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Informing Speakers

The speaker must know the nature of the session. If it is a panel, a debate, or an interview, the speaker must know what procedures will be followed. Most of these are similar, but there may be slight differences, and you should warn the speaker of any deviations from the norm. If there is to be an interview at a radio station, the speaker should listen to at least one program. If a TV appearance is to be made, the speaker should first watch at least one episode.

A session on home ground will be in familiar surroundings, but if the appearance is to occur at a station, the speaker must know where to sit, where to look, and to whom to talk. Placement of cameras, microphones, and lights is important; your speaker should be familiarized with the setup well before the program is to start. This means early arrival.

If the appearance is a panel, your speaker must know who the other people are and what they are likely to say. This will enable your speaker to avoid echoing others and to supplement their remarks rather than repeating them.

If the appearance is a debate, it is imperative to know the arguments of the opposi­tion. If the speaker knows what the other side is going to claim, it may be possible to demolish erroneous statements and to present more effective arguments. Debating coaches often start their teams by having them present the opposition's arguments.

A team that is to argue in favor of the value-added tax might start by preparing a strong case against it. In this way the debaters will be prepared for the arguments they are likely to face.


Kraft Cheese Co. - компания no производству продуктов питания. Производит сыры с товарным знаком «Крафт», продукты переработки растительных масел -майонез, маргарин и т.д. Расположена в г. Гленвью, шт. Иллинойс.


imperative - необходимый

grant a request - удовлетворить просьбу

permit - позволять

dulcet - сладкий, нежный

at a premium - быть в дефиците

groom - подготавливать

panel - группа экспертов; жюри; семинар, «круглый стол»

deviation - отклонение

demolish - опровергать, уничтожать

erroneous - ошибочный

value-added tax (VAT) - налог на добавленную стоимость

present an argument - выдвинуть аргумент

supplement - добавлять, дополнять


1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

избежать ч.-л.; характер встречи; предупредить кого-либо о ч.-л.; выступление по телевидению; знакомая обстановка; расположение камер и микрофонов; в пользу ч.-л.; тщательно сделать работу; основные вопросы; произвести хоро­шее впечатление.

2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

1. extremely important, necessary, and urgent -

2. a noticeable difference from what is expected or normal -

3. incorrect or wrong -

4. soft and pleasant to hear -

5. to prepare someone for an important job or position in society by training them over a long period -

6. a group of people with skills or special knowledge who have been chosen to give advice or opinions on a particular subject -

3) Translate the following word-combinations into Russian. Think of your own sentences with them:

to convey





To grant

a request

a contest

a favour


4) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Hotel rooms are at a premium during the summer.

2. It's imperative that you leave immediately.

3. At least 15 million Americans still hold the erroneous view that cancer is conta­gious.

4. His son was being groomed to take over the business.

5. A panel of scientists met to discuss the issue of nuclear safety.

6. She refused to grant our request for an interview.

5) Match the words which are close un their meaning:





only (adj)






6) Match the words having the opposite meaning:











7) Complete the sentences with the following words (at a premium; granted; expert­ise; imperative; deviations; permit; convey). Translate them into Russian:

1. It is____to select speakers who can_____ideas and information effectively.

2. You should warn the speaker of any_____from the norm.

3. Another factor is choosing a speaker is_________.

4. Even when time is________a few minutes must be set aside for at least a minimum of preparation.

5. If reporters demand a statement from the president, their request must be ___, but if circumstances____, it may be better to choose some­one else.

8) Write these words with correct negative prefixes (un; in):

effectively; able; attractive; possible; considerable; familiar; desirable.

9) Insert the prepositions where necessary (on; for; with; of; to):

reaction_____smth. ________most occasions

to be familiar________smth. to include_________smth.

to demand__________smth. to give suggestions__________smth.

to prepare_______smth. to warn smb________smth.

10) Make up 10 questions to the text. Begin them with:

who; how; when; where; in what way; why; what.

11) Paraphrase the italicized words:

1.... the spokesperson must take time to prepare for the session.

2.... if the appearance is to occur at a station,...

3.... your speaker should be familiarized with the set up well before the program is to start.

4. Preparation includes giving suggestions on grooming and personal mannerisms.

12) Can you explain the following?

1. ...who is a polished public speaker?

2. A session on home ground will be in familiar surroundings.

3. If the speaker knows what the other side is going to claim, it may be possible to demolish erroneous statements and to present more effective arguments.

13) In every paragraph find one sentence showing the main idea of it.

Text С

The value of knowing the answers to oppositing points was proved in a series of debates conducted during an election campaign to pass a law affecting farm labor. One side repeatedly charged that the opposition was financed primarily by the oil compa­nies. The public relations director for the opposition tried repeatedly to get the facts but didn't succeed until the campaign was almost over. The facts showed that the oil companies had given about 0,5 percent, but the information came almost too late to use.

It is particularly important to know who is going to ask questions. If it is a moder­ator, the speaker should know something about the way in which that moderator conducts a session. If it is a reporter, the speaker needs to know as much as possible about that person's style or approach. A friendly reporter may be after facts, but a hos­tile reporter may be hunting for something to confirm previously established convic­tions.

A hostile reporter might open an interview by asking, "Does your product contain a substance that can cause cancer?" The respondent might truthfully answer yes and never get a chance to explain that the quantity of the carcinogen is so low as to be insignificant. (Many natural foods containing no additives whatever contain minute quantities of substances that have, when given in enormous quantities, caused cancer in laboratory animals. Even peanut butter comes under this cloud.)

By studying the reporter or interviewer and the publication or program that he or she represents, you may be able to make some informed guesses as to the kind of questions that are likely to be asked. Anticipating questions and preparing answers is a vital part of an interview. Fortunately for the person to be interviewed, many such sessions are devoted purely to fact-gathering. In such instances, the speaker merely needs to know what information is wanted and to have it ready. Your responsibility here is, inso­far as possible, to find out before the interview just what the reporter wants.


pass a law - провести закон

affecting - касающийся, затрагивающий

charge - обвинять

primarily - в основном

succeed - преуспеть в ч.-л.

approach - позиция, точка зрения

hunt for smth. - охотиться за ч.-л.

confirm - подтверждать

conviction - убеждение

substance - вещество

cause - вызывать

cancer - рак

quantity - количество

carcinogen - канцерогенное вещество

additive - добавка

minute минимальный

enormous - огромный

peanut butter - арахисовое масло

guess - предположение

anticipate - предполагать

devote - посвящать

moderator - посредник; председатель

conduct a session - проводить заседание

insofar as - поскольку, насколько, в той мере, в какой...


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