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I) Charlotte Bronte a) The Strange Case o/ Dr. Jekyll and

Mr. Hyde

2) R. L. Stevenson

3) Joseph Conrad

4) Oscar Wilde

b) Lord Jim

c) Jane Eyre

d) The Picture oJ Dorian Gray

16. Which one of the 4 works by Oscar Wilde is out of place in the fol·

lowing list?

a) The Devoted Friend b) An Ideal Husband c) The Happy Prince

d) The Star Child

17. Which of th¢. writers is the author of the baUad lt1ather Ale?


a) R. Kipling

b) 0. Wilde

c) R. L. Stevenson d) J. Conrad

18. Which one of the 4 novels was not written by R. L. Stevenson?

a) Calriona b) Treasure Island c) Lord Jim d) The Black Arrow

19. Match the literary characters with their authors

I) Tess Derby field a) R. Kipling

2) Mowgli b) 0. Wilde

3) Basil Hallward c) E. L. Voynich

4) Arthur Burton d) T Hardy

20. Which one of the 4 literary trends does not belong to the 19th century a) sentimentalism b) aestheticism c) realism d) romanticism


I. Match the names of the writers with their two works.

a) Widower's Houses

I) John Galsworthy

2) Herbert Wc!ls

3) Bernard Shaw

2. The Forsyte Saga is

b) The Man of Properly

c) The Shupe of the Things to Come

d) The Island of Dr Moreau

c) The Silver Spoon

f) Pygmalion

a) a novel, b) a play, c) a trilogy, tl) a collection of stories.

3. Which one of the four novels by J. Galsworthy docs not belong to his trilogy The forsyte Saga?

a) In Chancery, b) The Man of Property. c) Swan Song, d) To Let.

4. Whid1 was the name of the main character of The Man of Proper-


a) Old Jolyon, b) Fleur, c) Soames Forsyle, d) Young Jolyon.

5. Soames Forsyte's hobby was

a) travelling, b) collecting pictures. c) playing the piano, d) drawing.

6. The Forsytes

a) were an aristocratic family, b) belonged to the upper middle class,

·c:) were highly qualified workers, d) were a family of English farmers.

7. Irene was the name of

a) Fleur's mother, b) Soamcs's sister, c) Young Jolyon's daughter, d) Soames's wile.

8. Young Jolyon was

a) a painter, b) a merchant, c) a lawyer, d) an officer

9. Choose four words that might suit to characterise the Forsytc family

a) poverty, b) sense of properly, c) snobbism, d) practicality, e) kind-

ness, f) self sacrifice, g) arrogance, h) charily

10. At the University H. G. Wells sl.udicd

a) physics, b) law, c) medicine, d) biology.

II. In which of the four novels did Wells condemn dangerous experi­

ments on men and animals'

a) First Men in the Muon. b) The War of the Worlds, c) The Island uf Dr Moreau, d) The Time Machine.

12. In which of the four works did he predict the coming of fascism

a) The Time Machine, b) The Invisible Man, c) The Shape of the

Things to Come, d) Russia in the Shadows.


13. The Martians came to the Earth hecause a) they wanted to study the Universe

b) they could no longer slay on their planet c) they wanted lo 111ake an experiment

d) they were going to l<1ke some people of the Earth back to Mars

with them

14. "Morlocks" and "EIIoi" are the names oi human beings in

Wells's novel

a) The War in the Air, b) The Time Machine, c) The Invisible Man,

d) The Island of Dr. Moreau.

15. In which of the four plays did B. Shaw show the dirty source of the bourgeoisie's wealth?

a) John Ball's Other Island, b) Major Barbara, c) Pygmalion,

d) Widower's Houses.

16. Match the titles of the plays with the names of the characters. a) Eliza Doolittle

I) Widouer' Houses h) Mr. Trench

c) Mr Sartorius d) Mr. Lickcheese

2) Pygmalion c) Prof. Higgins

f) Colonel Pickering

17. Shaw called his first three plays

a) Plays Pleasant, b) Plays Unpleasant, c) Well-made Plays, d) En·

tertainment Plays.

lB. Prof. Higgins wanted to prove that in order to be taken lor a noble person in English society it was enough

a) to be beautiful, b) to have a lot of money, c) to have good connec­

tions, d) to have good manners and pronunciation.

19. In the play Pygmalion Bernard Shaw a) criticized England's colonial policy b) spoke against wars

c) exposed the hypocrisy of the rich

d) showed the deep feelings and sincerity oi the common people

20. Shaw was a very witty person. His plays arc full of paradoxical thoughts. Complete, if you can, the following aphorism of his:

"He, who can, does, he who can't,


l. Which one of the 4 literary trends do James Joyce and Virginia

Woolf represent?

a) aestheticism b) nco-romanticism c) modernism d) realism

2. Match the writers with their works.

I) James Joyce a) Ulysses

2) Virginia Woolf b) Mrs. Dalloway

3) D. H. Lawrence c) Sons and Louers


3. Add the Iitle and the narnc of its English author to the list of anti·

military novels about the "lost generation''

a) Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

b) All Quiet On the Western !-'ron/ by E. M. Rcmarquc

c) )

4. Which one of the 4 novels is out of place in the following group' a) The Colonel's Daughter, b) Natter's Castle, c) Tile Slurs Look

Down, d) The Citadel.

5. Where docs the action of each of the following novels by Graham

Greene take place'

t )The Quiet American

2) The Comcdia11s

3) Tile Human Factor

4) Doctor Fischer

a) in Geneva b) Haiti

c) in Vietnam

d) South Africa

6. ,\\r Fowler The Quiet American helped the Vietnamese parli·

sans to do away with Pyle because

a) Pyle was working for the French colonialists b) Pyle interfered with fowLer's journalist work c) Pyle was Fowler's rival

d) Pyle was paving the way for the US intervention in Vietnam

7. Wrilc down the titles of at least three of Charles Percy Snow's novels

a)' u)' c)

8. Match the names of characters with the lilies of the novels.

I) Fowler a) The Citadel