другие положительные качества.

Шейрон Пик Вильямсон


Similar to the rule of Dress appropriately, this is the second business protocol principle to become controversial over the last decade.

Cursing and curse words have become a big problem at all levels in our culture, from little children to office workers. Use Proper Written and Spoken Language in not only correct spelling, grammar, avoiding racist or sexist jokes, but it is avoiding cursing at work. Americans pride themselves on being a free country that allowed to say and write freely. But within that constitutional right are the standards of acceptable or unacceptable behavior, what you should or not should say to further your reputation. These are the rules of business protocol.

The more that parents and the media eliminate cursing from vocabulary or products, the more likely it will be that cursing will diminish.

Principle 6 includes the business necessity of writing correctly, to proofread your writing (letters, memos, articles for publication in print, e-mails, fax communications).If possible, hire someone who is proficient in writing to help you.

Use appropriate language means to follow several rules while speaking on the phone, using voice mail, answering machines or speakerphones, sending e-mails.

Actually, using proper written and spoken words means that what you say as well as what you write in your interoffice, memos, and whatever, letters go to others outside the company should be well written, and all names should be spelled correctly.

It is very important to be careful never to use foul language – even in what you think is a personal telephone call that, to your shock and horror, was overheard by someone whose opinion of you means everything – in any situations that are work related. If for some reason, you are repeating the foul language that someone else used by way of example or because you want to thorough about a situation, don’t use the actual word. Even if you are quoting someone else, others will hear that word as if it part of your vocabulary (there are discreet ways to indicate that there an expletive has been deleted).

Many etiquette experts point out that “we have not been polite to each other, that we don’t have a sense of what offends the other person and yet we are moving into the decade where that is going to be much more important. We have to be much more sensitive to demeaning language and gestures. No one wants the put downs.”

It is essential to be gracious in any business situation and when you define the word gracious, it means polite, considerate, and thoughtful.

Juniors in high school when asked how they would feel if they are around someone who is gracious, had nothing but negatives to say (“It’s fake. They are putting on something…”) Today’s youth is cynical about being courteous and yet business etiquette is too valuable a tool for career enhancement.

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