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1. Insert articles where necessary (explain your choice)

1. We flew to … New York from … Gatwick Airport near … London.

2. … Indian Ocean is the name of the ocean between … Africa and … Australia.

3. I want to visit … Netherlands.

4. Where is … Argentine?

5. Last year I visited … Corsica.

6. Mary lives in … Queen Street in … London.

7. My friend climbed … Everest last year.

8. … Buckingham Palace is in … England.

9. … Portugal is in … Western Europe.

10. Where is … Malay Archipelago situated?

11.  … Warsaw is the capital of … Poland.

12. He is from … Germany.

13. … Tower Bridge is in … London.

14. … France and … Britain are separated by … Channel.

15. Jim has traveled a lot in … Middle East.

16. Jane is from … States.

17. … White House is in … Washington.

18. The highest mountain in … Africa is … Kilimanjaro.

19. … Vatican is in … Rome, in … Italy.

20. … Big Ben is in … London.

21. I’m not from … Sudan. I’m from … Iran.

22. I like … Minsk. It’s a beautiful city.

VI. Written task

1. Read the text, translate it; translate extracts in italics into Russian using a dictionary in writing

Ecotourism has become one of the fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry growing annual 10-15% worldwide. One definition of ecotourism is “the practice of low-impact, educational, ecologically and culturally sensitive travel that benefits local communities and host countries”. Many of the ecotourism projects are not meeting these standards. Even if some of the guidelines are being executed, the local communities are still facing other negative impacts. South Africa is one of the countries that are reaping significant economic benefits from ecotourism, but negative effects – including physical displacement of persons, gross violation of fundamental rights, and environmental hazards – far outweigh the medium-term economic benefits. A tremendous amount of money is being spent and human resources continue to be used for ecotourism despite the lack of success stories, and even more money is put into public relation campaigns to dilute the effects of the criticism. Ecotourism channels resources away from other projects that could contribute more sustainable and realistic solutions to pressing social and environmental problems.

But there is a tension in this relationship because ecotourism often causes conflict and changes in land-use rights, fails to deliver promises of community-level benefits, damages environments, and has plenty of other social impacts. Indeed many argue repeatedly that ecotourism is neither ecologically nor socially beneficial, yet it persists as a strategy for conservation and development. While several studies are being done on ways to improve the ecotourism structure, these examples provide reason that it should just stop all together.

There are many problems with the idea of ecotourism. Environmental, the effects on the local people, and conflicts over profit distribution are only a few of the negative effects of ecotourism. In a perfect world more efforts would be made towards educating tourists of the environmental and social effects of their travels. Very few regulations or laws stand in place as boundaries for the investors in ecotourism. These should be implemented to prohibit the promotion of unsustainable ecotourism projects and materials which project false images of destinations, demeaning local and indigenous cultures.

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