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Isaac. The Limits of Empire. The Roman Army in the East.Pdf

Hippocrates in Context.pdf

Carey. Trials from Classical Athens.pdf

Neusner. Four Stages of Rabbinic Judaism.pdf

Kaegi. Byzantium and the Decline of Rome.pdf

Osborne. Classical Landscape with Figures. The Ancient Greek City and its Countryside.pdf

Parkin. Demography and Roman Society.pdf

Holum. Theodosian Empresses. Women and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity.pdf

Garnsey. Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World. Responses to Risk and Crisis.pdf

Finley. Politics in the Ancient World.pdf

Schaps. Economic rights of women in ancient Greece.pdf

Plutarch and the Historical Tradition.pdf

Lieu. From Constantine to Julian. A Source History.pdf

Powell. The Shadow of Sparta.pdf

Constantine. History, Historiography and Legend.pdf

Canning. A History of Medieval Political Thought 300-1450.pdf

Erasmo. Roman Tragedy. Theatre to Theatricality.pdf

Demand. Birth, Death, and Motherhood in Classical Greece.pdf

Garland. The Greek Way of Death.pdf

Chaplin. Livy's Exemplary History.pdf

Lewis. Surveying Instruments of Greece and Rome.pdf

Whittaker. Rome and Its Frontiers. The Dynamics of Empire.pdf

Meijer. Emperors Don't Die in Bed.pdf

Speidel. Ancient Germanic Warriors. Warrior Styles from Trajan's Column to Icelandic Sagas.pdf

McHardy. Women's Influence on Classical Civilization.pdf

Mousourakis. A Legal History of Rome.pdf

Keaveney. Lucullus. A Life.pdf

Gabbert. Antigonus II Gonatas. A Political Biography.pdf

Alston. Soldier and Society in Roman Egypt. A Social History.pdf

King. Hippocrates' Woman. Reading the Female Body in Ancient Greece.pdf

Dodgeon. The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars, AD 226-363. A Documentary History.pdf

Harrington. Wisdom Texts From Qumran.pdf

Goodman. The Roman World 44BC - 180 AD.pdf

Berger. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law.pdf

Nock. St Paul.pdf

Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times

Oltean. Dacia. Landscape, Colonization and Romanization.pdf

Keaveney. The Army in the Roman Revolution.pdf

Harding. Archaeology of Celtic Art.pdf

Barrett. Agrippina. Mother of Nero.pdf

Goodman. The Roman City and its Periphery.pdf

Yunis. Written Texts and the Rise of Literate Culture in Ancient Greece.pdf

Bernstein. The Formation Of Hell. Death And Retribution In The Ancient And Early Christian Worlds.pdf

Bauman. Human Rights in Ancient Rome.pdf

Keppie. The Making of the Roman Army. From Republic to Empire.pdf

Levick. Government of the Roman Empire. A Sourcebook.pdf

Barrett. Agrippina. Sex, Power and Politics in the Early Empire.pdf

Castleden. Myceneans. Life in Bronze Age Greece.pdf

Walbank. Polybius, Rome and the Hellenistic World. Essays and Reflections.pdf

Aeschines. Against Timarchos.pdf

Dunderberg. The Beloved Disciple in Conflict. Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas.pdf

Lysias (ed. Todd).djvu

Izmirlieva. All the Names of the Lord. Lists, Mysticism, and Magic.Pdf

Neusner. Judaism and Christianity in the Age of Constantine. History, Messiah, Israel, and the Initial Confrontation.pdf

Harmless. Desert Christians. An Introduction to the Literature of Early Monasticism.pdf

Emilsson. Plotinus on Intellect.pdf

Wender. Roman Poetry. From the Republic to the Silver Age

Wiles. Tragedy in Athens. Performance Space and Theatrical Meaning

Mathisen. Law, Society, and Authority in Late Antiquity.pdf

Prayer, Magic, and the Stars in the Ancient and Late Antique World.pdf

Mesopotamia and the Bible.pdf

Johnson. Ethnicity and Argument in Eusebius' Praeparatio Evangelica.pdf

Putnam. Virgil's Aeneid. Interpretation and Influence

Bowditch. Horace and the Gift Economy of Patronage

Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic.pdf

Reading Latin.pdf

Finney. The Invisible God. The Earliest Christians on Art.pdf

Explaining Christian Origins and Early Judaism. Contributions from Cognitive and Social Science.pdf

