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Revision Box 6 (articles)

Are these statements about articles true or false?

  1. Articles should not include narrative techniques.

  2. Articles should always be written in formal style.

  3. Articles should always have a headline.

  4. More sophisticated adjectives should be avoided.

  5. Articles do not contain contractions.

  6. Articles may be formal or informal in style.

  7. Articles may be intended for the general public or a specific group of readers.

  8. An article should always have an interesting introduction.

  9. In an article you should avoid extremely vivid description.

  10. Over-emotional and over-personal writing cannot be used in articles.

  11. An impersonal style is not used in formal articles.

  12. The style used in popular newspapers can be informal.

  13. Newspaper articles do not have a headline.

  14. In the first paragraph you cannot make reference to a strange scene.

  15. The last paragraph never summarizes the article.

  16. An article can start with a quotation.

  17. Narrative/descriptive techniques are not used in articles.

  18. In formal articles you can address the reader directly.

  19. Style can vary within an article.

  20. Articles are never omitted in headlines.

Writing topics bank

discursive essays

Appendix III pp. 102-109

Appendix V pp. 111-115

  • Medicine and Health

  1. Pros and cons of piercing.

  2. Cloning human beings: pros and cons.

  3. Genetic engineering: pros and cons.

  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being treated in hospital?

  5. Modern medical achievements: for and against.

  6. In some countries people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. Do you think this is a good law or a bad law?

  7. Alternative therapies: do they work?

  8. There is an ongoing battle between alternative and orthodox medicine. Which will win do you think?

  9. Alternative therapies are becoming extremely popular. Why do you think?

  10. Do you think alternative medicine could be integrated with conventional medicine in Russia?

  11. Euthanasia: should it be legalized?

  12. Does plastic surgery improve the quality of life?

  13. More and more people are seeking plastic surgery for purely cosmetic reasons. Why are so many people willing to accept the costs and risks of this kind of surgery?

  14. Plastic Surgery: no other alternative?

  15. What do you think of state medical service?

  16. What do you think of private medicine?

  17. Medical care should be free in all countries. Do you support the idea?

  18. What are the best methods to make people live longer?

  19. Solarium: healthy or unhealthy?

  20. Buying makeup may be dangerous. Do you think it is?

  21. Are you a supporter or an opponent of vaccination?

  22. Genetic engineering poses a number of worrying problems, both moral and practical. What are the problems?

  23. What is beneficial to health?

  24. What are the major health hazards?

  25. Are we harming ourselves by interfering with nature? (genetically modified foods, human reproduction, etc.)

  26. What are major health challenges facing the world in the next 20 years?

  27. To what extent are such aspects of modern living as stress, obesity and eating disorders endangering people’s health?

  28. What can shorten life expectancy?

  29. Why are people generally so much more concerned with personal fitness than they used to be? (changing lifestyles, awareness of diet, variety of leisure opportunities)

  30. Cryonics: a step in the right direction or an offence against nature?

  31. Why do you think people prefer sedentary activities to exercising? How might this affect their health?

  32. Becoming a vegetarian is a choice that many people are making after recent health scares. The question is, does being a vegetarian have a positive or negative effect on one’s health?

  33. Can attempts to improve fitness and health be dangerous?

  34. What are the most significant recent breakthroughs in medicine?

  35. What are the biggest dangers to our health these days?

  36. In some societies it is increasingly common to try to achieve good health and fitness through physically demanding sports, special diets, or preventative medicine – conventional or alternative. Some people, however, believe that the best way to stay fit and healthy is simply to lead a normal life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

  37. There are some predictions about our 21st-century lifestyles, one of which says, “Labour-saving devices and the resulting sedentary lifestyle could well lead to an epidemic in obesity.” Do you agree with the view?

  38. Is it possible to delay ageing?

  • Clothes

  1. The pros and cons of wearing designer labels.

  2. Unisex clothing: for and against.

  3. Pet clothing: pros and cons.

  4. «People behave differently when they wear different clothes». Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people behave?

  5. How do clothes make people look more attractive?

  6. Why have men’s and women’s clothes become more similar in recent years? Are they likely to remain so?

  7. «The fashion industry is nothing more than a big money-making business which profits by exploiting underpaid workers and the general public’s vanity and insecurity». Do you agree with the statement?

