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What can you do as a geographer?

Geography is an attractive major for students. Its theories and methods provide analytical techniques applicable to a wide range of questions asked over a broad spectrum of occupations. For students planning to end their formal education with the bachelor's degree, a geography major provides marketable skills and the broad perspectives on environment and society that enable graduates to move beyond entry-level positions. For similar reasons, geography provides a sound foundation for students who plan to enter graduate work in a variety of fields, from geography to business, land use planning, law, and medicine.

The potential for practicing geography in private enterprise and government has grown considerably in recent years, although few such positions are designated with the title of geographer. Roughly a quarter of all geographers work in the private and public sectors.

Geographers are environmental problem solvers. They are being called upon to use their skills to address some of the most pressing environmental issues facing our planet. If you have ever wanted to work on environmental issues such as global warming, urban sprawl, resource conservation, or environmental justice, you should study geography.

1. It prepares you to confidently enter the workforce. Geography has a major role to play in framing and answering key environmental, economic, social and political questions. As a diverse subject, it allows students to obtain a range of learning experiences and skills which make geography graduates highly attractive to a wide range of future employers. The skills practiced in geography are used by many professionals: urban and regional planners, resource managers, attorneys, legislators, business and political leaders, architects, marketing consultants and engineers. Preparation in geography is an ideal stepping stone to a wide range of careers.

2. Geography is a diverse, broad field that encompasses a wide range of knowledge. Geography is a broad flexible subject, which may be classified as an art, science or social science. Geography, as a discipline, is as diverse as the problems facing our planet. From saving a forest to planning a downtown development project, geographers are there.

3. Studying Geography promotes environmental literacy. It is widely agreed that education is the most effective means that society possesses for confronting the challenges of the future. In order to address the environmental challenges society is currently faced with, people are needed who can think broadly and understand the systems, connections, and patterns of the physical and cultural world. We desperately need people equipped with the analytical skills necessary to rebuild neighborhoods, towns, and communities.

4. Studying Geography is FUN!! Studying Geography can take you to distant lands and cultures. You can learn about different peoples and places. You can develop the skills that will help you recognize and make sense of the patterns, distributions, and interactions between living things and their environment. Geographers often travel and study places by experiencing them first-hand. They have the opportunity to use cutting edge technology to study the landscapes and patterns that define who we are and what we do.

Task11. Complete the sentences with the right ending.

  1. Geographers are …

    1. literate people.

    2. environmental problem solvers.

    3. unemployed people.

  2. Geography is an attractive major for students because ...

    1. it will promote them.

    2. it is fun.

    3. it provides skills desirable in a broad spectrum of occupations.

  3. Geography is a diverse subject because …

    1. it provides a great variety of problems facing our planet.

    2. it trains different specialists.

    3. students can learn about different people and places.

  4. Preparation in geography is an ideal stepping stone to ...

    1. business.

    2. politics.

    3. a wide range of careers.

5. Studying geography promotes environmental literacy because …

  1. it teaches many subjects connected with the environment.

  2. it teaches students to think in broad terms and understand the systems, connections and patterns of the world.

  3. it makes students environmental problem solvers.

Task12. Speak on the topic “Profession of a geographer”(about 15-16 sentences).


  1. Reasons for work (why do people work).

  2. Personal characteristics for being a geographer (how do you know if you are a geographer).

  3. A sphere of this profession is a travel agency (travel agency as an organization).

  4. Opportunities of this profession.