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3. Vocabulary work

a. For each italicized word from the text, choose the best definition according to the context in which it appears, explain its meaning and translate the sentence from the story:

  1. characteristic upright stance : (a) appearance; (b) trait; (c) emotional attitude; (d) position.

  2. the shaft has filaments: (a) barbs, hooks; (b) slender appendages; (c) insulating material; (d) tiny wires.

  3. The resilience of rubber balls : (a) ability to stretch and twist; (b) changeability; (c) ability to recover quickly, bounce back; (d) adaptability.

  4. leaves them unharmed and undismayed : (a) not discouraged or frightened; (b) not embarrassed; (c) in one piece, whole; (d) not endangered.

  5. they waddle perkily inland: (a) ponderously; (b) clumsily; (c) cheerfully; (d) lazilv.

6. in these meagre scrapes (Note: "meagre" is the British spelling

of "meager"): (a) scanty, shallow; (b) deep; (c) well-formed; (d) rocky.

  1. the exertions of courtship : (a) rituals, customs; (b) prescribed forms, rules; (c) strenuous efforts; (d) mysteries, puzzles.

  2. enough food to regurgitate : (a) nourish; (b) provide sufficient sustenance; (c) chew slowly; (d) vomit.

  3. the temperature rises infinitesimally: (a) by a large amount; (b) immeasurably, minutely; (c) quickly; (d) noticeably.

10. fraught with dangers : (a) determined by; (b) made possible because of; (c) accompanied by; (d) minimized by.

b) Find the following in the story, explain its meaning and use it in your own sentences or situations:

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