  8. «It is important to follow fashion». Do you agree?

  9. Why are jeans still in fashion?

  10. «Men’s fashion changes more slowly than women’s». Do you agree?

  11. «Good clothes open all doors». Do you agree?

  12. A rush for fashion makes people similar, identical, their originality disappears. Is it so good to follow fashion?

  13. How do the media influence our ideas on fashion?

  14. Has society got the right to dictate what people wear?

  15. How far do you think people should be followers of fashion?

  16. Do you favour or oppose eco-fashion?

  17. School uniform: formal wear or burial of the individuality?

  18. Some rich people buy designer (label) clothes but most people prefer to buy clothes more cheaply off the peg (or on the high street). Why do you think?

  • Food

  1. GM foods: to eat or not to eat?

  2. Non-traditional food: pros and cons.

  3. Buying foodstuffs in a modern supermarket can be considered a sort of art. It is the art of combating a temptation. What are the pros and cons of buying food at a supermarket?

  4. Human beings do not need to eat meat in order to maintain good health because they can get all their food needs from meatless products and meatless substances. A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a diet containing meat. Argue for or against the opinion above.

  5. Meat: to eat or to reject?

  6. Chocolate addiction: is it good or bad?

  7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of eating?

  8. Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Others prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer?

  9. Some people say that fast food restaurants promote an unhealthy diet. Do you agree?

  10. GM foods: evolution or degradation?

  11. In the twentieth century food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live?

  12. Are you in favour of vegetarianism?

  13. Shopping for food – a boring routine or a revealing experience?

  14. Better cooks: men or women?

  15. Which cuisine is the best in the world?

  16. «You are what you eat». Do you agree?

  17. Coffee makes mornings so much better! But is our daily cup of coffee doing more harm than good? There is a lot of research concerning both the negative and the positive effects of coffee drinking. The pros or cons do you think outnumber?

  18. Exotic cuisine: do you approve of it?

  19. Why is fast food good for some people and harmful for others?

  20. Food: fuel or pleasure?

  21. Has the kind of food people eat changed a great deal in our country?

  22. Vegetarians are healthier than people who eat a lot of meat. Do you agree?

  23. What do you think are reasons for the popularity of junk food?

  24. One of the best ways of loosing weight is by dieting but doing it properly, not just by not eating and starving yourself. What do you think?

  25. Cooking is something that few of us have time to do in today’s fast-moving world. But does eating out really have as many advantages as people think it does?

  26. Do you think science is improving the quality of the food we eat, or making some foods a danger to our health?

  27. Do you think nutritionally-perfect pills will replace all our food?

  28. Most experts agree that dieting needs to be accompanied by regular exercise. Do you agree?

  29. They claim that chewing gum helps you relax and eases tension. Do you agree?

  • Travelling

  1. Travelling has both advantages and disadvantages. Discuss.

  2. Solo travel: pros and cons.

  3. Backpacking: for and against.

  4. Advantages and disadvantages of travelling with a companion.

  5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.

  6. Pros and cons of a bus travel.

  7. Travelling by train is said to be the most popular. Give your for and against arguments.

  8. Advantages and disadvantages of going to work by car.

  9. Advantages and disadvantages of owning a car.

  10. A whistle-stop tour: for and against.

  11. Spending one’s summer holiday climbing in the mountains of Tibet or white-water rafting may not be everyone’s idea of fun, but adventure holidays are becoming extremely popular. They have both their good and bad points, aren’t they? Discuss them.

  12. What are arguments for and against an old fashioned train and a hot-air balloon?

  13. Riding and owning motorcycles can be very exciting and enjoyable and has many advantages. Not everyone thinks this means of transportation has advantages.

  14. Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but its disadvantages should not be overlooked. Do you agree?

  15. Ecotourism: for and against.

  16. Mystery tour: mixed blessing. Discuss.

  17. Travel through time: for and against.

  18. Package holidays are very popular with some holidaymakers. Other travelers say that making your own holiday plans is better. What are for and against arguments?

