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Курс практической фонетики для стандарта.doc
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Интонационные упражнения

I. Произнесите фразы в соответствии с обозначенным ритмическим членением. Следите, чтобы каждая ритмическая группа занимала примерно одинаковый промежуток времени.

It’s `fine. ˈHave ┆ˋfun. ˈ Let’s┆ ˈ play ˋtennis. ˈMike isn’t ┆ ˋfamous. ˈBake me┆ a ˋpie. It’s ˋNick. ˈNick is ┆ˋbusy. It’s ˋVicky. ˈVicky is ┆ˋpicky. It’s ˋKitty. ˈKitty is ┆a ˋbaby. It’s ˋLizzy. ˈLizzy is┆ a ˋnitwit. It’s ˋBill. ˈBill is ┆ˋsick. ˈSend me ┆a ˋletter. ˈSend me ┆ a ˈfunny ┆ˋletter. He must ˈsend me┆ a ˈfunny┆ˋletter.

II. Произнесите следующие фразы в соответствии с обозначенным ритмическим членением. Следите за тем, чтобы каждая ритмогруппа занимала примерно одинаковый промежуток времени.

a) It 'isn’t ⁞ ̀bad.|| 'Sit ⁞ ̀ down. || 'Give it ⁞ ̀ back. || It’s 'page ⁞ ̀ ten. || 'Buy him ⁞ a ̀book. || 'Take ⁞ a ̀car. || It’s 'white ⁞ ̀coffee. || It’s 'my ˋhouse. || 'Take your ˋtime.|| 'Take ˋcare. || 'Find ˋAnn. ||

b) She’s 'fifty ⁞ ̀eight. || My 'friend ⁞ is a ̀painter. || Her 'aunt ⁞ is a ̀doctor. || She’s a 'famous ⁞ ̀artist. || She 'drinks ⁞ ̀black coffee. ||They 'come ⁞ from ̀London. || She 'likes ⁞ ̀ mint tea. ||

c) She 'lives ⁞ in a 'little ⁞ ̀village. || 'Kate’s ⁞ 'fond of ⁞ ̀cooking. || Her 'parents ⁞ are 'good ⁞ ̀doctors. ||

My 'grandma ⁞ 'likes ⁞ 'reading ⁞ ̀novels. || I 'want ⁞ to 'buy ⁞ a 'flat ⁞ in ̀London. || We 'want ⁞ to 'visit ⁞ our 'friends ⁞ in ̀ Rome. ||

III. Определите число ритмогрупп в следующих фразах. Проанализируйте состав каждой ритмогруппы.

'Send 'Pete ̀back. 'Sam 'likes ̀dogs. 'Buy some 'rice for ̀dinner.

'Let’s 'play a 'game of ̀chess. He 'never ̀ lies to me.

'She 'never 'makes ̀mistakes. She 'likes 'taking ̀pictures.

'Take my ad'vice and ̀buy it. My 'child is as 'big as ̀his.

'Have some 'cream tea and a ̀biscuit. He 'never 'tells a ̀lie.

'Help me with my 'homework. You can 'visit us ̀later.

'Pete is a 'happily 'married ̀man. 'Ann can 'tell it to me to ̀night.

I can 'do it my ̀self. The 'weather is 'rather ̀cold today.

'Here is your ̀dinner. You can 'leave it till to ̀morrow.

'Do it in ̀writing. In 'half an ̀hour.

He’s 'asking for ̀help. He 'reads a lot of ̀books.

IV. Произнесите следующие пары фраз, сохраняя равное время произнесения ритмогрупп. Помните, что относительная изохронность неравных по составу ритмогрупп достигается за счет сокращения длительности слогов.

'Give me ⁞ an ̀ apple. 'Tell me ⁞ a ̀story.

'Give me ⁞ a nice ̀apple. 'Tell me ⁞ a real ̀story.

'Buy ⁞ some ̀chips. 'Sing me ⁞ a ̀song.

'Buy some ⁞ flavoured ̀chips. 'Sing me ⁞ a sad ̀song.

I’ll 'speak ⁞ to his ̀manager. 'He is ⁞ a ̀friend.

I’ll 'speak again ⁞ to his ̀manager. 'He is ⁞ my true ̀friend.

'Send him ⁞ a ̀message. 'Bake me ⁞ a ̀pie.

She will 'send him ⁞ a ̀message. 'Bake me ⁞ a cherry ̀pie.

'Buy me ⁞ a ̀book. She 'studies ⁞ ̀languages.

'Buy me ⁞ an interesting ̀book. She 'studies ⁞ foreign ̀languages.