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9) Translate the following into Russian. Make up 4 sentences of your own according to the models:

1. There is no point in making speeches unless they accomplish something.

2. Why not start out with an anecdote that best exemplifies the feats being honored?

3. An activating speech is designed to get the listener to do something.

4. This is much better than a chronological account of the person's life as if it being read from an obituary.

10) Insert prepositions (away with; of; in; for; to; with):

1. A similar speech could convince people__________the need_______a higher sales tax or better funding____the police force's crime-fighting efforts.

2._____such cases, you can be more emotional and get__________some platitudes.

3. A basic principle_persuasion is that a speaker should provide an audience_____a specific course______action to take.

4. This does not rule____the use_____some humor_____the other kinds_____speeches.

5. A persuasive speech appeals______the audiences self-interest.

11) Make up 10 questions to the text using the words from the vocabulary list.

12) Can you explain the following:

1. The audience wants the benefit of that person's thinking and analysis.

2. Events like grand opening, anniversaries, and retirements usually have friendly, receptive audiences.

13) Develop the following statement:

A speech may inform, persuade, activate, or celebrate.

14) Render the following text in English:

Для успеха выступления крайне важно учитывать специфику, настрой, и ожидание слушателей, которые можно почувствовать в непосредственном контакте с аудиторией. Это впечатление может заставить полностью изменить план выступления и даже его содержание; но не задачу, ибо она остается прежней.

Необходимо также учитывать и количество слушателей. Это совсем не одно и тоже - выступать перед сотней человек или перед десятью.

В большой аудитории могут применяться ораторские приемы, в ней не стоит вести дискуссию, ведь она может быть неинтересна другой части и они своим невниманием могут повлиять на общий настрой. В такой аудитории ра­ботают особенности восприятия большой общности людей. Надо рассчиты­вать на реакцию группы, а не одного человека, а приводимые аргументы дол­жны быть понятны всем.

В маленькой же аудитории можно и даже желательно установить контакты едва ли не с каждым слушателем и тут должны быть совершенно неофици­альные отношения. В такой аудитории нужно продемонстрировать всю глу­бину своих знаний предмета. При этом может быть максимум вопросов, и если оратор не знает ответа на них, то в этом можно признаться (впрочем, так следует поступать во всех случаях) и пригласить слушателей к сотворчеству и взаимному поиску ответа. Для этого также можно познакомить слушателей со всеми аргументами относительно какого-либо мнения и затем найти правиль­ное решение.

Text D

Speech Must Be Timely

Regardless of the nature and the objective of a speech, it must be interesting now. It must include up-to-date facts and information; it does no good to talk about a situ­ation that is no longer current or has no present interest for the audience. If the topic is an old one, it is imperative that the speaker talk about it in a new way. For example, everyone knows that dinosaurs are extinct, but their demise still retains current inter­est as scientists argue over the reasons for it.

If the speech is one of several in a general program, it is wise to learn what others will be talking about. This will provide a context for the talk and add interest by ref­erence to the other topics and speakers. It will also help you avoid saying the same thing as other speakers.

Another dimension of timeliness is the length of the speech. In general, shorter is bet­ter. For a meeting that has no other business, the talk should be about 20 minutes long.

It is a typical practice in many organizations to put the speaker on after a half hour of organizational announcements and committee reports. In such a situation, since the audience will already be getting tired, the talk should last no more than 10 to 15 min­utes. If it is one of several speeches, the limit should be 10 minutes.

The time of day is very important. A morning speech generally finds the audience most alert and receptive. At the end of the day, with the cocktail hour only minutes away, a speaker is at an extreme disadvantage. The latter situation calls for more skills on the part of the speaker; he or she must be more enthusiastic, more forceful, and more attention-getting than his or her morning counterpart.

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