  19. Discuss pros and cons of e-tourism.

  20. Is a cheap trip as good as expensive?

  21. Why do you think the world chooses cruises?

  22. Which is a better way to see London: a guided tour or seeing the sightseeing on your own?

  23. You have an opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? Why is the country your choice?

  24. Does travel help to promote understanding and communication between countries?

  25. There are many methods of travelling. Which do you think is the best method?

  26. What is the value of travel do you think?

  27. Travelling on foot: pros and cons.

  28. Travelling has both advantages and disadvantages. Which overweigh do you think?

  29. Should countries encourage tourism?

  30. Tourism – is it good or bad for your reason?

  31. Travelling abroad is not only fun but you learn a lot. Do you agree?

  32. Space travel: is it worth?

  33. Medical travel: benefits and risks.

  34. The tourist industry is becoming its own worst enemy. Do you agree?

descriptive essays

Appendix I pp. 87-95

  1. Describe one of your favourite possessions.

  2. You have recently bought an item from an antique shop. Describe it.

  3. You have just arrived by plane in an English-speaking country and the airline seems to have lost your luggage. Write a brief but detailed description of the luggage (either one or two items). Do not mention or describe the contents.

  4. You recently visited a holiday resort where you left your sunglasses with their case. Write a letter to a hotel manager describing the missing items.

  1. Describe the place with which you have very strong emotional associations and explain the reasons for these associations.

  2. Describe a place of historical interest.

  3. Describe an upsetting place.

  4. Describe London’s most fashionable shopping district.

  5. Describe a place you think is ideal for holidays.

  6. Describe a memorable trip you took.

  7. Describe a famous place/ city in your country.

  8. Describe the area where you grew up in a way that would help a tourist to decide whether or not to visit it.

  9. Describe your ideal house.

  10. Describe a place you go for recreation or exercise.

  11. Describe your favourite vacation destination.

  12. If you were making the trip of a lifetime, where would you go? Describe the place.

  13. Write a description of a place where you once stayed on holiday. Describe Sally McBrides cottage (or Jerusha’s asylum to be).

  14. Describe a well-known landmark in your country and explain why it is famous.

  15. Describe two areas of the town or city you live in which are very different from each other, and explain why they are so different.

  16. Your local Tourist Information Centre is planning a brochure which will introduce the town or region where you live to English-speaking visitors. Other people will be writing articles on tourist facilities such as hotels and restaurants, transport, ‘things to do’, etc. so you should avoid those areas. You have been asked to write the physical description, including the location, layout, geographical and architectural features. Some reference to history may be appropriate.

  17. Our memories and dreams often return to a beautiful place we once visited – childhood memories of visits to the countryside or to the city, adolescent settings of first romances, adult memories of beauty spots, holidays in the mountains, beaches … .Describe the place.

  1. Is there a festival in another country that you would like to attend? Describe it explaining why it is important to you.

  2. Describe a celebration you attended as a child. Why do you remember this one especially?

  3. Describe the ceremony of a national event and explain its importance to the people in your country.

  4. Describe a festival you have attended and explain its popularity.

  5. An international teenagers’ magazine is asking its readers to send descriptions of an important festival in their country. Choose a festival and write your description. Write a description of a national celebration which you have attended.

  6. Describe a birthday party you recently attended.

  7. Describe an aspect of your culture that would interest foreign visitors.

  8. Describe the most important/ memorable event of your life.

  9. Describe a British festival/ celebration.

letters of complaint

Appendix II pp. 96-100

1. You recently went on a holiday to Florida, USA, arranged by Getaway Holiday Tours. However, the holiday did not turn out as you had expected. Some of the features offered in the company's advertisement were not available, and you were dissatisfied with other aspects.

Read the extract from your diary and the holiday advertisement with your handwritten comments. Then, using the information carefully, write a letter to the holiday company explaining why you are dissatisfied and asking them for compensation. You should use your own words as far as possible.


9 Thursday

Just arrived at the hotel – exhausted flight was delayed for twelve hours and the airline has lost one of my suitcases. This hotel is appalling – it overlooks a flyover. It’s so hot and noisy and smelly. The air-conditioning doesn't help much. The beach seems to be miles away. I wish I'd never even thought of coming here. It’s looking like a big mistake. If only I'd listened to my mum! I hope there is something good in the fridge because I'm desperate for a long, cold drink. (Just had a look – totally empty!)

