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English (103a) Module I The National Aviation....doc
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The Institute of Municipal Activity

The Institute of Municipal Activity contains the following faculties: the Faculty of Architecture and Design, the Faculty of Airports and the Faculty of Ecological Safety.

About 2000 students study in the Institute. The team of teachers includes specialists from 13 departments. Among them there are 50 professors, doctors of science and 90 candidates of science. Students are pursuing their degrees in 11 majors.

Faculty of Ecological Safety

The Faculty of Ecological Safety was formed on the bases of some departments of the Faculty of Airports during its reorganization in 2002. Soon it became one of the leading faculties of the Institute and the university providing training for more than 800 students. The faculty laboratories are equipped with hi-fi technologies providing great possibilities for scientific research.

Students study three fields. The first of them is Chemical technology and engineering (majors: Chemical technology of fuels and carbon materials; Chemical technology of polymers). Oil and its products are very important as the main resources for energetic safety of any society, both today and in the future. Chemistry is the basic science; it has close ties with many different branches of industry. The producing of every material good is not possible without knowing chemical processes. Discovering new methods for producing polymers and on their base the creating of new polymer materials and compositional polymer materials together with precise working out their technology is one of the goals of modern chemical engineering. So, graduating in this field, students become real specialists in all this urgent problems and solve them with great and significant results.

The second field is Biotechnology (majors: ecological biotechnology; biotechnology of biologically active substances). Modern biotechnology helps a lot in providing the humanity with food, medicines, and the means for fighting the harmful consequences of transformation of environment.

The third one is Ecology (major: ecology and environment protection). Active human activity has become a reason for transformation of environment. Today the changes in nature have gained the status of those threatening the future existence of the man kind and are assisted by many ecological crises. The experts of this field have enough knowledge to solve these problems.

Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations.

(takes pride, research, head, design, building, Environmental, Airports, was headed, Diagnostics, exchange, 'Polit', graduates, fuel and lubricant materials, August 1933, leaders, state, construction, Institute, foreign, Distant, experts, well-known, institutions, designer, V.Chelomey, Transport, interesting, 'The Crew').

The University dates back to________. It has trained thousands of________who work in Ukraine and other countries of the world. Among them are_________scientists, industry________, military and______figures. They________aircraft companies,______bureaus, educational ________ and organizations. The University _________in its graduates who include the well-known scientist and

________of space-rocket system,_________. There are many institutes and departments at our University such as:_________ Technologies Institute, Information and__________ Institute, Institute of__________ Learning, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Department of Electronics, Department of Control Systems, etc. More than 500___________ students are currently receiving higher education at the University. Students_________ between NAU and universities in Germany and China is increasing. The life of the students is________. The University has its own KVN team, dance ensemble _________, students' amateur theatre. The Municipal Activity_________ has such departments as: ______________ Department, _________ Protection Department and Architecture and Design. The departments include the following specialties:__________, design, ecology, technology and technological equipment of airports, and_____________. The____________of the

Institute can work in the _______________ industry, in design and __________institutions and airport ground facilities.

Exercise 12. Translate into English paying special attention to the itali­cized words.

1. Вони пишаються своїми досягненнями. 2. Коли було засновано цей університет? 3. Для розв'язання цієї задачі було залучено багато спеціалістів. 4. Цю роботу виконує наша фірма. 5. Борис Патон, так само, як і його батько Євген Патон, є відомим українським вченим. 6. Це збільшує наші шанси. 7. Останнім часом комп'ютерні ігри набули великої популярності не лише серед дітей, а й дорослих. 8. Українські пілоти навчаються на сучасних літаках і вертольотах. 9. Після служби в армії він зайнявся підприємницькою діяльністю. 10. Студенти нашого університету отримують гарні знання з англійської мови. 11. Футбольний матч було перенесено через дощ.

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