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Практичне заняття № 3

Тема 3. Молодіжні організації.

TASK 1. Read, translate and retell the text "The Life of Young People in Ukraine"

The life of any age, social or professional group is always determined by the economic, social and political situation of the country. So the economic crisis in Ukraine which followed the split of the former Soviet Union changed the lives of all groups of population including the young people. The unemployment rate among the youth is even higher than among other age groups because they lack working experience and knowledge. As a result the criminal situation in the country has changed for the worse.

All these factors made the Ukrainian government take special measures for creating youth organizations in our country which could help young people to find their place in life, to determine their vocations, to follow the right guidelines. Among these organizations is, for example, “The Students' League” whose activity is aimed at solving various students' problems, including economic ones. The members of this league organize youth forums, festivals and interest group meetings. This organization also has friendly ties with the Student Unions of many foreign countries.

A number of political parties in Ukraine have their youth wings: People's Democratic League of Youth (People's Democratic Party); Ukrainian Social-Democratic Youth (Social-Democratic Party of Ukraine (united)); the Union of Agrarian Youth (Agrarian Party of Ukraine), Socialist Congress of Youth (Socialist Party of Ukraine), Leninist Communist Union of Youth of Ukraine (Communist Party of Ukraine), etc.

These youth organizations have been working under the guidance of and along the lines of their political parties. They have proved to be active and influential participants in social and political processes in the country.

A lot of young people in Ukraine are active in the “greens” movement. They organize various actions of protest against the pollution of the environment.

Ex. 1. Put 10 questions of different types to the following text and answer them.

Ex. 2. Explain the italicized words.

Task 2. GRAMMAR:

study the types of pronouns.


(особові займенники)


(присвійні займенники)



Називний відмінок

Nominative C.

Об’єктний відмінок

Objective Case

Суміщена форма

займ. + ім.

Conjoint Form

Абсолютна ф.

айм. без ім.

/ ім. + of + займ.)


I found a job.

You are сlever.

He lives nearby.

She is a student.

It’s my baby.

He gave me a dog.

He knows you.

I gave him a book.

I’ll talk to her.

I hear it all right.

These are my bag.

This is your idea.

It’s his coat.

Betty is her friend.

I know its price.

These bags are mine.

This idea is yours.

The coat isn’t his.

The dress is hers.



We have pets.

You are friends.

They keep fish.

Send us a letter.

We’ll help you.

We leave them.

This is our room.

This is your pen.

This is their car.

This room is ours.

That phone is yours.

This car is theirs too.

NB! В англійській мові присвійні займенники вживаються ширше, ніж в українській. Перед іменниками, що називають частини тіла, предмети одягу, родинні стосунки, вони фактично виконують функцію визначеного артикля і не перекладаються. Напр.: You can take off your coat. – Ти можеш зняти пальто.

He put his hands into his pockets. – Він поклав руки у кишені.

Ex. 1. Insert personal pronouns in the necessary case.

a) 1. Josh lost the purse. ... doesn't know when it happened. 2. We met girls in the café, but Bob hadn't met ... before. 3. Kate was there too. I talked to ... for twenty minutes. 4. Carol bought a new car. ... is a Mercedes. 5. I need some help. Please, help ... . 6. My friend and I sold all the trees. ... need some new flowers now. 7. He looked at me. ... couldn't help him. 8. They invited us. ... agreed to come. 9. I want to send ... this present. They will be glad. 10. We locked his documents. ... was very angry.

b) 1. On my way home I met Peter and told ... about the trip. 2. I need this book badly. I can't prepare my report without ... . 3. I don't know the way to the railway station. Couldn't you show it to ...? 4. We are going to spend the summer in the country. Will you join ...? 5. Wait for us at the bus stop, ... shall be back in no time. 6. If you give me your address, ... shall write to ... . 7. I know this woman. ... works at the factory with my mother. 8. If I see Helen, I'll ask ... to ring ... up tomorrow. 9. I like this radio set very much. Where did you buy ...? 10. You are to be here at 7 p.m. We'll be waiting for ... .

Ex. 2. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the models.

A. M o d e l: This is my coat. — This coat is mine.

1. This is our school. 2. This is my note-book. 3. This is your desk. 4. This is his bicycle. 5. This is her bag. 6. This is their class­room. 7. This is our bus. 8. This is their suggestion.

B. Mo d e l: Your room is large. Jane's room is larger. — Jane's room is larger than yours.

1. My watch is good. Your watch is better. 2. My pen is bad. His pen is worse. 3. Their house is old. Our house is older. 4. His camera is dear. Nick's camera is dearer. 5. Her story is interesting. Her friend's story is more interesting. 6. Our teacher is young. Your teacher is younger.