Getaway Tours

Now’s your chance to take your dream what about extra – there a lot!

holiday in Florida at a genuine bargain price.

Stay in a luxury hotel with three swimming only one and it was dirty

pools, choice of moderately priced restaurants,

beautiful gardens and helpful staff. actually very expensive

Close to the beach. scruffy and impolite

Convenient comfortable transfer to local airport

Budget car hire

Call Getaway Holiday Tours 200 km away

00143753687 only expensive cars available

(Fast Track to CAE)

2. You went on a weekend holiday with Cityworld Tours. Unfortunately, you were very disappointed in the holiday and did not enjoy it. Read the Cityworld Tours advertisement carefully and the notes which you have made for yourself. Then, using the information, write a letter to Cityworld Tours, complaining about the holiday and asking for some money back.

See the most interesting sites of Britain with our package weekend breaks. Included in the price:

  • all transport arranged

  • comfortable rooms in top class hotels near the city centre

  • sightseeing tour with tourist guide in every location


You won’t be disappointed!


  • no transport arranged to get to hotel from station


  • lifts out of order

  • hotel near construction site – very noisy

Sightseeing tour

  • tourist guide clearly ignorant about the area

(First Certificate Writing. St’s book. p.50)


3. Look at the advertisement below and the handwritten notes. Write a letter of complaint.

mine was faulty!

asked three times, but not repaired

guide sick, no tour!

Paid for nothing – no replacement guide found

mine had a view of the car park and dustbins!

  • All rooms have air-conditioning

  • Sightseeing tour included

  • All rooms have a view of the sea

  • Quiet, comfortable rooms

  • We are known for our friendly, helpful staff

couldn’t open window because of the smell from the dustbins

couldn’t sleep all night – the noise from the hotel nightclub

the bed – hard, toilet – broken

the receptionist – rude, waiters offhand, room not cleaned

(First Certificate Writing. St’s book. p.52)

4. You have just come back from a holiday which was spoilt because several things went wrong on the journey. Read the advertisement and the notes which you have made, then write your letter of complaint to Eagle Airlines. Add some of your own complaints.

Travel fast, travel safe with


  • Travel in style and comfort ——— seats cramped, toilets filthy

  • Read the newspaper (free to all passengers) ——— no newspaper

  • Enjoy our feature film ——— just children’s cartoons

  • Full meal with wine ——— a cold snack

  • Friendly staff ——— air stewards rude and unhelpful

All flights from Gatwick

Charter and regular flights to destinations all over Europe

Much better for much less

(First Certificate Star)

5. You’ve just come back from a very disappointing adventure holiday. The holiday did not correspond to the advertisement below – the handwritten notes are your comments on what the holiday was really like. Study the annotated advertisement and write a letter to the holiday company complaining about the holiday and asking for some sort of refund.



A fortnight’s holiday with us will be an experience you’ll never forget. Every day you’ll be able to choose from a wide range of thrilling activities:

  • rock-climbing

  • caving

  • canoeing

  • hang-gliding

  • wind-surfing

  • sailing

And, to introduce you to the joys of group work, there will be:

  • one three-day camping expedition

  • two problem solving activities

But this is my holiday! Aren’t I allowed to relax?’

Whenever you like, you can choose to take a day off and enjoy some of the remarkable facilities at the residential centre, Wildside Hall:

  • swimming pool

  • sauna

  • games room (billiards, darts, table tennis)

  • video

  • library

Won’t it be just like the army: dormitories and canteen food?’

Accommodation consists of comfortable double rooms, and our talented kitchen staff prepare memorable and mountainous meals using the very best of local produce.

All this for only £380 inclusive per person for 13 days

(Advanced Writing with English in Use CAE. p.94)

6. You stayed in the Sun Palace Hotel on holiday, and were very dissatisfied. The owners of the hotel have asked you to provide them with feedback on what you thought about the services offered.

