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Текст 5. These boots are made for export (Part II)

In the second year he had a turnover of 50,000 units. He moved from his kitchen into a small workshop, making wax by night and selling it by day. He sold to outdoor shops all over the UK and interrailed around the mountain centres in Europe, winning orders from the big names in boots, Fjellraven, Edelweiss and Kaufmann, Van de Sport. Le Trappeur, France's biggest manufacturer, ordered 60,000 tins. European sales outstripped those in the UK. Nick believes strongly in research and international marketing. He is a linguist (an ex-student of the School of African and Oriental Studies) and he makes sure his foreign language publicity material is accurate to the last accent. Unlike most British companies, he invoices in local currency. "I'd rather risk losing money on individual deals than loosing a customer because exchange rates have changed". The big question now is whether outdoor shops can survive the recession. Four years of drought on top of economic decline have been bad for business. "Now, thank God, it's raining," says Mr. Brown. NOTES: interrail – внедрять, распространять; outstrip – превосходить; recession – падение спроса; drought – зд: застой. TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH: 1. На второй год товарооборот был 50000 пар. 2. Он верит в международный маркетинг. 3. Трудно сказать, кто сможет пережить падение спроса.

Английский язык. Задание №6

"ГЛАГОЛ. Система времен в действительном залоге "

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных: 1. Tomorrow I’ll interview/I’ll be interviewing candidates all morning. 2. We will have moved/will be moving to our new premises by August. 3. Don’t forget to turn off the lights before you are leaving/you leave. 4. We will be repaying/will have repaid the bank loan by December. 5. I was going to write/was writing to them, but I forgot. 6. Our visitors are due to arrive/due arriving at 10.30. 7. When the contract is/will be ready, I’ll let you know. 8. Will we/shall we break for coffee now?

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Present Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect: 1. By the time all the papers are ready, the deadline _______. (pass). 2. The flight _______ (leave) at 1 pm and _______ (arrive) at 3.45. 3. I _______ (see) Nick tomorrow, so I can give him a message. 4. This taxi is so slow. By the time we get there the meeting _______ (finish). 5. Sorry, I can’t see you on the 15th – I _______ (play) golf with a client. 6. I won’t do anything until I _______ (hear) from you. 7. Hurry up! By the time we arrive, the play_______ (start). 8. What _______ (you/learn) by the end of your course? 9. _______ (you/use) the conference room next Tuesday? 10. When I _______ (see) him, I’ll ask him.

Упражнение 3. Выберите подходящий вариант из данных: 1. While I looked/was looking for my keys, I suddenly remembered I left/had left them at home. 2. In those days the unions used to/had used to go on strike whenever there was/was being a problem. 3. After they were buying/had bought the company, they started/were starting to make a lot of people redundant. 4. Jack used to have/was having a Mac, but then he used to change/changed to a PC. 5. I asked about my package in reception, but they said/were saying that it still hadn’t arrived/wasn’t arriving. 6. I was sure that I used to lock/had locked the door to my office last night, but it was/had been open this morning. 7. I’m sure that the winters used to be/had been colder when I was a child. I remember that we used to walk/were walking to school in the snow every winter. 8. I had gone/went back to the restaurant to look for my umbrella, but found/was finding that someone took/had taken it. 9. When George saw/was seeing Diane at the seminar, he knew/was knowing that he met/had met her somewhere before. 10. While I had/was having breakfast I looked/was looking at the financial pages to see the share prices. I saw/was seeing that my original investment grew/had grown by over 40%.