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“Madame Tussaud’s”

Обратите внимание на то, какие фразы используются в тексте, чтобы описать неприятное, пугающее впечатление, которое музей мадам Тюссо производит на некоторых посетителей:

  • “It often comes as a shock to Londoners that Madame Tussaud’s is one of the capital’s top tourist attractions”.

  • “Many find this museum gruesome and frightening”.

  • “The Chamber of Horrors: there are models illustrating methods of execution; famous murderers in their appropriate settings; and, in the cells, the most infamous twentieth-century prisoners who were sentenced to life imprisonment for their vile crimes”.

  • “Nowhere are the visitors quieter than in this eerie place (= the Chamber of Horrors)”.

The Sacrament of Matrimony”

(pp. 206-207 old books/ pp.231-233 new books)

Get ready to retell the text + to pick out the words belonging to the elevated style (высокий/возвышенный стиль) and words connected with religious rites and commandments = Будьте готовы пересказать текст + найти в нем слова, относящиеся к высокому/ возвышенному стилю, + слова, связанные с религиозными обрядами и заповедями.

Words belonging to the elevated style:

God brought Eve unto Adam

Conjugal union (вместо marriage)

Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth

“A man shall leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh” = “Оставит человек отца своего и мать свою и прилепится к жене своей, и будут (двое) одна плоть”.

“What God hath joined, let not man put asunder” = Что Бог сочетал, того человек да не разлучает.

“Let the wives be subject to their own husbands as to the Lord” = “Жены, повинуйтесь своим мужьям, как Господу”.

“Man is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man” = “Муж есть образ и слава Божия, а жена есть слава мужа”.

“Marriage is honourable in all and the bed is unstained” = “Брак у всех да будет честен, а ложе непорочно”.

Adulterer = неверный супруг/а + to commit adultery against your husband/wife

“Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit” = “Ваше тело – храм Святого Духа”

Words connected with religious rites:


To be sanctified

To bless

Conjugal union

The rite of matrimony

“The Church elevates the conjugal union to the level of a sacrament”

The bridegroom

A chaste virgin

A Christian marriage

A prayer

To commit a sin

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