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4. Translate the sentences:

It's unlikely in the short to medium term at least that Cuba will be moving to a different beat.

There's speculation that Castro will use the opportunity to step aside for good

Every five years, Cubans judiciously head off to the ballot booth in what the regime insists is democracy in action. Big, old American Buicks and Chevys rattle down pot-holed roads providing constant reminders of life before the revolution.

In class

1. Listen to the Webcast Cubans turn out at the polls and do the exercises.

2. When a conclusion can be foregone? Give an example.

C – Comprehension Test 1

1. The presenter believes that the outcome of Cuban elections

A was predetermined

B was different from the one expected

C was not typical for a communist country

2. The more sophisticated stage begins next month

A when the next president will have to appoint the assembly of new politicians

B when the newly-elected assembly will have to elect a new head of the state

C when the president will have to call for the State Assembly elections

3. Havana's busy streets

A demonstarate progress that has been made by the country for 50 years

B demonstrate that nothing has changed

C demonstrate how insignificant are the changes

4. Raul Castro has called for

A open discussion about country’s future

B fearless people to protect Cuba's communist future

C debate president’s future

5. A woman in the marketplace says that

A elections are not very important

B elections are very important but she won’t participate

C elections are very important and she is going to vote for socialism

6. There's speculation that

A Fidel Castro is rapidly recovering from serious surgery

B will leave the post for ever

C will use the opportunity to remain in power

7. A Cuban student told the reporter

A it was time for Fidel Castro to do what he promised

B it was time for Fidel Castro to get in the way of a younger generation of leaders

C he was on the way to one of younger generation of leaders

8.Other people to whom the reporter spoke believed that

A changes are sure to happen but not that soon

B changes will happen soon

C changes will hardly happen anytime soon

9. The reporter himself

A thinks that Cuba is likely to start reforms soon

B thinks that in the short or medium term Cuba will be moving to a different beat

C doesn’t like the idea of changes on Cuba

B – Comprehension Test 2

Part 1

TONY EASTLEY: Cubans have ______________and the 614 candidates on the tickets will all be elected, a ___________________________in the communist country. The tricky part will come next month when the _______________ of new politicians must elect the next president. So far the ______________ Fidel Castro hasn't announced whether he wants to remain in the post or whether he wants his younger brother, Raul Castro, to continue____________________.

Part 2

Michael Rowland reports from Havana. (Sound of traffic) MICHAEL ROWLAND: Havana's busy streets are ____________________how little things have changed in Cuba over the last 50 years. Big, old American Buicks and Chevys rattle down ____________providing constant reminders of life before the revolution. The cars are the same as they were when Fidel Castro __________________.So too is the one-party political system. But every five years, Cubans judiciously _________________________in what the regime insists is democracy in action. They're in the process of ___________________614 National Assembly______________. It's a pretty_____________________________, there are only 614 candidates. If the people here aren't happy with the process, they're ___________________to show it, even though Raul Castro has called for ___________________________about Cuba's future. When AM visited a __________________ marketplace in central Havana, there was a __________________________of views about democracy, Cuban-style.

Part 3 "The elections are something that are very important," said this woman, "We're going to have a ____________________________________for the revolution, for socialism". Once re-elected, the National Assembly will choose Cuba's president, and there's ______________Fidel Castro, who is still recovering from serious surgery 17-months ago, will use the opportunity__________

____________________. This student told me it was time for Fidel Castro ___________________not to get in the way of a younger generation of leaders. "I think it will be good if they come with good ideas to the people. This will be good". Others are more sceptical about real political or economic change happening______________. Part 4.

MICHAEL ROWLAND: "No," says this man, "There is no difference in Cuba between the younger generation and the older, they're all the same". __________________whether Fidel Castro stays or goes, it's in the short to medium term at least that Cuba will be moving_________________________.

(Sound of music)

A – Comprehension Test 3

  1. What is the result of the Cuban election to the National Assembly going to be like? Why does the reporter call it a foregone conclusion?

  2. What is the next step? Why is it tricky?

  3. Was Fidel Castro sure to step aside at the moment of the report?

  4. What are the clear signs of the fact that too little has changed in Cuba since Fidel Castro seized the power?

  5. Do people in the country try to protest against it by means of abstaining from voting?

  6. What did Raul Castro call the Cuban people for?

  7. Where did the repoter interview the Cubans? Who were his interviewees?

  8. What opinions did they voice?

  9. What is the overall opinion about possibility of political and economical changes?

  10. Does the reporter share this opinion?