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3.2 Must

Значение глагола must - это долженствование, а также выражение предположения с высокой степенью уверенности. В последнем случае он чаще переводится словами должно быть, по всей вероятности и т.п.

After a review of the state of national economies in the European Union, the ministers agreed that the fight against inflation must remain the first priority of the member states. - Проанализировав состояние национальной экономики стран-членов Европейского союза, министры пришли к выводу, что по-прежнему борьба с инфляцией должна быть их первоочередной задачей.

The estimates have not been reported yet but the total cost of research must be about $ 2 million a year. - Оценочные данные пока еще не опубликованы, но общие расходы на эти исследования вероятнее всего составят 2 миллиона долларов в год.

Предложения с перфектной формой инфинитива после must относятся к прошедшему времени.

It must have been hard for the OPEC countries to cut their production quotas. - По всей вероятности, странам-членам ОПЕК было нелегко пойти на снижение своих квот по производству нефти.

Translate the following sentences:

Complementary support must come from fiscal measures to provide acceptable results.

Projects must be commercially viable and must result in a significant improvement in performance.

Car manufacturers must be having a hard time.

South Africa, as a provider of over two thirds of the supply of Western newly-mined gold, must be considered first.

Yet it must also be seen that the money borrowed abroad ostensibly to guarantee jobs at home leaves Austria as quickly as possible and helps to maintain jobs in West Germany.

There must be a strong possibility that the projects will be merged.

Thus many economists conclude that in the appliance-television market we have a saturated market with some signs of over-saturation and this must have created some unemployment.

Traditional engineering skills and fairly low labor costs compared with those in other European countries must also have weighted heavily.

The U.S. government spends millions every year policing the economy against agreements among competitors to restrict supply and thereby raise prices. Such conspirators ordinarily must meet in darkest secrecy, and can go to jail if they get caught. Yet here is the administration pressuring Japanese automakers to do precisely what it ordinarily forbids.

At the present level of population, in order to fuel its industrialization, the Japanese have become doubly dependent: they must import both vital raw materials for industrial production and the food they eat.

It must have been hard for them to agree to this resolution, but at that time there was no alternative course open to them.

Meanwhile it must not have escaped notice that some members (of EU) seem to be contemplating just that sort of un-European behaviour.