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5. The setting of a literary work. The notion of chronotope. Its functions

The setting (when and where a story takes place)is generally a physical location that shapes a storys mood, its emotional aura and quality. Real or imaginary, concrete or symbolic setting is the dramatic backdrop for a story. Setting reveals prevailing atmosphere or mood of the story, shows internal and external conflicts, highlights potential contrasts between characters or ideas. Setting can determine the fate of the protagonist, setting reflects character and often embodies theme.Types of the setting: physical(time, season, weather), geographical(country, region, state), cultural(the values, ideas, attitudes of place), historical(time period/year, major historical events), Physical Cultural Setting( dialogue, clothing, decoration), Non-physical Cultural Setting(education, social standing, economic class, religious belief)

Chronotype – is a term coined by M.M. Bakhtin to describe the way time and space are described by language, and, in particular, how literature represents them. Functions : Realistic(to render the verisimilitude), Suggestive, Symbolic ( the setting stands for smth else- idea, character, abstract notion)

6. The title of a literary work. Its structure, types and functions

Title – is the name given to a particular book, painting, play, etc. The title takes a strong position in the text and usually serves as means of convince special implication. Genette calls the book title a type of paratextuality. Types: 1. The name of the protagonist (Macbeth) – eponymys 2. His/her age 3. His/her occupation(the merchant of Venice) 4. His/her nationality(The quiet American) 5. Place (the castle of Otranto) – topographical 6. Time( a week in December) – temporal 7. The event/ the action – incidental. Functions: informative, rhetorical, provocative, communicative, summarizing, representational Structure: one word (a phrase, a set expression, a complex sentence), possessive case, mood; a declarative/interrogative statements; rhetorical question, intended phrases. Origin of titles: titles based on Shakespearean (the tempest), on other literary works (Ulysses-the odyssey), on the bible, on greek and roman mythology, on folklore. The author’s preferences: hemingway whose titles are straightforward, laconic, nominative; skakespeare names most of his plays after the protagonist; Faulkner titles are highly allusion.

7. Imagery and the system of images. Types of symbol.

Imagery, in a literary text, occurs when an author uses an object that is not really there, in order to create a comparison between one that is, usually evoking a more meaningful visual experience for the reader. It is useful as it allows an author to add depth and understanding to his work, like a sculptor adding layer and layer to his statue, building it up into a beautiful work of art.

Imagery – the system of images: a) it signifies all the objects and quality of sense perception, refer to a work of literature whether by literal description or by allusion or through same stylistic means; b) it signifies the figurative language or stylistic means.

The hierarchy of Images : micro-images (word or simple w combination), extended images (patterns), synthetic images (whole literary work). Forms of imagery: visual(sight),(smell) olfactory, auditory(sound), gustatory (taste), tactile (touch), kinesthetic (movement). Images can be: literal, deptual, conceptual.

Symbolism is the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character. A symbol is an object, action, or idea that represents something other than itself, often of a more abstract nature. Symbols : cultural( known by most literary people e.g. white dove), contextual/authorial (private created by the author)

8.Characters.Means of characterization. Character-from the ancient Greek word a person or anything presented as a person. Types of char:people or animals,major char,minor char,round char,flat char. Dynamic char-a char which changes during the course of a story or novel.Static char remains the same.Round char a well-developed char whi demonstrates varied and sometimes contradictory traits.Flat char is a 2-dimensional and relatively uncomplicated char who does not change throughout the story.Point-of-view char is the char by whom the story is viewed. The narrator-the teller of the story. Protagonist-the main char.Antagonist-a major char who opposes the protagonist.Caricature –an exaggeration,imitation or copy,naturally or unintentionally ludicrous.

Type-a char who stands as a representative of a particular class or group of people.Archetype-a char who represents a certain type of person that can be traced back to the collective unconscious. Char foul – a secondary ch who contrast with the protagonist in order to highlight aspect of the main ch’s personality.Char double the char who represents the phantasmal duplication of the individual,through likeness or affinity. Catalyst a char who brings about change in a story, helps more the plot along.Characterization-the means by which an author establishes char.An author may describe the appearance and char’s personality.Indirect/implicit characterization:1.presentation of the character through action;2.speech characteristics(markers of official style,markers of informal conversational style);3.psychological portrayal and analisys of motive;4.description of the outwards appearance,the portrayal;5.description of the world of things that surround the char;6.the use of a foil;7.the naming of char.

9.Narrative methods. The narrative method involves such aspects as a) who narrates the story and b) the way the narrator stands in relation to the events and to the other characters of the story. Narrators of stories can take on 3 points of view: Narrators of stories can take on 3 points of view: 1st person(I/We-the narrator is one of the characters and tells the story in his or her own words;uses the words I,me,we,us;the reader only knows what the narrator knows and observes);2nd person(You);3rd person(He/she;they/them-the narrator is not one of the characters(an outside observer)and uses the words he,she,it,they,them). A condensed report of past events/of someone’s speech is a short summary of what has happened which author often use in fiction. A reflection by the author or by a char can acquire different combinations of presentation, such as commentary, digression, inner monologue.A digression is a section of a composition or speech that is an intentional change of subject not strictly relevant to the main theme or plot of a work,a straying away from the main subject. Inner represented speech expresses feelings and thoughts of the char which were not materialized in spoken or written lng by the char.That is why it abounds exclamatory words and phrases,elliptical constructions,breaks and other means. Stream of consciousness writing in which char’s perceptions,thoughts,and memories are presented in an apparently random form. (Deductive) reasoning applying a generalization to specific circumstances in order to reach a conclusion.

12.The theme and message.Implications.The theme is the central topic, subject, or concept the author is trying to point out. Common themes in literature: honesty. Family relationships, love, war, death, nature, materialism, freedom. Authors expresses their themes in 4 primary ways: through the feelings of the main characters, thoughts and conversations, what the main characters learn in the course of the story, specific actions or events. The most important idea that the author expresses the process of developing the theme is the message of the book. It is generally expressed implicitly through a complete evaluation of the signifying complexity of the rhetoric, figures of speech, images,symbols, allusions, connotations, suggestions, and implications. Implication is the suggestion that is not expressed directly but understood. Means of conveying I: parallelism, contrast, recurrence of events or situations,artistic details,symbols,arrangement of plot structure,etc.

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