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2) George Winlcrbourne b) The Quiet American

3) Andrew Manson c) Strangers and Brothers

1) Lewis Eliot d) Death of a I/ era

9. The hero of Cronin's novel The Citadel was

a) an officer. b) an architect, c) a doctor, d) a journalist.

10. The writers John Osborne, Kingsley Amis, John Braine arc known as reprcscntativca of the following literary trends:

a) modernists, b) the Angry Young Men, c) the Lost Generation,

d) the working class novelists.

II. Match the writers with their works.

t) Alan Sillitoc a) Lord of the flies

2) John Osborne b) Look Back in Anger

3) William Golding c) The Black Prince

4) Iris Murdoch d) Key to the Door

12. The action of William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies" takes place

a) in a hunters' club, b) on an uninhabited island, c) at an Engli

school, d) at _a research institute.

13. Which of the 4 characters of the novel Lord of the Flies was head of the hunters


a) Ralph, b) Jack, c) Simon, d) Piggy.

14. Write 3 more titles 0f Iris Murdoch's novels a) The Black Prince, b) c) ? d)

15. The novel The French Leulenarzl's Woman was written by

a) Iris Murdoch, b) J0hn Fowles, c) Muriel Spark, d) Graham


16. Which one of !he 4 statements is right frederick Clegg, !he main characler of !he novel The Cl91/eclor by Fowles,

a) collecled piclurcs; b) was a well-known arli c) kidnapped a girl;

d) commilled suicide.

17. Malch each tille of the novels wilh lhree characlers a) Frederick;

I) The Collector b) Ernestina;

c) Sarah Woodruff;

d) Miranda;

2) The French Lieutenant's Woman e) Charles Smithson;

f) Ferdinand.

18. Which one of the 4 titles is out of place in !he following list?

a) The Magus, b) The Black Prince, c) Daniel Martin, d) The


19. What is common to the following 4 writers?

a) Jonathan Swift (18th c.); b) William Thackeray (19th c.); c) Evelyn

Waugh (20lh c.); d) Muriel Spark (20!h c.).

20. Write the names of at least 3 English science fiction writers a)? b)? c)?


Keys to the Test on the 5-16th Centuries Literature

I. d 8. c 15. d

2. 9. d 16. b

3. a 10. 17. d

4. II. a 18. a

5. a 12. c 19. b

6. c 13. d 20. a

7. b 14. d


Keys to the Test on the English Enlightenment Literature

I. b 7. a 14. b

2. d B. c 15. 1) d, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b

3. I) c, 2) a, 3) b, 4) d 9. b 16. 1) b, 2) c, 3) d, 4) a

4. b 10. b 17. a

5. d 12. b 18.

6. b 13. d

I. c

Kevs to the Test on the 19th century Literature

B.u 15.1)c,2)a,3)b.4)d

2. I) c, 2) a, .3) d, 4) b

3. b (because il is by W Scoll while the other .3 nre by G. Byrol'l)

4. b

5. l)a,2)b,3)c

6. b

7. b

9. b

10. a

II. d

12. a

13. d

14. a

16. b (because it play while the other 3 arc fairy tales)

17. c

18. c

19. I) d, 2) a. 3) b, 4) c

20. a

Keys to the Test on the Literary Work

of J. Galsworthy, H. G. Welts and B. Shaw

I. I) b, e,2)c,d,3)a,f 8.a

15. d

2. c


4. c

5. b

6. b

7. d

9. b,

10. d

11. c

12. c

13. b

14. b

g 16. I) b, d, 2) a, e, I

17. b

18. d

19. d

20. who can't, leaches"

Keys to the Test on the 20th Century Literature

I.e 1l.l)d,2)b,3) 4)c

2.l)a,2)b,3)c 12.b

3. Deu/h of u //era by R. AI· 13. b


4. a (because it is a novel by R. Aldington while the other 3 are by A. Cronin)

5. l ) c, 2) b, 3) d, 4) a

6. d

8. l) b, 2) d. 3) a, 4) c

9. c

10. b

15. b

16. c

17.l)a,d,f2)b, c

18. b (because it is a novel by I. Murdoch while !he other 3 are by J. Fowles)

19. They arc all satirical writers


She was an orphan, beautiful. clever and cunning She lied and bullied and cringed bdore \he rich and she married a man she did not love. In a word, this woman slopped a\ nothing to make her way into high society

2. He was English journalist who came \o an Asian slate as

a reporter He did not want to be involved in politics but \i!e made him change his attitude to the people and events in the country He had to take sides.

