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Каталог кафедральной библиотеки.docx
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Veyne. Did the Greeks Believe in Their Myths. An Essay on the Constitutive Imagination.Pdf

Budin. The Ancient Greeks. New Perspectives.pdf

Castleden. Minoan Life in Bronze Age Crete.pdf

Rawson. Children and Childhood in Roman Italy.pdf

Segal. Tragedy and Civilization. An Interpretation of Sophocles.pdf

Studies Presented to Sterling Dow.pdf

Dimont. Appointment in Jerusalem.pdf

Preaching in Judaism and Christianity. Encounters and Developments from Biblical Times to Modernity.pdf

The Apostolic Tradition. A Commentary.djvu

Janko. Aristotle on Comedy. Towards a Reconstruction of Poetics II.pdf

Hengel, Markschies. The 'Hellenization' of Judaea in the First Century After Christ.djvu

Watson. Phantasia in Classical Thought.pdf

Hayes. Church and society in documents, 100-600 A.D.pdf

Bowie. Aristophanes. Myth, Ritual and Comedy.pdf

Bovini. Sarcofagi paleocristiani di Ravenna.pdf

Studia Philonica Annual, XVIII, 2006.pdf

Cambi. Sarkofazi lokalne produkcije u Dalmaciji (II. do IV. stoljece).pdf

Rooke. Zadok's Heirs. The Role and Development of the High Priesthood in Ancient Israel.pdf

Hitchcock. Theory for Classics. A Student's Guide Adapted from Theory for Religious Studies.pdf

O'Connell. The Ghosts of Cannae. Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic.pdf

Smith. A Study of Plutarch's Life of Artaxerxes (1881).pdf

Dunn. Present Shock in Late Fifth-Century Greece.pdf

Auguries. The Jubilee Volume of the Sheffield Department of Biblical Studies.pdf

Sickinger. Public Records and Archives in Classical Athens.pdf

Res Gestae Divi Augusti. The Achievements of the Divine Augustus (Brunt, Moore).pdf

Bailey, Van der Broek. Literary Forms in the New Testament.pdf

Kilgallen. A Wealth of Revelation. The Four Evangelists' Introductions to their Gospels.pdf

The Apocalypse of Elijah. Based on P. Chester Beatty 2018.pdf

Osborn. The Beginning of Christian Philosophy.pdf

Relics and Remains.pdf

Nag Hammadi Studies - IV.djvu

Goff. Discerning Wisdom. The Sapiential Literature of the Dead Sea Scrolls.pdf

Studies on the Derveni Papyrus.pdf

Livingstone. A Commentary on Isocrates' Busiris.pdf

Bettin. Italian Jews from Emancipation to the Racial Laws.pdf

Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis. Vol. III. Syria & Cyprus.pdf

Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis. Band I. Eastern Europe.pdf

Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis. Band II. Kleinasien.pdf

The Missions Of James, Peter, And Paul. Tensions In Early Christianity.pdf

Brill's Companion to Cicero. Oratory and Rhetoric.pdf

Hollander, De Jonge. The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs A Commentary.djvu

Buraselis. Kos Between Hellenism and Rome. Studies on the Political, Institutional, and Social History of Kos from Ca. the Middle Second Century.pdf

Wallace-Hadrill. Christian Antioch. A Study of Early Christian Thought in the East.pdf

Fornara. Archaic Times to the End of the Peloponnesian War (Translated Documents of Greece and Rome (No. 1)).pdf

Witherington. Women and the Genesis of Christianity.pdf

Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum. Pre-Achaemenid and Achaemenid Periods. Vol. 3.pdf

Bound by the City. Greek Tragedy, Sexual Difference, and the Formation of the Polis.pdf

Sarton. Galen of Pergamon.djvu

Greek vases, images, contexts and controversies.pdf

Writing and Reading War. Rhetoric, Gender, and Ethics in Biblical and Modern Contexts.pdf

Pagan Gods and Shrines of the Roman Empire.pdf

Bar-Kochva. The Seleucid Army. Organization and Tactics in the Great Campaigns.pdf

Matthews. The Journey of Theophanes. Travel, Business, and Daily Life in the Roman East.pdf

Bradeen. A history of Chalkis to 338 B.C..pdf

Farnell. The Cults of the Greek States, Volume 4.pdf

Wilcox, Trevino. Barbarians against Rome. Rome's Celtic, Germanic, Spanish and Gallic Enemies.pdf

