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4.1 Кількість балів та критерії оцінювання письмової частини іспиту: аудіювання (0-20 балів) -10 питань * 2 бали

ЧИТАННЯ (0-10 балів) - 5 питань* 2 бали

ЛЕКСИКО-ГРАМАТИЧНИЙ ТЕСТ (0-30 балів): 1 завдання: 10 питань * 1бал; 2 завдання – 20 питань * 1бал;

Письмо (0-20 балів) За 1 завдання – написати e-mail відповідно до комунікативної ситуації - студент отримує 0-5 балів:

5 балів : якщо зміст написаного відповідає ситуативному комунікативному завданню, виклад думок послідовний і логічний; допускаються 1-2 орфографічні, 1-2 граматичні та 1-2 пунктуаційні помилки.

4 бали: якщо зміст написаного в цілому відповідає ситуативному комунікативному завданню, виклад думок послідовний і логічний, присутні деякі елементи власного міркування, неадекватні ситуативному комунікативному завданню; допускаються 2-4 орфографічні, 3-5 граматичні та 2-3 пунктуаційні помилки.

3 бали: якщо зміст написаного здебільшого не відповідає ситуативному комунікативному завданню, відсутні логічність та елементи власного міркування; допускаються 5-6 орфографічних, не більше 7 граматичних помилок та 3-4 пунктуаційні помилки.

2 бали: якщо зміст написаного не відповідає ситуативному комунікативному завданню відсутні логічність та зв’язність; допускаються 9 орфографічних, не більше 9 граматичних помилок та 7-8 пунктуаційних помилок

1 бал: якщо зміст написаного не відповідає ситуативному комунікативному завданню відсутні логічність та зв’язність; допускаються 10 орфографічних, не більше 10 граматичних помилок та 9-10 пунктуаційних помилок

0 балів: якщо якісні та кількісні показники перевищують попередні або завдання взагалі невиконане

За 2 завдання - написати есе на запропоновану тему (з опорою на логіко-смислову схему) - студент отримує 0-15 балів, які розподіляються за наступними критеріями у такий спосіб:

Оцінювання якісних показників

0-5 балів

за розкриття в есе всіх компонентів логіко-смислової схеми;

0-5 балів

за структуру есе, наявність логіки та повноту розкриття теми

Оцінювання кількісних показників

0-5 балів

5 балів: допускаються 1-2 орфографічні, 1-2 граматичні та 1-2 пунктуаційні помилки.

4 бали: допускаються 2-4 орфографічні, 3-5 граматичні та 2-3 пунктуаційні помилки.

3 бали: допускаються 5-6 орфографічних, не більше 7 граматичних помилок та 3-4 пунктуаційні помилки.

2 бали: допускаються 9 орфографічних, не більше 9 граматичних помилок та 7-8 пунктуаційних помилок.

1 бал: допускаються 10 орфографічних, не більше 10 граматичних помилок та 9-10 пунктуаційних помилок; 0 балів: кількісні показники перевищують попередні

5. Приклади екзаменаційних завдань (англійська мова)


Section 1: LISTENING

Task: Listen to the telephone conversation and complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

1) Customer’s name   ----------------------------- 2) Address: flat 26,    -------------------------------- Richmond 3) Telephone  -----------------------------------------  4) Driver’s license number  ------------------------------------  5) Date for collection of vehicle  ------------------------------- 

6) Type of car chosen a) small car b) four-wheel drive c) family car 7) Number of days requires a) one day b) three days c) seven days 8) Agreed cost per day a) $50. b) $65. c) $70.

9) Pick up from a) city b) hotel c) airport 10) Method of payment a) cheque b) credit card c) cash

Section 2: READING

Task: Read the information below and choose the best answer.

British management

According to an article in Management Today, the British manager still stops work for tea. The French managing director of Novotel, the hotel group, tells what happened at his first management meeting when he took over its English operation in 1991:

“The meeting was in the afternoon, and it got to about 3.30 and everyone started looking at their watches. I didn’t know what was going on I turned to my secretary, who was English, and she said that they probably wanted to break for tea. I couldn’t understand it. In France we just carry on until we have finished. Now we always break for tea.”

I am not sure how many English managers now break for tea. Not that many, I imagine. Twenty years ago it was commonplace. I will never forget a Canadian sales director, pink with fury, telling me at that time how he had been offered tea and biscuits at three in the afternoon in Northampton: “I come three thousand miles, and take three taxis and a damn steam engine into the sticks, and I wanna do business, and this guy gives me a ‘nice cup of Chine tea and a biccy’.What Is he?” Mind you, this was the same man who in Rome told his Italian agent that the Colosseum would make a nice parking lot.

It is not so much the cup of tea as the pint of bitter that managers from outside Britain find a bar to efficiency. In the article, a German manager tells how when he first took over a job in Britain, he discovered that at lunchtime and especially on Fridays, the majority of his management team left for the pub. He says: “I stopped that right away. Now they are not allowed off the premises. It didn’t make me very popular at the time but it is not good for efficiency. There is no way we would do that in Germany. No way.”

According to European managers the British are still too concerned with class and status. A German says: “People say that the class system is a hindrance to progress and then two weeks later you overhear them discussing a colleague and saying, ‘Well, he is not very well-spoken, is he?’” And another says: “The class gaps translate into big gulfs in the pay league, too. In Germany, I might earn three times more than my secretary. Here it is five times.”

Some criticisms are rather like those leveled at Japanese management. For example, talking about status, a Dutch manager says: “A director is God here. They respect him and think that he is right even when he is wrong. It’s quite difficult to have an open conversation. People will not say ‘I disagree’.”