3. He was a small weak boy, !he son of a rich merchant who was very

cold and arrogant. As he warllcd to make a good heir and business com·

panion of his son as early as possible, his [ather sent him to school away


from the people who loved and cared for him. This aggravated the boy's health and he soon died deeply mourned by his sister

4. l-Ie was a student and came from an aristocratic family He fell in love with the daughter of a rich owner and was about to marry her When by chance he came to know that his beloved's father had made his big fortune by dishonest means, he broke the engagement. Yet, on learning thai his own income came from the same source her father's did, he changed his mind.

5. He was a professor in linguistics. Once he made a bel with his

friend to prove that it was enough to have good manners and to speak correct English to be taken ior a member of high society.

6. Together with a group of other boys he found himself on an unin­

habited island. He was elected leader of the group. His leadership, howev­ er, was challenged by another teenager who managed to allrac\ most of the children to his side. Two of his loyal friends were killed by their ene­ mies. His own life was in danger too.

7. He was a prince. One day he learnt thai his father had been mur­

dered by his uncle. He was lo avenge the crime yet he delayed action because he realised that evil lay no\ in the king alone, and his allempl lo defeat it might lead to his own death.

B. She was an art student, beautiful and intelligent. One day she was kidnapped by a young man who took her into his country house and locked her in the cellar All her allempls either to free herself from the impri­ sonment or to understand her jailer's motives and find some way to his heart failed. Finally her health broke under the strain and she died.

9. He was a ship's surgeon. One day the ship was caught in a storm. Afler the shipwreck the man managed to reach the shore where he immediately fell asleep. On his awakening he found himself on an island inhabited by tiny men only six inches high. His stay in the land of these small people was followed by still stranger adventures in other countries.

10. He was an artist. Once he met a handsome young man whose

beauty impressed him so much that he painted his portrait. The portrait acquired an unusual quality: it changed with time reflecting the young man's spoilt and evil nature while he himself remained young and beautiful. His attempt to reason with lhe young man cost him his liie.

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CONTENTS Note for Teachers 0. Sudlenkuua Literature of the Middle Ages L. Cortes Anglo-Saxon Period

Tlze Sung of Beowulf Anglo-Norman Period Pre-Renaissance

Geoffrey Chaucer

Canterbartt Tales

Popular Baflads .

'II. Literature of the Renaissance 0. Sudlenkova

William Shakespeare . .

Twelfth Night; or, What You Will

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Sonnets .

III. Literature of the Enlightenment 0. Sudlenkova

Daniel Defoe

The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson


Jonathan Swift

Gulliver's Travels

Robert Burns . . .

IV Literature of the Early 19th Century L. Cartes


George Gordon Byron

Chi/de Harold's Pilgrimage

The Corsair

Political Poetry Walter Scott Ivanhoe

V Literature from the 1830s to the 1860s L. Cortes

Critical Realism

Charles Dickens

Dombey and Son

William Makepeace Thackeray

The Book of Snobs

Vanity Fair A Novel Without a Hero

VI. Literature of the Last Decades of the 19th Century L. Cortes


Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray


'--Socialist Literature

VII. Literature of the Early 20th Century L. Cortes

John Galsworthy

The Forsyte Saga

Herbert G, Wells

The War of the Worlds

George Bernard Shaw

.Widower's Houses


VIII. Literature between the Two World Wars N. Nikiforoua

Literature of the 1920s

Katherine Mansfield

The Garden Party
















































Literature of the 1930s

Richard Aldington

Death of a Hero

Archibald Cronin

The Citadel

IX. Literature from the 1940s to the 1990s N. Nikiforoua

James Aldridge .

Signed With Their Honour

, Graham Greene

The Quiet American

Charles Percy Snow

Time of Hope

"The Angry Young Men"

John Osborne

Look Back in Anger

The Working Class Novel

Alan Sillitoe

Key to the Door

Sid Chaplin

Stan Barstow

The Philosophical Novel 0. Sudlenkoua

William Golding

Lord of the Flies

Iris Murdoch N. Nikiforoua

The Black Prince .

John Fowles 0. Sudlenkoua

The Collector

The Sa lirica I Novel 0. Sudlenkova

Muriel Spark

The Public I mage . Science Fiction 0. Sudlenlwua