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1. The Agent

Not mentioning the agent

In most passive sentences we have no interest in who or what performs the action. We are interested in the action itself, who or what is affected by the action, or what is the result of it (see The Basics). In fact, only about 20% of passive sentences mention the agent: That window has been broken again!

Mentioning the agent

We mention the agent when we think the information is important, especially if we want to say more about it, for example with a relative clause:

I remember being taken to the fair by my father, who

rarely showed any interest in such things.

The survivors were picked out of the water by a cruise

liner which had heard their distress call.

• The agent is usually introduced with by

2 Verbs with two onjects

  • Verbs that have two objects (usually a person and a thing) in the active usually have two passive forms because either of the objects can become the new subject:

They gave the award to an unknown actress.

(= active)

The award was given to an unknown actress.

(= passive)

An unknown actress was given the award.

. (= passive)

  • We usually add a preposition before the personal object. The preposition is usually to:

A note was sent to tlte university.

Sometimes we use for:

A slice of cake was cut for him.

  • We can use some verbs, e.g. allow, ask, cause, forgive, deny, without a preposition: Permission was refused him.

All their sins were forgiven them. Access was denied him.

Ex. 1. Fill each of the gaps in the following newspaper extracts with one of the passive verb phrases below:

is deemed could soon befitted were charged has been held has finally been elected is expected being caused to be printed is auctioned being considered

1 High-tech 'leg-irons' ............ on violent suspects arrested by the police, under plans............by chief constables.

2 Last week, police in Scotland called for the introduction of leg-restraints following concerns about the number of injuries............during struggles in the back of police cars and vans.

3 Four people............last night with public disorder offences after officers mounted dawn raids on suspected football hooligans.

4 Fareed Zakaria, founder of Newsweek,............ to the American Society of Magazine Editors' Hall of Fame.

5 A first-edition copy of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, the first book ............ in England, ............ to raise at least £500,000 when it............ in July.

6 A British woman released early from an attempted murder sentence in the Unites States - a charge which she has always denied -............ in prison because she............ an illegal immigrant.

Ex.2. Add the appropriate extra information (a-e) to the passive sentences (1-5):

1 The news was leaked to the press by the minister ...

2 The minister was attacked by protesters, ...

3 I remember being sent a letter by a man in America ...

4 The winning goal was scored by Fausto Ferrini ...

5 A man was run over by a car ...

a in his first appearance for the club.

b who had waited outside the building all day to voice their opposition to the policies.

c in a deliberate attempt to boost his popularity,

d who complained my article was prejudiced against his country,

e which witnesses said was being driven at very high speed.

Ex.3. Where possible, rewrite each of the following sentences in two different ways, using a different subject each time. Some sentences may be re-written only one way:

1 The police showed the victim a picture of the suspect.

2 People used to sell the tourists fake antiques.

3 Why didn't they offer the customers a refund?

4 They didn't guarantee every participant a free lunch.

5 They reported the incident to the police.

6 People suggested to us that the Internet would be a good source of information.

7 They promised us full compensation if the scheme fell through.

8 The referee declared the boxing match a draw.

9 We'll give the new members of staff all the help they need. 10 The incident earned him the reputation of being unreliable.

Ех. 4. Some of the sentences below contain errors. Correct them:

  1. This famous singer is liked by everybody all over the country.

  2. Chess is having been played everywhere.

  3. After some really hard work the tree was fallen at last.

  4. The suit was not fit so she had to give up the idea of buying it.

  5. He is thought to have every right to be let do it.

  6. In spite of all her efforts, the colours weren't become, alas!

  7. She's just repaired her TV at the shop.

  8. He is said to cut his hair at the barber's already.

  9. She is believed to be resembled this famous actress, what's her name?

  10. He is known to having a tooth taken out yesterday, have you heard?

Ex. 5. Translate the following:

1. У школі вивчають кілька іноземних мов. 2. Газети та журнали доставляють зранку. 3. У крамниці відвідувачів завжди чудово обслуговують. 4. Вистави у театрі ніколи не відкладають. 5. У оселі завжди привітно зустрічають гостей. 6. У крамниці продають не тільки хліб. 7. Будинки у місті будуються дуже швидко. 8. Сукня зроб­лена з шовку. 9. У кафе подають дуже смачну їжу. 10. Тварин у зоопарку годують не тільки м'ясом. 11. Фрукти їдять на десерт. 12. У оселі нас завжди чекають. 13. Анг­лійською мовою розмовляють у багатьох країнах. 14. Про цю людину майже нічого не знають. 15. Зазвичай у наших краях квіти саджають восени. 16. Сотні людей відвідують музей щоденно. 17. На цьому заводі виробляють сучасне обладнання. 18. Канадська пшениця експортується до багатьох країн світу. 19. Україна омиваєть­ся двома морями. 20. Новий рік святкують 1 січня. 21. На уроках іноземної мови зовсім не розмовляють українською. 22. На день народження дітям дарують пода­рунки. 23. Про цю книгу зараз багато говорять і пишуть, 24. У спортивному клубі дітей навчають плаванню. 25. Зазвичай героям споруджують пам'ятники.

ADDITIONAL TRAINING EXERCISES: Do Exercises 3-4, pp.74-75 from the exercise book by V.Kaushanskaya.

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