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Demonstrative pronouns (вказівні займенники) this/these, that/those









Вказують на те, що є найближчим у просторі і часі

Вказують на те, що дальше у просторі і часі

I will start working in school this year.

These pears are very good.

Do you see that bird over there?

Those years were very hard for me.

Вказують на наступне висловлювання

This is what she said: “I don’t know”.

Вказують на попереднє висловлювання

“I don’t know”. That is what she said.

This з іменниками country, market, government, town вказує на країну, в якій живе або знаходиться той, що говорить

Вживаються для уникнення повторення іменника

The exports of coal from this country decreased last year. – Експорт вугілля з нашої країни зменшився минулого року.

The price of gold is higher than that of silver. (that = the price)

Ex. 3. Use the demonstrative pronouns that (A)/those (B).

Model: This stadium is better than the stadium in our town. — This stadium is better than that in our town.

1. Our flat is more comfortable than the flat of our neighbour. 2. The price of a motor car is higher than the price of a motor cycle. 3. The windows of our classroom are larger than the windows of our flat. 4. Though he is young, his face is like the face of an old man. 5. The sum of 5 and 7 is equal to the sum of 9 and 3. 6. These flowers are more beautiful than the flowers growing near our house.



(Неозначені, заперечий, означальний займ. Some, any, no, every та їх похідні форми)

Займенники + імен.

Правила вживання



-thing (щось);



-where (= place)





1. У стверджув. реч.: I want some tomatoes. You should try this thing somewhere else. (someplace) = You should try it elsewhere.

This is someone's bag./This is someone else's bag.

2. У запереч. реч., з очікуванням на YES: Do you want some tomatoes (something)?

3. У пропозиціях і проханнях: Would you like some tea? May I have some tea? Would you like to go somewhere? May I ask someone (else)?

4. У питальних реч. (коли є впевненість в наявності чого-небудь): Can you give me some money?



-thing (щось);



-where (= place)





1. У питальних реч. без питального слова (не впевнений в наявності чого-небудь ): Can you give me any money? Is there any meat (anything) in the fridge? Did you see anything (else)?

Is this anybody’s bag?/Is this anybody else’s bag?

2. Зі словом Hardly”: There’s hardly any milk. There’s hardly anybody.

3. У заперечних реч.: I don’t want any tomatoes. I cannot see anyone here.

4. В умовних реч.: If any news comes, let me know. If anyone comes, I’ll tell you.

5. У стверджув. реч., значення будь-який (якщо не має значення “хто, що, який, котрий, чи існує взагалі”): Any news you have could be useful. You may take any pen. Anyone can help you. Take anything from the fridge.

I want to meet him anywhere (anyplace).



-thing (нічого);



-where (= place)

(ніде). +

(ELSE ) (більше)

1. У запереч. реч.: I have no books in my room.(I haven’t any books). Не has no property of his own. (He hasn’t any property).

No one asked me about it. Nothing can save her now. He went nowhere (no place).

* Nobody else could come (більше ніхто).

This is nobody’s bag./This is nobody else’s bag.



-thing (все);

-body/-one (усі);

-where (= place)


В усіх типах речень: She was everywhere. Do you know everything? Everybody (everyone) of them didn’t know me.

This is everybody’s earth.

Ex. 4. Fill in the gaps with A some, B any or C no.

1. I bought ... books. 2. Are there ... books on your shelf? 3. I have ... good news for you. 4. Did you buy ... milk? 5. Would you like ... tea? 6. Have you ... pencils? 7. Are there plates on the table? — There are ... . 8. There are ... high houses in his street. 9. I want ... bread, please. 10. Are there ... magazines on the shelf? — Yes, there are ... . 11. He has ... information for us. 12. I'd like ... water, please. 13. She sent me ... postcards from England. 14. Did you meet ... friend yesterday? 15. Are there ... new pupils in your class? — Yes, there are ... .

Ex. 5. Replace the pronoun any and its derivatives by no or its derivatives.

Model: I haven't any German books. — I have no German books.

She doesn't know anything. — She knows nothing.

1. The little boy hasn't any toys. 2. There isn't any water in the jug. 3. There aren't any fruit trees in the park. 4. We haven't any classes on Sunday. 5. It was so dark that we couldn't see anything. 6. We haven't learned any new words this week. 7. She did not ask anyone to help her. 8. I didn't see anyone there. 9. I didn't know anything about it. 10. There wasn't any theatre in our town before the revolution.

Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps with A something, B anything, C nothing or D everything.

1. He saw ... strange in the dark. 2. Have you ... to read? 3. Did ... help you to do your work? 4. May I draw ... I like? 5. I'm all right. ... happened. 6. They don't know ... about it. 7. Would you like ... special for dinner? 8. This pupil wants to know ... about animals. 9. Will you have ... to eat? 10. There is … in the box.

Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with A somebody, B anybody, C nobody or D everybody.

1. Open the door. ... is knocking. 2. ... has told me the truth. 3. The train was almost empty. There wasn't ... on it. 4. Did you invite ... to come? 5. I don't see ... in this room. 6. It's very simple. ... can do that. 7. ... came to visit my friend when he was ill. 8. I found ... in the street. 9. ... in the group did the homework. 10. Did you ask ... to help you?