** The Sun Palace Hotel **

Welcome to this Premier Resort and Conference Centre

in the Mediterranean

• Splendid accommodation in 600 superb rooms, suites and bungalows

(booked a bungalow, but had to stay in a room)

• Exquisite dining and bar facilities

(the food was terrible and the drinks very expensive)

• A wide range of entertainment

(just a disco)

• Superb recreational amenities

(tennis court booked up all the time)

• Just 50 metres from a wonderful beach

(the beach was filthy)

• Satellite TV in every room

(out of order)

• Room service round the clock

(took an hour to bring coffee up)

• Laundry service

(came back with stains)

7. Read the advertisement below and write a letter of complaint using the information about the hotel.

The Hotel de Paris ◊

Offers the kind of luxury that dreams are made of. The bedrooms are spacious and comfortable with every amenity you could wish for and the public rooms are stylish and gracious, redolent of a bygone age. A stay at the Hotel de Paris will provide any guest with some very special memories that will last a lifetime.

A spectacular Honeymoon Suite is available for those newly-wed couples who wish to start their new life in romantic splendour. Business Suites are also available for international business people who wish not only to stay at the Hotel de Paris but also enjoy the hotel’s comforts during their meetings too.

(Writing Skills CAE. p.48)


8. You saw an advertisement for TV repairs, and took your TV to be mended. Unfortunately, you were very disappointed in the service they gave.

Read the advertisement carefully and the notes which you have made. Then write to the manager, complaining about the service you have received and asking for your money back.

Do you need fast and reliable service repair?

Come to Express Service for all your TV, video and stereo repairs

  • Fast service – all repairs ready in three days

  • Very low prices

  • Professional, careful repairs

  • Friendly, helpful staff

  • Repair took two weeks

  • TV still not working properly

  • Staff rude and unhelpful

  • Had to wait in shop 30 minutes, because only one assistant

  • Price was very high, more than another shop I visited

(First Certificate Writing. St’s book. p.55)

9. On a recently organized coach day-trip to your capital city, you arrived on time at the pick-up point for the return journey home to find that the coach, driven by a driver you had found rude and unhelpful throughout the day, had already left without you. Write a letter of complaint to the tour company explaining your view of events and asking for compensation for the trouble and extra expense the incident caused you.

10. You are a customer. You bought an item of clothing (decide what) last week and there is a problem (decide what). Write a letter of complaint.

11. You recently hired a car for a part of your holiday. However, there were several problems with the arrangements. Write a letter of complaint to the manager/ manageress explaining the problems and requesting com­pensation.

12. You are a regular customer of a local restaurant. The last time you ate there, however, you felt that the standards had dropped slightly. Write a letter explaining why you were disappointed and suggesting what could be done to improve the situation.

13. You are a member of an organization which meets regularly at a particular restaurant. The most recent meal you had there was not satisfactory, and you were very disappointed with the quality of the food and the behaviour of the staff. Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. Explain what was wrong with the meal and the service, and suggest what s/he should do to ensure that you and your group to the restaurant.

letters of apology

Appendix II pp. 100-101

  1. You have promised your boss that you will work some extra hours next weekend. Due to a family problem, you will be unable to fulfill your promise. Write a letter of apology to your boss explaining your reasons and promising to make it up to him/her.

  2. Your friend let you spend the weekend at his seaside cottage. While staying there you accidentally stained an expensive Persian rug. Write a letter apologizing for the damage and offering to get it cleaned.

  3. As the owner of a gym, you have recently received a number of complaints concerning the state of the changing rooms, the bad condition of equipment and overcrowded classes. Write a letter apologizing for these problems, explaining the reasons and giving details of what you intend to do to rectify the situation.

  4. Write a letter of apology to a sample letter of complaint from Module 3.


  1. The editor of an international magazine for young people has invited you to write a short article in answer to the following question: If you were asked to choose an everyday object that has changed our lives, which object would you choose, and why?

  2. The editor of your college magazine has invited you to write an article suggesting simple ways for students to keep fit and stay healthy.

  3. You are a reporter for a weekly magazine. Write an article describing a popular holiday resort.

  4. The travel company you work for has asked you to write an article for a brochure describing a new package holiday at a popular seaside resort. You should provide information on accommodation, transport, entertainment and so on.

