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!!! Обратите внимание на то, как выражает отец свое волнение по поводу поездки сына в Европу + как он гордится сыном.

“When he walked in and we embraced and he said he’d missed home, his electrical system suddenly switched off (= it’s a metaphor), and he headed half-unconscious (= it’s an epithet) for the sack”.

“I don’t think I’ll sleep for a while. This household has been running a low fever (it’s an idiom) over the trip since weeks before it began”.

“It was his first trip overseas, so we pressed travel books on him, and a tape cassette of useful French phrases, drew up a list of people to visit; advised him on clothing and other things”.

“What’s it like? I asked over and over”.

“When my son called, I sat down at the kitchen table and leaned forward and hung on every word. His voice came through clearly, though two of the calls were like ship-to-shore communication (it’s a comparison) in which you have to switch from Receive to Send and when I interrupted him with a “Great!” or a “Really?”.

“So I just sat and listened. I have never listened to a telephone so intently and with so much pleasure as I did those three times. It was wonderful and moving (epithets) to hear news from him that was so new to me. In my book he was the first man to land on the moon (= a metaphor)”.

«He (the son) went to the scene, got the story (= it’s an idiom) and came back safely”. Он всё увидел и благополучно вернулся домой.

!!!+ повторите рамочки на стр. 185-186 (старые книги), 193 (новые книги)

“Advertising a Voyage to the Indonesian Islands”

Повторите рамочку на стр. 181 (старые книги) + 201-202 (новые книги).

Adjectives denoting a high degree of quality:

the most comfortable way to travel

absolute ease

an air-conditioned ship

the highest standards of accommodation, food and service

one of the finest exploration cruise ships in the world

specially designed for unpredictable seas

caring Filipino crew

one of the best run ships afloat

excellent facilities

Nouns denoting a high degree of quality:



A rhetorical question:

“After the day exploring, what could be better than to return to comfort and luxury of an air-conditioned ship for good food and company as we sail through the night for our next port of call?”

Epithets which add to the expressiveness of the text and help to attract potential customers or clients:

a fascinating variety of scenery and cultures, a delightful journey

a breathtaking variety of landscape; from the dramatic to the tranquil,

brilliant verdant rice paddies, towering volcanoes

appealing views, relaxing atmosphere

Intensifiers =words, that make the meaning of other words stronger:


there is little doubt that …

absolute (ease)

specially (designed)

Inversion = инверсия/нарушение обычного порядка слов:

Not only are the views from a ship’s deck so appealing but more important is the absolute ease with which a succession of islands are visited without having to use local flights and changes of hotels”.

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