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4.Translate the sentences:

The warning from the official comes as details emerge of a renewed al-Qaeda internet presence in Britain. He hosted chat rooms for people in Europe. We are obviously mindful of the Madrid bombings A lot of these statements are aspirational.

5. The verb wane means something is diminishing. Write the Russian equivalent to wane in each sentence.

The interest wanes. _______________________

Their glory is waning. _______________________

The moon is waning. ______________________

In class

  1. Listen to the Webcast eu travellers face tougher us flight security and do the exercises.

  2. Match the names with the positions.



  1. Rafael Epstein

  2. Michael Chertoff

  3. Peter Yates

  4. Peter Neumann

    1. PhD from Kings College in London

    2. Scotland Yard's counter terrorism chief

    3. Head of the US Department of Homeland Security

    4. Europe correspondent

5. What kind of program is visa waiver program? What is it for?

C – Comprehension Test 1

1. People travelling to America from Europe will soon

А be more thoroughly checked

В become the major source of terrorism

С secure tougher checks 2. The head of the US Department of Homeland Security told the BBC that A they remember all terrorist acts

B they are mindful of 2 bombings

C they have to remember 1bombng and 2 attempted terrorist acts

3. He believes that terrorists look to Europe as

A a platform for terrorist attacks

B a target for terrorist acts

C both 4. The person that worries US officials

A worked from a small apartment in London

B operated out of a small flat in Morocco

C worked against the internet supporters of Islamism. 5. Irhabi 007 promoted terrorism by

A financial assistance

B moral support

C distributing information 6. Scotland Yard's counter terrorism chief says that Irhabi 007

A appointed a meeting with Al-Qaeda members through the Internet B was responsible for the connection of Al-Qaeda with other networks C was linking into Scotland Yard through the internet. 7. British officials are now concerned about

A establishing a branch of Al-Qaeda in the UK

B establishing a fully-fledged Al-Qaeda network

C a posting that talks about establishing an Al-Qaeda in the UK

8. The site

A called Muslims to kill political leaders except Gordon Brown

B called Muslims to kill political leaders

C cited Gordon Brown to call for killing terrorists

9. Dr Peter Neumann explained to the bbc that

A the website has no credibility among terrorists

B the website has some trust among terrorists

C the existence of the website doesn’t mean that there is any terrorist structure in GB

10. Analysts say the posting could have been A a signal to start a psychological warfare

B a sign of al-Qaeda's waning influence

C a sign of increasing tension within the organization

B – Comprehension Test 2

Part 1

1.What inconveniencies may people traveling from Europe to America face in the nearest future? Why?

2. What facts urged counter terrorism officials to announce the possible toughening security measures?

Part 2 Europe correspondent, Rafael Epstein reports. RAFAEL EPSTEIN: Fly to the US from the Middle East and even with a visa you could face weeks of __________________________. But if you fly there with a European passport, under the ______________________________the first time the US gets to check up on you when you land at the airport. Now European visitors may have to ________________________before they ______________the United States. As Michael Chertoff, head of the US Department of _________________________told the BBC. MICHAEL CHERTOFF: We've watched the rise of _______________________terrorism. We are obviously ____________the Madrid bombings, the attempted bombings in Germany, the aeroplane plot of 2006. And that suggests to us that the terrorists are _____________looking to Europe both as a target and as a platform for terrorist attacks. Part 3 RAFAEL EPSTEIN: On the same day, full details emerged of the sort of person that worries US officials. Operating out of a small flat in West London, Moroccan born Younes Tsouli spent years becoming one of the __________________________________________ supporters of violent Islamism. Using the online name of Irhabi 007 or Terrorist 007, he published manuals on topics like________________, he _________________________________for people in Europe, the US and Bosnia, who said they wanted to launch attacks, and he helped al-Qaeda in Iraq to distribute their internet videos to a wider audience. Part 4 Scotland Yard's counter terrorism chief Peter Yates. PETER YATES: He, I think it's not unreasonable to say, provided a link between core al-Qaeda, the heart of al-Qaeda and the wider networks that he was _______________through the internet.