  5. You are a reporter for an international travel magazine. The magazine is publishing a series of articles about castles. Write an article describing a famous castle, including its history and a description of both exterior and interior.

  6. You have seen an advertisement in an international travel magazine inviting readers to send in articles about a town they have visited. Write your article describing a town, including things to see and do as well as information about the town’s shops and nightlife.

  7. A travel magazine has asked its readers to send in descriptions of annual events in their country. Write an article describing an annual event you have attended, including preparations and events of the actual day.

  8. You live in a town that has recently held its traditional annual three-day market fair. Compared to previous years many people felt that there were few attractions at the event and that the commercial market stalls were of a kind that could be found at any ordinary market. Many feel that the event has now little to do with local traditions and crafts and community life. Write an article for a local magazine describing this year’s fair and urging organizers to make future fairs more like they used to be.

  9. A monthly guide to local entertainment and cultural events is looking for articles from its readers for its “Eating Out” section. It has asked readers to contribute articles on a different and enjoyable eating out experience, giving reasons why the restaurant would appeal to readers with similar tastes.

    1. Write an article which has the following ending: “…Therefore, if you looking for friendly staff, delicious food and beautiful surroundings, this is the ideal place to go for a carefree weekend break.

    2. A health and diet magazine has asked its readers to write an article giving their opinion on junk food.

12. A teenage magazine has asked you to write an article on the subject ‘Junk Food is Worst Food’.

13. A teenage fashion magazine has asked you to write an article on the subject of the importance of fashion to young people today, entitled ‘We are what we wear’.

14. An international magazine asks you to contribute an article recommending the area where you live – or another region that you know well – as a suitable place for honeymooning visitors from abroad. You should describe the area and make a range of suggestions about places they can go and activities they might enjoy during their holiday.

15. For a young people’s English-language magazine in your country, write an article giving advice on the following subject: Healthy Eating: Some Sensible Advice for Teenagers.

16. A weekly magazine is asking readers to contribute articles for a special feature entitled ‘Festivals Round the World’.

17. Write a magazine article that takes a critical look at your town as seen through the eyes of a dissatisfied tourist. Your article should be enjoyable to read, but make a number of valid criticisms.

Suggested approaches:

-Write the article in the form of a letter written by a dissatisfied tourist.

-Write the article in your own voice, after hearing from a dissatisfied tourist.

18. Write an article under the headline:

  • Go to Cyprus for Your Holidays

  • Alternative Medicine: Science or Myth?

  • A Diet that Promotes Health and Longevity

  • Clothes of the Future

  • Eating Habits Around the World

  • The Best Place to Visit

  • Beware: Soda Water

  • Pros and Cons of Resorts

  • Bloodless Surgery Gains in Popularity

  • What Attracts People in the Idea of Travelling?




view/ / atmosphere




























empty and ugly

of the unsightly housing





(town/ city/ beach/ area/ resort/ neighbourhood/ site/ scenery/ landscape/ surroundings)

























































