Too great an interest in money is also criticized. A Dutch manager says: “My first impression on coming to Britain was that profit seemed to be the most important thing.” And Frenchman points out the difference between the UK and France: “In France there is no pressure on the bottom line.”

The French manager also points out a difference in educational standards: “In France all the secretaries, or personal assistants as we call them, would have degrees. You wouldn’t consider recruiting one without a degree. So, that means you can delegate much more to the secretaries in France. In the UK you cannot do that so much.”

  1. In the middle of the afternoon

  1. everyone checked their watches.

  2. hinted that it was teatime.

  3. took a break.

  4. noticed it was 3.30.

  1. In the past

  1. managers usually had a tea break.

  2. offered visitors China tea.

  3. wasted a lot of time drinking tea.

  4. drank a lot of tea.

  1. The Canadian

  1. was impressed by the Englishman’s good manners.

  2. had traveled a long way.

  3. liked to do business.

  4. considered his time was being wasted.

  1. Why did the Canadian say the Colosseum would make a nice parking lot?

  1. He had nowhere to park.

  2. He was joking.

  3. He was worried about Rome’s traffic problems.

  4. He was envious of Italy’s glorious past.

  1. The German didn’t like his managers going to the pub because

  1. he was against drinking.

  2. they got drunk.

  3. it made them inefficient.

  4. he believed playing sports would be better for them.

  1. To stop them going to the pub, the managers

  1. were ordered to stay in the office.

  2. were given free lunches in the office.

  3. played team games in the lunch-hour.

  4. had meetings at lunchtime.

  1. In Britain, managers are paid much more than their secretaries because of

  1. sexism.

  2. education.

  3. class.

  4. elocution.

  1. English and Japanese managers are similar in that they

  1. are tactful.

  2. like tea.

  3. avoid disagreement.

  4. have a superiority complex.

  1. In comparison with the British secretary, a French secretary

  1. is better paid.

  2. has more status.

  3. is better spoken.

  4. can take more responsibility.

  1. In comparison with the French secretary, a British secretary

  1. is better paid.

  2. has more status.

  3. is better spoken.

  4. can take more responsibility.

Section 3: Use of language

Task 1: Choose the most appropriate term a, b, c, or d for the following definitions.

  1. This is the amount of money exchanged for a good or service.

a) bill b) price c) change d) tip

2. Is the inability to satisfy all wants at the same time.

a) limited b) scarcity c) choices d) opportunity costs

  1. Is the using of goods and services.

a) post production b) production c) consumption d) distribution

  1. Which of the following is NOT a resource that is used in the production of goods and services?

a) natural b) human c) capital d) social

  1. This is the selecting of an item or action from a set of possible alternatives.

a) price b) opportunity costs c) choice d) resources

  1. This is combining of resources to make goods and provide services.

a) consumption b) production c) incentive d) supply

  1. This is given up when a choice is made.

a) incentive b) scarcity c) opportunity costs d) price

  1. This is the amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to sell at a certain price.

a) production b) supply c) demand d) consumption

  1. This is the amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a certain price.

a) supply b) consumption c) demand d) purchasing

  1. Things that motivate or incite people to purchase the goods and services.

a) scarcity b) production c) incentive d) motivation

Task 2: Choose the correct option

1. Jim is from ___Scotland. He’s got two brothers and ___sister. He is ___doctor. He has lots of hobbies. He likes ___football, plays __guitar, and goes to ___Mediterranean every year.

a) the b) - c) a/an

2.Today ____ millions of people who speak English.

a) there is b) there are c) it is

3. Some people ______ English for special reasons.

a) study b) studies c) are studying

4. How ___ people all over the world can speak English?

a) many b) much c) a lot of

5. How __time do they spend to study English?

a) many b) much c) a lot of

6. Most people in the world spend ____time to study English.

a) many b) much c) a lot of

7. Very few people haven't heard _____ English at all.

a) some b) the c) any

8. You can turn off the television. I____it.

a) don’t watch b) am not watching c) not watch

9. My friend and I ___out on Saturday afternoons.

a) eats b) are eating c) eat

10. Last year I____ in London.

a) were b) was c) have been

11. English is now ______ widely used language in the world.

a) the most b) the more c) a most

12. For some 40 years the Guinness Book of Records _____ one of the most popular books in the UK.

a) has been b) was c) is

13. It ______ first published in 1954.

a) has been b) was c) is

14. Since then it _______ a regular bestseller.

a) is b) was c) has been

15. Most of the records in it _______ many times in recent years.

a) changed b) change c) have changed

16. In 1954, while the first Guinness Book of Records was being compiled, the world mile record _____ broken.

a) is b) had been c) was

17. The year before that, in 1953, it ______ at over four minutes.

a) had stood b) is standing c) used to stand

18. But in 1954 the four-minute barrier _____ be broken on several occasions.

a) must b) was to c) should

19. Dr Roger Bannister's famous run was the first time anyone ______ run so fast.

a) has b) had c) would

20. When they tested Lech’s IQ, they told him that they__ anyone with that high a score.

a) hadn’t tested b) didn’t test c) haven’t tested

Section 4: WRITING

Task 1: You have seen an advertisement in the local newspaper for a ___________job.

Write an email to the recruiting agency applying for the job.

Task2: You have decided to start a business. Write the section of your business prospectus, describing the structure of your Financial Department and the responsibilities of its managers. (approx 150 words)


Task: You are an officer of the HR department of a Ukrainian company that has merged with a British one. Your companies are at the post-merger integration stage. You are about to hold a meeting with a representative of the British company to discuss a new company’s structure, hierarchy, and chain of command. Your task: Think on these issues and deliver a presentation pinpointing the most important issues and factors need to be taken into account when coming to decision.