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Oxford university

Oxford and Cambridge are the two oldest Universities in England. They date back to the 13th century. Until the 19th century Oxford and Cambridge were the only universities in England, and there was no place for girls. Now they admit men and women.

Oxford University is a federation of independent colleges: Oxford has 23 ordinary colleges for men, 5 for women. All these are equal institutions. In order to become a member of the University a student must first be accepted as a member of a college. Most colleges were founded before 1600, and the oldest three – before 1300. The colleges elect their teachers and heads.

The University has laboratories, libraries and museums, which the students use in their studies. The interested student, during the three year course, can be sure of an opportunity of hearing every political leader in Britain and several of the world’s most distinguished scholars, if he can find the time. Oxford University is famous for the following fact: every Prime Minister from 1945 to 1974 was an Oxford graduate.

Attendance at University lectures is not compulsory, and no records of attendance are kept. A course is selected by an undergraduate independently. The choice depends on the undergraduate’s interest. Undergraduates are provided with tutorials. A tutorial is a weekly meeting of a student with his tutor. A tutor is a teacher of a college. He is an expert in a certain subject. The student’s work is planned and checked by the tutor. Each student goes to his tutor’s room for an hour every week to read out an essay which he and his tutor then discuss. Nowadays, with the increased number of students, it is quite usual for two or more students to attend a tutorial together.

At Oxford there are dozens of students’ societies: dramatic societies, language clubs, musical societies, boxing clubs and so on. In Oxford there are many annual inter-college competitions in many sports and some traditional competitions with Cambridge. The focal point of the season for the University clubs is the fixture against Cambridge in which men and women undergraduates take part. The rivalry between the two Universities at sport is a part of national life, and in particular the Boat Race, which is held near London at the end of March each year, is one of the great British events of the year.

Task 9. Decide whether the sentences are true or false.

  1. Oxford University is an old university. True/False

  2. Oxford University has 23 colleges for men and women. True/False

  3. Attendance at lectures is not compulsory. True/False

  4. A tutorial is a meeting with the tutor. True/False

  5. At Oxford there are not many societies. True/False

Task 10. Match the English sentences with their Russian equivalents.

  1. A student has been told to go to his tutorials three times a week.

  2. A tutor has told a student to visit the tutorials three times a week.

  3. The attendance is compulsory.

  4. The graduates may not attend the lectures.

  5. Students’ societies are organized in every Institution.

  6. There are a lot of students’ clubs in Great Britain.

  7. Oxford and Cambridge were founded in the 13th century.

  8. Many distinguished scholars graduated from Oxford and Cambridge.

  9. It is a tradition that teachers and heads are elected by the college.

  10. It is not a bad idea that the students elect their teachers and heads.

    1. Студенческие общества организуются в каждом учебном заведении.

    2. Посещение обязательно.

    3. Многие выдающиеся ученые закончили Оксфорд и Кембридж.

    4. Студенты старших курсов могут не посещать лекций.

    5. В Великобритании существует много студенческих клубов.

    6. Студенту сказали посещать консультации три раза в неделю.

    7. Преподаватель сказал студенту посещать консультации три раза в неделю.

    8. Оксфорд и Кембридж были основаны в 13 веке.

    9. Не так уж это и плохо, что студенты выбирают преподавателей и заведующих.

    10. Существует традиция, что преподавателей и заведующих избирает колледж.

Task 11. Make sure you know the pronunciation of these words.

Bachelor of Arts /’bæt ∫ələrəv ‘a:ts/

St.Andrews /snt’ændru:z/

Aberdeen /’ æbə’di:n/

Sheffield /’ ∫efi:ld/

Sussex /’sasiks/

York /jo:k/

East Anglia /i:st ’ængliə/

Task 12. Find the answers to the questions below from the suggested text.

  • What institutions of higher education in Britain do you know?

  • What degrees can a student get after studying at the University?

  • What are “concrete and glass” universities?

  • Who is the Open University for?