RAFAEL EPSTEIN: While _______________was sentenced for helping a _______________al-Qaeda__________________, British officials are now concerned about __________________________on a website here that talked about establishing a much less formalised Al-Qaeda in the UK. Officials say they've been looking into activity on a _______________________________internet site that urged young Muslims in Britain to kill political leaders, including Prime Minister Gordon Brown As Dr Peter Neumann from Kings College in London explained to the BBC. PETER NEUMANN: It was certainly published on a website that has some credibility amongst______________. At the same time, a lot of these statements are _____________. It doesn't mean, I think, that there is an actual structure in place. That there are ________________________operating in this country - that would surprise me very much. RAFAEL EPSTEIN: Analysts say the posting could have been the equivalent of simple_________________________, a sign of al-Qaeda's ____________________ or a sign of its future___________________.

A – Comprehension Test 3

1) Why did the USA decide to undertake tougher security measures regarding Europeans traveling to the USA?

2) What may Europeans be asked to do before they fly to the USA?

3) What considerations make the US Department of Homeland Security suggest that Europeans can pose a threat for the USA? 4) What person has become the reason for particular concern of the US Homeland Security Department?

5) What was his on-line name? What kind of activity was he preoccupied with? 6) What was his main role as an internet al-Qaeda supporter? 7) What are British officials now concerned about?

8) What is Dr Peter Neumann’s opinion about the terrorist site? 9) What do analysts say about the credibility of the information provided by the posting on the terrorist site

Text 7. Russia Calls For Equal Partnership with US In High Technology Exchange

At home

1. What kind of partnership can be considered as equal?

2. Why do high technologies become more and more important in an economy of any modern country?

3. What countries export high technologies to Russia? What countries are importers our high technologies?

2. Complete the sentence

So far, the Russian government official implied,….

These days, however,…

Not merely from the point of….

While US exports of high technology….

3. Match the words

  1. map out

  2. room

  3. lop-sided

  4. government

  5. scrutinize

  6. a commodity

  7. an overhaul of

  8. gradual

  9. hampered

  10. restrict customers

  11. penalize by

  12. to tap

its full potential

for further expansion

restrictive and discriminatory measures


by various factors


to advanced technologies


outmoded industries




Fill in the gaps with the help of the elements or whole expressions given above:

  1. A joint initiative by foreign governments and international agencies was launched here on Monday to assist China's ecologically fragile provinces to ________________to cope with the climate change.

  2. The Philipine SNR Coalition started negotiations for a bilateral trade agreeement between the Japan and Philippine governments, protesting against piecemeal job creation for Filipino nurses which they believe to be ____________________ deal."

  3. A bill adopted in late 2004 by Zimbabwe's parliament would require the ______________________________of the nongovernmental organizations activities, causing many NGOs to adopt a "wait-and-see" approach in the country.

  4. To prevent nuke proliferation, NSG members were supposed to closely ___________________ of "trigger list" items

  5. The Asian Development Bank will help the Government of China __________________________ of NGOs to boost state-led poverty reduction efforts, through a technical assistance grant for US$1 million.

4. Translate the sentences:

Business ties with the US side in this field are rough-and-tumble.

Trade barriers restrict Russian customers to advanced US technologies.

Some Russian enterprises are penalized by restrictive and discriminatory measures.

Russia has yet to tap its full potential in high-technology exports overseas.

5. Are the adjectives lop-sided and unilateral synonyms? Explain the difference between them.

In class

1. Listen to the Webcast Russia Calls For Equal Partnership with theUS in High Technology Exchange

and do the exercises.

2. All these word combinations contain the same word ….turnover, ... cooperation, Russian …, US-Soviet …, high-technology …, …. barriers. Guess the word and translate these word combinations.

C – Comprehension Test 1

1 .Trade turnover between Russia and the US last year was

A 25 bln dollars.

