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Экономический английский.doc
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§7 Страдательный залог (пассив)

Перевод предложений со сказуемым в страдательном залоге представляет значительную трудность по ряду причин.


Целый ряд глаголов, которые в английском языке образуют пассивную форму, не употребляются в страдательном залоге в русском языке. Например, глаголы to arrive at, to call upon, to deal with, to enter into, to refer to, to report on, to dictate to, to tell (smth), to give (smth) to.

The Council was told that… - Совету сообщили, что…


Переходному английскому глаголу может соответствовать непереходный глагол в русском языке. Например, to affect (воздействовать на), to attend (присутствовать на), to follow (следовать за), to influence (влиять на), to join (присоединяться к), to need (нуждаться в) и др.

The oil prices were affected by the shortage on the market. - Сокращение предложения на рынке сказалось на уровне цен на нефть.


В английском языке фразеологические сочетания могут употребляться в пассиве, в то время как при переводе на русский язык страдательный залог меняется на действительный. Например, to make use of, to pay attention to, to take notice of и др.

This statement should be looked at in the new light. - Это заявление следует рассматривать в новом свете.


В русском языке страдательный залог не имеет такого широкого употребления, как в английском, и его часто заменяют действительным по стилистическим соображениям или для того, чтобы правильно определить смысловой акцент.

Translate the following sentences:

Small industries are actively encouraged in a number of ways. Firstly they are largely exempt from tax.

Under both the American and British systems of finance for small business the entrepreneur is required to furnish the original seed capital and prove he can run a business.

No one doubts that innovations in planning and technology are required.

From the meeting came a general feeling that, providing the best use was made of resources, a substantial increase in market shares, both in foreign and domestic markets, could be achieved.

More recently doubts have been expressed as to whether the planning towards heavy industrialization has really benefited many of the people in developing countries.

Research as a tool of sound economic policy has not been given adequate attention.

When governments or bankers think of technological transfer, especially from developed to developing countries, they are at first attracted by modern economies of scale.

This should be followed by satisfactory financial support for the approved research projects.

A change of course in the government's economic strategy was hinted at last night in Leader of the House's first major speech in his new job as chief Tory propagandist.

The whole EU budget is also being argued about. Both Britain and West Germany want to cut farm spending, while France wants a big increase in prices for its farmers.

The president's tax and budget proposals, which amount to a massive redistribution from the poor to the prosperous, have been defended on the grounds that they are necessary to end inflation. Complaints that the program is unjust are rebuffed with assurances that an unfettered economy is the best welfare program.

One day the world will learn of the intrigues and provocations that were resorted to in pushing the country into this suicidal policy.

The preeminence given to military industry and technology over the last three decades, has had a delayed but serious impact upon the civilian industrial economy. In stark contrast to the enormous sums allotted over the years to military technology, civilian technology has been starved for capital and thus for talent.

The construction industry employs more workers than any other production industry - 1.7 million people - and, once again, it is the worst hit by government economic mismanagement.

Chrysler workers have already suffered many severe hardships - the closing of Dodge Main and other plants, massive layoffs, and other cuts in pay. Now workers are asked to pay more to keep their jobs - without guarantees, although the bankers have Washington's guarantees of payment.

Detroit is a city with a Black majority population. Like many other industrial Midwest towns, it has been hard-hit by the economic crisis. Youth unemployment in Detroit is even higher than in most other U.S. cities.

Wall Street executives said they were heartened by the plan to reduce government borrowing and the resulting prospect of more business for their firms.

The new powers of the Government on wages are as totally unacceptable to the trade union movement of this country as the old ones. They must be resisted, and defeated.