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4. Match the words on the left to those on the right. Make 10 word partner­ships and translate them into Russian.

1. unique

a. engineering

2. mechanical

b. salt

3. raw

c. partners

4. dairy

d. products

5. rock

e. reserves

6. trading

f. coal

7. brown

g. goods

8. consumer

h. property

9. private

i. company

10. limited

j. materials

5. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian colloca­tions.

1) благоприятные условия; 2) большие запасы торфа; 3) обладает уникальными запасами; 4) в лечебных целях; 5) производственный потенциал страны; 6) представлена ма­шиностроением; 7) нефтехимическая промышленность; 8) ориентировано на рынки СНГ; 9) главные торговые парт­неры; 10) потребительские товары; 11) рыночные реформы были введены; 12) переход к рыночной экономике; 13) стал­кивается с рядом проблем.

6. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

1. Belarus possesses great ... of peat.

a) values b) settlements c) qualities d) deposits

2. Different forms of ... exist in Belarus.

a) population b) property c) company d) construction

3. Economic problems in Belarus are connected with the ... to the market economy.

a) undergoing b) undertaking c) transition d) construction

4. Belarus imports ... .

a) refrigerators b) paper products c) consumer goods d) fertilizers

5. ... is someone who'organizes, manages and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.

a) Distributor b) Entrepreneur c) Dealer d) Seller

7. Complete the sentences.

Belarus has large deposits of ... .

The country possesses unique reserves of ... .

... reserves are not very large.

Russia still remains ... .

Belarusian economy still faces ... .

Belarus exports ... .

8. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the main minerals found in Belarus?

  2. Does Belarus meet internal requirements in construction materials?

  3. What part of the territory is covered with woods?

  4. What forms of business exist in Belarus?

  5. There are different forms of property in Belarus, aren't there?

  6. What industries are developed in Belarus?

9. Get ready to discuss the following.

At present Belarusian economy faces certain problems. What are these problems and how can they be solved?

Тема: Великобритания (Great Britain)

1.Memorize the words.

mere а — простой

govern v — править, управлять

elect v — выбирать, избирать

urban а — городской

rural а — сельский

accessible а — доступный

valuable а — ценный

grade п — сорт

гаге а — редкий

significant а — значительный

iron ore п — железная руда

manganese п — марганец

copper п — медь

lead п — свинец

tin п — олово

limestone п — известняк

self-sufficient а — экономически самостоятельный

lack п — нехватка, отсутствие

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