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Задание n 14.

John _________ take a taxi because he was late.

Варианты ответа:

  1. had to

  2. was able to

  3. could

  4. was to


Чтобы правильно выполнить задание, следует знать модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты и правильно перевести варианты ответов:

had to – должен был, пришлось (эквивалент модального глагола must в прошедшем времени);

could − мог, умел (форма прошедшего времени глагола can);

was to – должен был (в соответствии с намеченным планом или договоренностью; эквивалент глагола must в прошедшем времени);

was able to – мог, был в состоянии (эквивалент глагола can в прошедшем времени).

Согласно контексту, только вариант ответа had to является правильным: «Джону пришлось взять такси, так как он опаздывал».

Задание N 15.

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Susan: «Hi, Mary. How’s life?»

Mary: «_______________».

Варианты ответа:

  1. Fine, thanks. And you?

  2. How do you do?

  3. Thanks, nice to see you.

  4. Very well, thank you. What about you?

Задание N 16.

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Receptionist: «________________».

Guest: «I’d like a single room for one night».

Варианты ответа:

  1. How long are you going to stay in the hotel?

  2. Good morning, sir. I’m at your service.

  3. What do you want, sir?

  4. What is your name, please?

Задание N 17.

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Student: «Shall I read the text again for the next time?»

Teacher: «_______________».

Варианты ответа:

  1. Yes, of course.

  2. Nothing of the kind.

  3. It’s out of the question.

  4. You seem to know better.

Задание N 18.

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Receptionist: «Can I help you?»

Customer: «________________»

Варианты ответа:

  1. A coke and a cheese sandwich for room 148. Hurry up!

  2. Of course, you can! It’s not just a pleasure call!

  3. Yes, could I have a coke and a cheese sandwich for room 148, please.

  4. What do you think?

Задание N 19.

The wheel of the London Eye carries 32 sealed and air-conditioned ovoid passenger capsules, attached to its external circumference, each capsule representing one of the …

Варианты ответа:

  1. London Boroughs

  2. London churches

  3. England cities

  4. London Royal residences

Задание N 20.

The biggest state of the USA is ...

Варианты ответа:

  1. Texas.

  2. Alaska.

  3. California.

  4. Hawaii.

Задание N 21.

Gilles Vigneault’s words «My country isn’t a country, it’s winter» are about …

Варианты ответа:

  1. Norway.

  2. Canada.

  3. America.

  4. Iceland.

Задание N 22.

A British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II is …

Варианты ответа:

  1. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill.

  2. James Gordon Brown.

  3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

  4. Clement Richard Attlee.

Задание N 23.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания

Henry Ford

1. Modern production methods took a giant leap forward in 1913 when Henry Ford introduced the use of the assembly line in the production of automobiles. In those days, workers simply picked a spot on the factory floor, and assembled the car from the bottom up. As business grew, Ford began manufacturing many of the component parts formerly purchased from suppliers. Typically, the components were put together by one worker who performed all the operations necessary to assemble them. The method was quite costly, and so only the wealthy could afford to buy automobiles in those days.

2. This did not please Henry Ford who wanted to bring the price of automobiles down to the point where most families could afford them. The key to achieving this goal, in Ford's view, was through the improvement of labour productivity. He needed to find a way to 1) limit the number of operations performed by each worker, 2) bring the work to the worker rather than the other way around, and 3) perform each operation in the most efficient sequence he could find. He found what he was seeking in his new creation: the assembly line.

3. Ford's first line, introduced in April 1913, was used to assemble generators. Working in the old way, one worker had been able to put together 25 to 30 generators in a 9-hour day. This translated to something around 20 minutes per assembly. The new line broke the operation into 29 steps performed by individual workers on parts that were brought to them by the steadily moving assembly line. The new process reduced assembly time to an average of 13 minutes per generator.

4. One year later, additional experimentation divided production into 84 operations and reduced assembly time to 5 minutes per generator. Assembly line methods brought the price of automobiles within the reach of millions of American families. Henry Ford was not an economist, but his assembly lines had changed dramatically both American households and its factories.

Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста.

Варианты ответа:

  1. One of Ford’s intentions was to raise the price of an automobile.

  2. It took 20 minutes to put together a generator with the assembly line method.

  3. Ford’s assembly line noticeably reduced the price of automobiles.

  4. Before Ford’s invention a car was assembled by several workers.