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3 курс грамматика.docx
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  1. State how the clauses of the following compound sentences are coordinated.

  1. I put my hand in his, and we walked away.(synd. cop.)

  2. Ted must have told him about our plan, or he may have guessed himself.(synd. disj.)

  3. I’m lunching with somebody, but you can come along.(synd. adv.)

  4. The dew fell and the flowers closed.(synd. caus.-cons.)

  5. Stars were sparkling out there over the river; the sky frostly clear and black.(asyn.cop.)

  6. Instead of shopping, the rain increased, some decided to set out for home right away.(synd. adv.)

  7. I set meat and water beside him, but he paid no heed.(synd. adv.)

  8. During a week he and Presley had been much together for the two were devoted friends.(synd. caus.-cons.)

  9. He was neither going to apologize, nor was going to offer any explanation.(synd. cop.)

  10. His face was rather ruddy, the cheeks rather thin.(asynd. cop.)

  1. Connect two sentences into a compound sentence by using the coordinators “and”, “but”, “or”, “nor”, “neither”, “either”, “neither … nor”, “either … or”, “so”.

  1. The patient’s temperature rose, so the patient breathed with difficulty.

  2. Don’t give up your effort or you will be sorry for giving up your effort.

  3. His manners were pleasing, but I did not like him.

  4. Neither my mother-in-law nor my wife love light music.

  5. Either he met with an accident or he forgot the date.

  6. I’ve got something else to think of, but I’m leaving.

  7. Either the phone or the doorbell is ringing.

  8. You must be polite or nobody will love you.

  9. He went across to the telephone, but the telephone stopped ringing.

  10. Leo stopped the car and the little man scrambled out of the car.

  1. State the type of the clause in the complex sentences. (s; p; o; a; d)

  1. We have no one who can be sent in this place.(S)

  2. We walked into the Green Park – that he might cross to Victoria Station and take the Underground into the City.(A)

  3. The curtains were not yet drawn though the lights outside were lighted.(O)

  4. The question is how we get there.(P)

  5. He said that he had been to the seaside.(O)

  6. How they do it has never been disclosed.(S)

  7. Give help to him who needs it.(O)

  8. What the telegram said was not clear.(S)

  9. The difficulty seems how he will word this rule.(A)

  10. His knowledge of their language being derived from his public school, he did not understand them, when they spoke.(O)

  1. A) Connect each pair of sentences into a complex sentence with a s-clause.

Choose the conjunctive by the underlined element, otherwise use “that”.

Model: We shall meet in the park. Something must be decided now. Where we shall meet must be decided now.

  1. It never occurred to me that she may be against it.

  2. What she had said was absolutely true.

  3. It seemed of no importance that they were going to manage it somehow.

  4. Many things he suggested are always accepted.

  5. It doesn’t concern me anymore that she might come back any time.

b) Connect two sentences into a complex sentence with a P-clause. Choose the conjunctive by the underlined element, otherwise use “that”, “if”, “whether”, “as if (though)”.

1. He looked as if he was about to say something.

2. Is the difficulty whether he will cope with the task somehow?

3. The matter is that I could get tweed for a jacket somewhere.

4. The data seem just these that we want for the report.

5. The question is whether they may be willing to share the responsibility with us.

c) Connect two sentences into a complex sentence with an O-clause. Choose the conjunctive by the underlined element, otherwise use “that”, “if”, “whether”.

1. I depended on what he promised.

2. She wondered if his words were doubted for some reason.

3. The teacher spoke of the outdoor activities that should be planned in this way.

4. Can you think of whether he develops films somewhere?

5. People are always eager to listen to all manner of things that he always says.

d) Connect two sentences into a complex sentence with an A-clause. Use the conjunctives “who”, “whom”, “which”, “that”, “when”, “where”, “why”, “such…as”, “the same…as”, “whose”.

1. They were at the age when they ought to act wisely.

2. She showed me the same photo of her son which she shows to everybody.

3. The man whose hair was close-cropped looked funny.

4. The tower clock which change the train of his thoughts struck the hour.

5. All the books which had pictures were sent to the little girl.

e) Connect two sentences into a complex sentence with a D-clause expressing different relations between two events.

1. They talked and dined.

2. I shall die or they will force me to spend another night in that room.

3. I shall explain it again, so you can understand it better.

4. He looked at her as if he saw her for the first time.

5. The picture is marvelous, so the visitors couldn’t tear their eyes off it.

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