B 25 mln dollars

C nearly 25 bln dollars

2 .US and Russia officials are going

A to cease joint actions to expand trade cooperation

B to act together to expand trade cooperation

C to explain the reasons for rade cooperation

3. Trade between the two countries used to be

A mutually beneficial

B unbalanced

C busy

4. Now US-Russian trade pattern

A remains unchanged

B has changed but raw materials still prevail in the Russian export

C has completely changed

5. US technology investments in the Russian market

A are funnelled to software development

B target information technologies

C directed to software development and IT

6. To make the cooperation equal Russia needs to adopt measures at

A the ministerial level

B local administrative level

C government level

7. The US high tech market

A hampers Russian switch to an innovative economy

B only pretends to be important for Russia

C is important to Russia’s switch to an innovative economy

8. Trade relations with the US in this field are

A disorderly

B tough

C checked and balanced

9. US trade barriers

A restrict Russian customers to advance technologies

B restrict Russians to US advanced technologies

C restrict Russians to advance Russian high tech in the USA

10.Russia has yet to

A expand HT exports overseas

B cut down on HT exports overseas

C import HT overseas

B – Comprehension Test 2

Part 1

_______________________between Russia and the United States last year _________________about 25 billion dollars. US and Russia trade officials have been __________________for joint actions to expand trade cooperation, which both sides believe has enough _______________________________________and diversification. Russian trade and economy officials have long complained that trade between the two countries is _________________where Russian exports of raw materials prevail, while US exports of high technology to Russia remains affected by heavy __________________________and control, like in the old Soviet times. In those years each item of US exports to Soviet Russia was heavily _________________and US-Soviet trade remained largely _____________________business. These days, however, the pattern of US-Russian trade has changed considerably, although Russian raw materials still dominate in the overall exports from Russia to the United States. But now US companies are looking to expand technology investments in the Russian market, targeting primarily software development and information technologies.

Part 2

Russia’s first vice-premier Sergei Ivanov last month called for taking what he called political and economic steps to improve Russian-US partnership in high-technology trade. Sergei Ivanov told a government _______________________________that this country needs _______________________________at the government level to make Russian-American cooperation in high technology equal and ________________________in character.__________________, the Russian government official implied, such cooperation is ____________equal _________________mutually beneficial. Sergei Ivanov ____________________________that the US high tech market is particularly important to Russia, not ______________from the point of_______________________, but more importantly from the point of helping Russia _____________an innovative economy, an issue that is being widely discussed in Russia and which spells _____________________________________

__________________________and technologies and their _____________________________

with the latest business trends Part 3 The Russian government official noted that the ______________export of Russian high-technology _________________ to the United States alone amounts to a little more than 1.3 billion dollars. But business _______________with the US side in this field are___________________. In a number of specific areas, he said, they are seriously ___________________by various factors, occasionally of purely political nature. “Administrative trade barriers ________________in the United States that restrict Russian customers ___________________and some Russian enterprises are________________ by __________________and ____________________by the US government that are hard to explain from the point of international law,” Sergei Ivanov said.

These days Russian engineers ______________________________________their skills in the development of Boeing’s Dreamliner aircraft and Russia is exporting rocket engines for use in the United States. But Russia has yet to ______________________in high-technology exports overseas. The United States, ____________, has yet ______whatever ______________________it has on exports of its own high-tech products to Russia.

A – Comprehension Test 3

1) What plans are being mapped out by US and Russia trde officials?

2) What features of US-Russia tade have long disappointed Russia’s trade and economy officials?

3) What in particular has changed in the pattern of the US-Russian trade? What remains unchanged?

4) What did Russia’s vice-premier Sergei Ivanov tell the government commission on export control?

5) Why, according to him, is the US high-tech market particularly important to Russia?

6) What does the swith to an innovative economy spell (entail)?

7) What are the business ties between two countries in this sphere like?

8) What are the main factors that hamper development of mutual beneficial trade in the sphere of high technologies?

9) What is Russia supposed to do to improve the situation?

10) What measures should be taken by the USA in the field?

Text 8. Cubans turn out at the polls

At home

1. What was the political situation on Cuba like in the beginning of 2008?

2. What is known about Cuban political regime?

3 Who were the possible candidatures to replace Fidel Castro in his post?

2. Complete the sentence

The tricky part will come next month when…

Havana's busy streets are testament to…

If the people here aren't happy with the process,…

Once re-elected, the National Assembly will choose….

3. Match the words

    1. cast

    2. candidates

    3. foregone

    4. ailing

    5. pot-holed

    6. head off to

    7. straightforward

    8. fearless

    9. bustling

    10. step aside

    11. to act

Fidel Castro

on one’s pledge

on the tickets


the ballot booth

their votes




for good


Fill in the gaps with the help of the elements or whole expressions given above:

  1. Voters in this northern Pakistani city started ________________________at 8 a.m. local time (0300 GMT) Monday for elections of four Provincial Assemblies and the National Assembly amid tight security.

  2. Although UK motorists pay more than £44billion a year in various taxes including fuel duty, chronic under-investment on the country’s _____________________is still putting lives at risk.

  3. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced he will not run in the Kadima primary scheduled to take place in September and will______________________________.

  4. THE Obama speech to 200,000-plus people in Berlin dominates Europe's front pages today. Such a wide coverage seemed a_____________________, as the press (in Germany, especially) had spent days building up the event.

  5. The ruling Grand National Party, meanwhile, has been demanding the president_________________

___________________, citing inefficient management and overlapping functions of public firms.