Ex. 8. Fill in the gaps with A somewhere, B anywhere, C nowhere or D everywhere.

1. He put his book ... yesterday. 2. Have you seen that man ...? 3. I can't find my watch ... . 4. Where is your son? — He has gone ... . 5. The station isn't ... near here. 6. The weather is sunny. Let's go ... . 7. It's autumn. There is a lot of yellow and red leaves ... . 8. I want to go ... next holydays. 9. Where did you go on Sunday? — ... . I stayed at home. 10. Where is Nick? — He is ... in the garden.

Ex. 9. Fill in the gaps with A none, B nobody or C nothing.

1. ... of us will go there. It's not the place we should go. 2. ... has happened. Don't worry. 3. It was too dark outside and we could see ... . 4. He found two copies but ... of them was correct. 5. Kate had watched ... of the two films I told her to watch. 6. There was ... in the hall when we entered. 7. He will buy ... today because it is Sunday and the shops are closed. 8. There was ... at the counter. 9. You can see ... out of the window. It is snowing heavily. 10. ... of them is rigid.

Ex. 10. Fill in the gaps with A some, B any or C no and their derivatives.

1. We don't see ... in corridor. 2. Please, take ... magazine you like. 3. ... likes to play chess. 4. They didn't get ... letters yesterday. 5. ... likes to be ill. 6. Can I have ... coffee? — Yes, you can have ... . 7. We haven't got ... questions. 8. Can you put ... extra sugar in my tea? 9. ... likes to play this game: it's dull. 10. ... of our pupils studies well. 11. Have you met ... in the street? — No, I met ... . 12. Is there ... on the table? — No, there is ... . 13. I'm sure there is ... in the flat, knock louder. 14. Many young people couldn't find ... job. 15. Is there ... else you want to tell me? — No, ... . 16. Shall we go ... for the weekend? 17. He started begging to earn ... money. 18. ... serious happened to him that day. 19. They can't go with you. They all have ... to do. 20. They didn't say ... .

З обчислюваними іменниками

З не обчислюваними іменниками



В значенні «багато» в заперечних і питальних реченнях

There aren’t many flights to Calcutta.

Has your son many friends at school?

I haven’t much work to do.

Is there much money in the bank?

В значенні «значна частина»

Many of the students work in summer.

Much of what you said is true.

a few

a little

«Небагато, декілька»

The police asked him a few questions.

I’d like a little time to think about your offer.




I have few opportunities to practise my English.

We worked on it all day but made little progress.

Ex. 11. Fill in A few, B a few, C little, D a little.

1. Very ... students are really hardworking. 2. Hurry up. There is ... time left. 3. She is not very communicative. She has got very ... friends. 4. He cannot give these books. There are only ... of them left and he had promised them to his customers. 5. There is too ... snow this year. The rivers will be smaller. 6. Can you spend a lot of time for it? No, only ... . 7. Help yourselves to this pie. There are only ... slices left. 8. The translation is very difficult. I had to look for ... words in the dictionary. 9. Would you like some more tea? Yes, please pour ... . 10. We have very ... time. The train is to leave. 11. I couldn't buy the coat because I had ... money left. 12. Let us buy some ice-cream, I have ... money left. 13. ... pupils speak English as well as she does. 14. There were very ... people in the streets. 15. We can't play because we have too ... time. 16. Give me ... apples. 17. They spent ... days in the country and then returned to Kyiv. 18. Ask Ann to help you to translate the text; she knows French ... . 19. Mary works hard at her English. She makes ... mistakes in her speech. 20. Can you lend me ... money?



Few people would defend the Victorian attitude to children, but if you were a parent in those days, at least you knew where you stood: children were to be seen and not heard. Freud did away with all that and parents have been bewildered ever since.

The child's happiness is all-important, the psychologists say, but what about the parents' happiness? Parents suffer constantly from fear and guilt while their children gaily romp about pulling the place apart. A good old-fashioned, spanking is out of the question: no modern child-rearing manual would permit such barbarity. The trouble is you are not allowed even to shout. Certainly a child needs love and a lot of it. But the excessive permissiveness of modern parents is surely doing more harm than good.

Psychologists have succeeded in undermining parents' confidence in their own authority. And it hasn't taken children long to get wind of the fact. In addition to the great modern classics on child care, there are countless articles in magazines and newspapers. With so much unsolicited advice flying about, mum and dad just don't know what to do any more. In the end they do nothing at all. So, from early childhood, the kids are in charge and parents' lives are regulated according to the needs of their offspring. When the little dears develop into teenagers, they take complete control. Lax authority over the years makes adolescent rebellion against parents all the more violent. If the young people are going to have a party, for instance, parents are asked to leave the house. Their presence merely spoils the fun.

Children are hardy creatures and most of them survive the harmful influ­ence of extreme permissiveness which is the normal condition in the modern household. But a great many do not. The spread of juvenile delinquency in our own age is largely due to parental laxity. Mother, believing that little Johnny can look after himself, is not at home when he returns from school, so little Johnny roams the streets. The dividing line between permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine indeed. Perhaps, there's some truth in the idea that children who’ve had a surfeit of happiness in their childhood emerge like stodgy puddings and fail to make a success of life.

Ex. 1. Make up the annotation to the text you have read.

Ex. 2. Compose the mini-vocabulary of the text.