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Notice that when you are talking about a period of time from the past up to the present, you use the present perfect.

Have you done your project yet?

When you are talking about a finished action at a definite time in the past, you use the Past Simple.

When did you do your project?

For more on this, turn to ‘Grammar Reference’.


The -ing form can be used like a noun, like an adjective or like a verb.

Smoking is forbidden. I have a long working day. I don't like dancing.

Notice that when 'to' is used as a preposition, it is followed by the -ing form.

I don't object to working this Sunday. I'm looking forward to seeing him again. I'm used to working long hours.

There are many verb + -ing combinations. Here are some common ones:

I admit telling her. I appreciate having the raise. I avoid speaking to him.

For more on this, turn to ‘Grammar Reference’.

The Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks is a Federal executive authority performing functions of control and supervision in the area of the legal protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights, including patents and trademarks.

The Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks is under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The main functions of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks are as follows:

1)  the provision of the procedure for affording in the Russian Federation the legal protection to intellectual property rights and also the procedure for their exploitation, said procedures are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional laws, the Federal laws and other statutory legal acts;

2)  the performance of control and supervision of examination of applications for intellectual property rights and the issue of protective titles in the manner established by legislation of the Russian Federation;

3)  the registration of intellectual property rights and also license agreements and assignment agreements in the sphere of intellectual property and publication of data on the registered intellectual property rights;

4)  the performance of control and supervision of the observance of the procedure for paying patent fees and registration charges;

5)  the performance of certification and registration of patent attorneys of the Russian Federation and the performance of control of the fulfillment by them of requirements provided for by legislation of the Russian Federation.

  1. What does the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks respond for?

  2. _____________________________________________


When we ask for information, we often say ‘Do you know…?’ / ‘Could you tell me…?’ etc. If you begin a question like this, the word order is different from a simple question.

Where has Ann gone?Do you know where Ann has gone?

For more on this, turn to ‘Grammar Reference’.


If the reporting verb is a past tense, the verb in the order clause moves one tense back.

I’m leaving’. → He said he was leaving.

If you are talking about the future, use would in the other clause.

I will see you tomorrow’. → He said he would see me tomorrow.

If the reporting verb is in the present, there’s no change.

I can’t do it today’. → He says he can’t do it today.

The same changes in word order happen in reported questions.

For more on this, turn to ‘Grammar Reference’.