densely populated









































of scenic beauty

of interest


great for walking

modern sprawling

scenically attractive

of extreme contrasts

wide range of shops

plenty of green space

many wealthy people

picturesquely situated

had kept its character

of historical importance

full of modern buildings

many things to see and do

memorable place to explore

with excellent eating places

excellent shopping fascilities

with nice people and scenery

of outstanding natural beauty

attracts an abundance of

of outstanding natural beauty

definitely a sightseer’s paradise

has something to offer everyone

is well worth a visit at any time

mixture of old and new buildings

fabulous location for a trip into the past

the promised land

mountaneous region

heavily guarded

has a very heterogeneous population

the hustle and bustle of the city

an oasis of calm

a landscape of unworldly beauty

intusive noise/ lights/ tourists

an overdeveloped resort area

a return to the city is enticing

experience the sights and sounds of

the huge influx of tourists

enjoys a yearly influx of tourists

unsurpassed in its beauty

remains untainted by tourism

a landscape of breathtaking grandeur

the tinsel and glamour of

has all the disadvantages of urban life

a place blessed with glorious views

has its own charm

the focus of the city is …

has moved with the times

is a definite must for sun- seekers

has a lovely friendly feel

provides an ideal holiday destination

gives a restful atmosphere

is the greatest holiday hot-spot

promises non-stop entertainment

has many impressive sights to see

has a unique charm

a city of contrasts

congested with vehicles

is swarming with tourists

limited educational facilities

disadvantaged urban areas

looks grim and unwelcoming

a scattering of houses along the river

an oasis of peace, tranquility and beauty

superb bedding displays are arranged around

an authentic model of the ancient town

а frenzy of activity and deafening noise

with heavy traffic and unfriendly people

fascinating variety of architectural styles

one of the most run-down areas of town

enhances the atmosphere of tradition and cosiness.

Its grandeur and its surpassing beauty attract visitors.

gives you a chance to discover a wealth of history

ranks as the best shopping experience in the region

The whole area is a heaven for walkers, naturalists and open air enthusiasts.

It’s a real pleasure to see such an unusually long stretch of beauty.

a good number of the road signs and advertising billboards

offers a superb choice of attractions for all ages.

a beautiful setting with lots of greenery and wonderful architecture

a town where sophistication mixes with a vibrant atmosphere

there is no place that matches the beauty of this paradise

has extensive cultural facilities like art galleries and museums

the town has an odd mix of old and new buildings

has managed to keep its traditional style and sense of history

with its riotous colours and raucous noise

well-known for its fashionable restaurants

offers peace, quiet and a unique experience of

the perfect destination for a peaceful weekend

the perfect combination of glamour and tradition

the ideal choice for a few days away from the city

a cluster of restaurants and bars open late into night

has several tourist attractions which are worth visiting

full of lovely antique shops that are always bustling with tourists

bombarded with а bewildering variety of exotic sights and smells

has managed to incorporate modern life into such а historic setting

with its well-preserved buildings, cobbled streets and enticing boutiques

combines the spirit of а community with а well-deserved respect for nature

seems untouched by the technological age and the noisy hurry оf modern towns

has a lot to offer in the way of nice parks, historic sites and general scenic interest

an endless variety of shops and restaurants competing for space on manic street

while preserving its heritage it has cultivated a huge range of up-to-the-minute attractions

offers so much of interest that the main complaint of most visitors is that they simply run out of time before seeing it all


(hotel/ mansion/ restaurant/ room/ castle/ palace)



attractively priced








































ultra modern
























survived unaltered

unforgettably unique

painstakingly restored

dominating the skyline

of historical importance

is definitely worth visiting

with soft, ambient lighting

arranged very attractively

with its own brand of charm

is like а journey back in time

of little interest architecturally

comfortable but unexceptional

with intricate designs/ patterns

designed to enable you to rest

awe-inspiring in size and design

a majestic architectural marvel

a strange mixture of styles

the architectural splendours of

moderately priced restaurants

architectural gem

beautifully decorated interiors

is in splendid isolation

in a dilapidated state

looks cold and uninviting

filthy and in need of paint

looks grim and dreary in the rain

offer а full range of goods аnd services

the combination of ancient and modern

houses some fascinating exhibits from

is the home of an antique collection of

a classic of architecture and mustn’t be missed

the impressive elegance of its size and proportions

antique and modern furniture have been successfully mixed

ideal places to relax for а while and take in the atmosphere

old and broken, their win- dows boarded over and fences sag- ging

offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city

is not beauty in stone, it is history in stone

phrases of location

Well, it is situated in

central Germany –

or rather, the centre of

West Germany. It is almost exactly due west of Prague,

mid-way between

Luxembourg and East Germany.

It is about 100 miles

from the Belgian

and French


It is roughly

half an hour’s drive from Frankfurt, which is in

turn an hour’s flight from


It stands on

the Rhine, just

above where the

Rhine meets the

Main, at the

southern tip

of the most

picturesque stretch of the river.

It is set in

the middle of

one of the world's

finest wine-producing areas.

It is built on the

edge of the Taurus forests and is surrounded to the north and west by trees.

It lies on the other side of the river from the city of Mainz and stretches several miles in the direction of Koblenz.

Approaching it from the north, by car or by train,

I always used

to travel down

the west bank

of the river.

