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Vocabulary to learn:

the most obvious


Самое очевидное доказательство


проблематичный; сомнительный


ненадёжный; не заслуживающий доверия

If a rare occasion occurs

Если случается иногда так, что


непочтительный, неучтивый, грубый, невежливый

in advance



продвижение, прогресс, успех

а key person

Человек ведущей должности

lateness requires

an explanation

опоздание потребует объяснений

get more time initially

изначально добейтесь больше времени

is relative depending on the business culture

В какой-то степени зависит от культуры бизнеса

perfectly acceptable

Вполне приемлемо

Guideline (pl)

общий курс, направление

Get things in

(phrasal verb)

manage to do it at a time when you are very busy doing other things.

Answer the questions and then retell the text:

1.) Which of the qualities of an employee can demonstrate that he (she) is unreliable?

2.) What may a boss think of a person who is frequently late and unpunctual?

3.) What measure should an employee take if he knows in advance about his delay?

4.) Does a company care about the reasons a worker has for needing an extension?

5.) How much important is it to be always on time?

6.) Does business culture affect the etiquette in some way?

Six basic principles of business etiquette.

2. Be discreet.

Problem setting:

  1. Here is the definition of the word discreet given by Oxford power word dictionary.

Discreet [di'skrit] (discreeter, discreetest)- careful and prudent in one's speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment

Which other few words in your native language and in English could you cite as synonyms?

  1. Which principle seems to be more important – to be on time or to be discreet? Justify your answer with life true stories.

  2. It is interesting to know: Discreet - Middle English: from Old French discret, from Latin discretus ‘separate’, past participle of discernere ‘discern’, the sense arising from late Latin discretio . Discretion is the quality of behaving in a quiet and controlled way without drawing attention to yourself or giving away personal or private information.

You have to be extremely discreet, very sensitive to the impact that information might have on those working with it, as well as what the competition might do if they fall upon it.

Mark Goines, Vice President, product development

Вы должны быть крайне предусмотрительны (осторожны) и деликатны в вопросах влияния информации на тех, кто с ней работает, а также в вопросах влияния конкуренции на тех, кто в нее попадает.

Марк Goines, Вице-Президент по разработкам

Being discreet means to keep confidences of a corporate or personal nature: you keep to yourself any corporate secrets, whether that means the design for the unique product or the fact that there will be massive lay-offs in a week.

Usually “keeping business confidences” is a correct etiquette at a company.

Being discreet also means you should keep to yourself any confessions you hear from your co-workers, bosses or subordinates, whether that means someone has told you his wife asked him to sleep on the living room sofa or their teenager is getting out of another drug rehabilitation program. You co-worker may prefer to keep it to herself that she received an award from a professional organization (since she might fear others will be jealous of her).

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