Whose Historical Jesus.pdf

Ancient Empires of the East. Herodotos I-III (Sayce, 1883).pdf

Approaching Yehud. New Approaches to the Study of the Persian Period.pdf

The Pseudepigrapha and Early Biblical Interpretation.pdf

Jameson, Jordan, Kotansky, A Lex Sacra from Selinous.pdf

Bagnall. The Florida Ostraka. Documents from the Roman Army in Upper Egypt.pdf

Himmelfarb. A Kingdom of Priests. Ancestry and Merit in Ancient Judaism.pdf

The 'Orphic' Gold Tablets and Greek Religion. Further Along the Path.pdf

Tarn. Hellenistic Military and Naval Developments.pdf

Studies in the Greek Historians.pdf

The Assumption of Moses. A Critical Edition With Commentary (ed. Tromp).djvu

Jobes, Silva. Invitation to the Septuagint.pdf

Keel. The Symbolism of the Biblical World. Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Book of Psalms.pdf

Campbell. The Hero with a Thousand Faces.pdf

Humphries. Christian Origins and the Language of the Kingdom of God.rar

Louden. Homer's Odyssey and the Near East.pdf

Evangeliou. Hellenic Philosophy. Origin And Character.pdf

Zimmermann. The Law of Obligations. Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition.pdf

Katsari. The Roman Monetary System. The Eastern Provinces from the First to the Third Century AD.pdf

Atac. The Mythology of Kingship in Neo-Assyrian Art.pdf

Encyclopedia of Judaism.pdf

Page. Further Greek Epigrams. Epigrams before AD 50 from the Greek Anthology and other sources, not included in 'Hellenistic Epigrams' or 'The Garland of Philip'.pdf

Runia. Exegesis and Philosophy. Studies on Philo of Alexandria.pdf

Jennings. Globalizations and the Ancient World.pdf

O'Regan. Gnostic return in modernity.pdf

Jesus, the Gospels, and Cinematic Imagination. A Handbook to Jesus on DVD.pdf

Scurlock. Magico-Medical Means of Treating Ghost-Induced Illness in Ancient Mesopotamia.pdf

Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds. A Source Book (Ogden).pdf

Eve's Children. The Biblical Stories Retold and Interpreted in Jewish and Christian Traditions.pdf

Jews or Christians. The Followers of Jesus in Search of Their Own Identity.pdf

Paradise in Antiquity. Jewish and Christian Views.pdf

Cumont. After life in Roman paganism.pdf

O'Collins, Jones. Jesus Our Priest. A Christian Approach to the Priesthood of Christ.pdf

Wieder. The Qumran Sectaries and the Karaites.pdf

Trexler. The Journey of the Magi. Meanings in History of a Christian Story.pdf

Magness. Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit. Jewish Daily Life in the Time of Jesus.pdf

Josephus, the Bible, and History.pdf

Sourvinou-Inwood. Reading Greek Death. To the End of the Classical Period.pdf

Karenga. Maat, the moral ideal in ancient Egypt. A study in classical African ethics.pdf

Papanghelis. Propertius. A Hellenistic Poet on Love and Death.pdf

Kannaday. Apologetic Discourse and the Scribal Tradition. Evidence of the Influence of Apologetic Interests on the Text of the Canonical Gospels.pdf

Tsitsibakou-Vasalos. Ancient Poetic Etymology. The Pelopids Fathers and Sons.pdf

Jeremias. Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus. An Investigation into Economic and Social Conditions during the New Testament Period.pdf

Baert. A Heritage Of Holy Wood. The Legend Of The True Cross In Text And Image.pdf

Nir. The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Idea of Redemption in the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch.pdf

Fraser. Cities of Alexander the Great.pdf

Edwards. Christianity. The First Two Thousand Years.pdf

Pritchard. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament with Supplement.pdf

The Bible at Qumran. Text, Shape, and Interpretation.pdf

Johnson, Ryan. Sexuality in Greek and Roman Literature and Society. A Sourcebook.pdf

Segal. From Sermon to Commentary. Expounding the Bible in Talmudic Babylonia.pdf

Stone. Ancient Judaism. New Visions and Views.pdf

Pindar's Poetry, Patrons, and Festivals. From Archaic Greece to the Roman Empire.pdf

Ramsay. The Historical Geography of Asia Minor.djvu

Hardie. Virgil's Aeneid. Cosmos and Imperium.pdf

Libanius's Progymnasmata. Model Exercises in Greek Prose Composition and Rhetoric.pdf