The district is some


from the

city centre, in one of

suburbs lying to the south and running adjacent to the Rhine.

То find it from the Centre Station, you turn left out of the main gate, follow the main road up the hill, across the traffic lights, over the next crossroads and then through а long tunnel.

To get tо the street, it's left at the next lights, under the railway bridge, second turning on the right then third left.

There is а short cut through the back streets but the long way round и easier.

The street is one of the

turnings off to the right. You can’t miss it.

The house is at the far end of the street, the third ог fourth from the end оn the right, just down from а little pizzeria.

It's а five-storey building and the flat is on the second floor. It's self-contained and has

its own entrance down а little alley that

runs along the side of the


Ignore the steps leading down to the basement and go up the first flight of stairs, through the door at the top, а

few yards along the passage, then up the staircase tо your right.

Go through the hall. То your left is the second bedroom. The kitchen’s

on your right.

Then go along

another passage

leading off to

the left.

The lounge,

which looks out

on to the street,

is the second

door on the


On your right

as you go in,

behind the door,

there is an armchair;

at least there

in the Far East, in the Middle East in the North оf Spain, in southern Portugal inside the Arctic Circle, in S.E. Asia near the Antarctic, within the tropics at the South Роlе, on the Equator on the same line оf 1atitude as Peking longitude 8 degrees East

оn the other side of the Andes from Lima 50 miles to the north of Oslo

just оver the bordeг from El Paso approximately 40 kilometres from the coast some 30 miles from the nearest big town 10 miles along the coast from Valencia 100 miles downriver from Khartoum thrгее hours bу car from Rio

а three-day journey by train from Algiers

a five-day voyage from Perth four hours by plane from Singapore eight hours by air

two days by ship

twenty-four hours by sea

it lies on the coast

near the mouth of the Ganges on the banks of the Nile

deep in the interior

in the Loire valley

miles from anywhere

in the most northerly part of Sweden the southernmost London district the furthest point west

the south-east corner of Switzerland on the fringe of the agricultural region

just below the industrial heartland in the centre оf a holiday resort area оп the slopes of the Himalayas at the foot of the mountains on the side of а hill

on а long, thin peninsula

оп аn island

beside а lake

а few miles from the mainland directly opposite the port of Southampton

extends over an area of 80 square kilometres

it can be reached by road or rail coming from the highlands

drive down the motorway travel cross-country keep to the minor roads go via Lyons

on the far side of town from the beach quite а long way from the bus station а bus journey from the town centre just а stone's throw from the airport quite а way out of town

on the outskirts of the town in one of the outlying villages in а very remote раrt

parallel to the canal

а few miles inland

tо get to it from the ferry terminal bear right

go straight on

cross over

follow the pavement round through а pedestrian precinct up and down the hill

across the fields

along а country lane

take the left fork at the junction over а railway crossing through а little wood

leave the cathedral on your right follow the signs to Endgate head for the spire in the distance

it's about two miles as the crow flies quite а lot further by road

half-an-hour's walk

about forty minutes on foot а ten-minute bus ride

quarter-of-an-hour on the underground twenty minutes by taxi

two blocks аway from the hospital the third exit off the roundabout а sharp turning to your left а one-way street

а no-through road

а cul-de-sac

halfway along on the left

towards the end of the street on а bend in the road

the last one in the street

on а corner, opposite а florist's just across the road from а telephone kiosk next to an Indian restaurant

just past а pillar bох

with а bus-stop right outside

а (semi-) detached house а tеггaced house

а skyscraper

а tower block

а bungalow

а maisonette

а bed-sitter (bed-sitting room)

а long drive leading up to the house parking space at the front а green front dоог

а side entrance

over а shop

take the lift up to the third flоог а spiral staircase leading to the attic

а revolving dоог а sliding dоог

а few steps along the landing through the French windows out on to the balcony

the master bedroom the spare room the bathroom

the toilet

the lavatory

the WC

the loo

the larder (а food cupboard) the living room

the sitting room

the dining room

it faces south

just inside on the left

to the left of the fireplace

along the wall opposite

on the right as you look at it

directly in front of you

under the window

next to the piano




  • For letters of complaint

  • For letters of apology

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