Frontinus. De Aquaeductu Urbis Romae.pdf

Thompson. The Book of Revelation. Apocalypse and Empire.pdf

Craik. Two Hippocratic Treatises on Sight and on Anatomy.pdf

Russell. Information Gathering in Classical Greece.pdf

Finkelberg. Greeks and Pre-Greeks. Aegean Prehistory and Greek Heroic Tradition.pdf

Eusebius. Life of Constantine.pdf

Buckler. Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century BC.pdf

Dover. Greek Popular Morality in the Time of Plato and Aristotle.pdf

Lovatt. Statius and Epic Games. Sport, Politics and Poetics in the Thebaid.pdf

Brunt. Italian Manpower - 225B.C.-A.D.14.pdf

Theophrastus of Eresus. On Weather Signs.pdf

Rostovtzeff. The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World. Vol. III.pdf

Dignas, Winter. Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity. Neighbours and Rivals.pdf

Bell. Women of Classical Mythology. A Biographical Dictionary

Mapping Gender in Ancient Religious Discourses.pdf

Rostovtzeff. The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World. Vol. II.pdf

Bergsma. The Jubilee from Leviticus to Qumran.pdf

Rostovtzeff. The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World. Vol. I.pdf

Cairns. Aidos. The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature.pdf

The Wisdom of Egypt. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity (Essays in Honour of Gerard P. Luttikhuizen).pdf

Arnold. The Social Role of Liturgy in the Religion of the Qumran Community.pdf

Cloke. This Female Man of God. Women and Spiritual Power in the Patristic Age, AD 350-450.pdf

Ellis. Ptolemy of Egypt.pdf

Bagnall. Reading Papyri, Writing Ancient History.pdf

Collins. Jewish Cult and Hellenistic Culture. Essays on the Jewish Encounter with Hellenism and Roman Rule.pdf

Rocca. Galen on the Brain. Anatomical Knowledge and Physiological Speculation in the Second Century AD.pdf

Low. The Athenian Empire.pdf

Gibson. Interpreting a Classic. Demosthenes and His Ancient Commentators.pdf

Lenski. Failure of Empire. Valens and the Roman State in the Fourth Century AD.pdf

ANRW. II, 16, 2.pdf

James. Learned Girls and Male Persuasion. Gender and Reading in Roman Love Elegy.pdf

Lawson. Science in the Ancient World. An Encyclopedia.pdf

Wilkes. The Illyrians.pdf

Theocritus. Encomium of Ptolemy Philadelphus.pdf

Prent. Sanctuaries and Cults in Crete from the Late Minoan IIIC to the Archaic Period. Continuity and Change.pdf

Dunn. The Emergence of Monasticism. From the Desert Fathers to the Early Middle Ages.pdf

Sivan. Palestine in Late Antiquity.pdf

Holt. Alexander the Great and the Mystery of the Elephant Medallions.PDF

Dillon. Ancient Greece. Social & Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Socrates.PDF

Bowe. Aristotle and Plotinus on being and unity.pdf

Goff. Citizen Bacchae. Women's Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece.pdf

Girard. The Scapegoat.pdf

Acosta-Hughes. Polyeideia. The Iambi of Callimachus and the Archaic Iambic Tradition.pdf

Christ. The Bad Citizen in Classical Athens.pdf

Qumran Between the Old and New Testaments.pdf

Clarke. Making Time for the Past. Local History and the Polis.pdf

Cole. Landscapes, Gender, and Ritual Space. The Ancient Greek Experience.pdf

de Romilly. The Great Sophists in Periclean Athens.pdf

de Ste. Croix. Athenian Democratic Origins and other essays.pdf

Dillery. Xenophon and the History of His Times.pdf

Edwards. Hesiod's Ascra.pdf

Ehrenberg. The Greek State.pdf

Farenga. Citizen and Self in Ancient Greece. Individuals Performing Justice and the Law.pdf

Fornara, Samons. Athens from Cleisthenes to Pericles.pdf

Grote. A History of Greece. From the Time of Solon to 403 BC.pdf

Hansen. Polis. An Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State.pdf

Hanson. Hoplites. The Classical Greek Battle Experience.pdf

Hanson. The Wars of the Ancient Greeks.pdf

Harris. Aeschines and Athenian Politics.pdf

Harris. Democracy and the Rule of Law in Classical Athens Essays on Law, Society, and Politics.pdf

Hesk. Deception and Democracy in Classical Athens.pdf