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I. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. When did Georqe begin to work?

2. when did he retire?

3. What happened in 1775?

4. When did he die?

5. Is there the state named alter Washington?

II. Определите, правильны или неправильны утверждения

1. He didn't study history.

2. He married in 1750.

3. George's wile had 2 children.

4. The state of Washington is the only one named after a President.

III. Какие глаголы используются для описания работы на плантации?

IV. Найдите тексте омонимы следующих слов:

1) there 3) too 5) no

2) inn 4) eye

V. Задайте вопросы к следующим ответам

а. His favourite subject was arithmetic

b. He was a progressive farmer

c. He went for his daily horseback ride

d. Many cities, parks, streets bear his home

VI. Закончите предложения:

1. The members were impressed...

2. He developed a fishery...

3. But he never learned...

VII. Найдите предложения в страдательном залоге в последнем абзаце.

VIII. Запомните следующие слова:

1) ancestor 3) fortune 5) stepfather

2) quinsy 4) tax 6) to elect


1. The Chicago flag consists of four red stars and two blue stripes on a white background. The stars commemorate important events in the city’s history: the building of Fort Dearborn in 1803 -–1804, the great Chicago Fire of 1871, which cost 250 lives and left almost 100.000 Chicagoans homeless, the World’s Columbine Exposition of 1893, held in celebration of the 400-th anniversary of Columbus discovery f America, and a century of Progress of 1933 – 1934, which marked Chicago’s hundredth birthday.

2. Chicago stands upon an Alluvial1 plain formed by the Chicago and Calumet rivers. The North and South branches of the Chicago River divides the city into some parts known as the North Side, the South Side and the West Side. The Chicago River is widely known as the river which flows backward, or which runs up-hill. This is because the flow of the water was reversed in 1900. Until that time the river flowed into Lake Michigan, where it polluted the drinking water and contributed greatly to disease.

3. Lake Michigan provides an unfailing supply of water for drinking and industrial purposes. The water is pumped from six so-called “cribs”, located well out in the lake, through underground tunnels to pumping stations located on land. Here the water is treated in order to free it impurities.

It is then brought through smaller water mains2 to houses and places of business in every section of the city and to many suburbs as well. Lake Michigan acts as an air conditioner. In summer the cool breezes from the lake moderate the air and the warmer lake winds tend to diminish the cold on the land. Because of the lake, long periods of intense heart or cold are unusual in Chicago.

4. The line of the lake front, somewhat north of its middle point, borders the principal business centre, known as the Loop, where the skyscrapers cluster. A little to the east is the harbour. Further South, along the Calumet river and the harbour, are the docks.

5. Located on the south-west shore of Lake Michigan, Chicago has a population of more then three million, and although no longer America’s food – processing and meat – packing centre, it produces more steel, more cookies and candy, more radios and TV-sets, and more paint machine tools than any other area in US.

6. Chicago is one of the most architecturally interesting cities of the country. The world’s first skyscraper was built in Chicago in 1884, and in the following decade many of these buildings were raised on the steel skeletons that allowed them to soar to great heights and get look light and graceful.


  1. alluvial – made of or by sand, mud or each washed down by rain or rivers.

  2. main – a principal pipe carrying water, gas etc.

I. Перед тем как приступить к работе над текстом найдите по словарю значения следующих слов:

1.to commemorate; 2.backward; 3.to pollute; 4.disease; 5.suburb; 6.because of; 7.somewhat; 8.harbor; 9.candy; 10.height; 11.to fail; 12.to diminish.

II. Прочитайте текст за 20 минут и выберите заголовок, соответствующий его содержанию:

  1. The history of Chicago.

  2. The role of Lake Michigan in Chicago’s life.

  3. Chicago as one of large American cities.

III. Прочитайте первый абзац текста и ответьте на вопросы к нему:

1. How does the Chicago flag look like ?

2. What do stars commemorate ?

3. What Fire took place in 1871 ?

IV. Прочитайте второй абзац текста и ответьте, какие из предложенных утверждений соответствуют его содержанию:

  1. Chicago stands on an alluvial plain formed by three rivers.

  2. The north and the south branches of Chicago River divide the city into three parts.

  3. It is until 1900 the Chicago River flowed into Lake Michigan.

V. Письменно переведите третий абзац текста.

VI. Прочитайте 4-й и 5-й абзацы текста и ответьте, какие утверждения соответствуют их содержанию:

  1. A little to the east of the Lake Michigan is the business centre.

  2. The docks are situated farther south, along the Chicago River.

  3. Chicago is a large city with the population of more than three million.

  4. Chicago is a large industrial centre of U.S.

VII. Какие из данных утверждений наиболее полно отражают содержание 6-го абзаца:

1. Chicago is the most architecturally interesting city in America.

  1. Chicago is one of the most architecturally interesting cites in America.

Часть II

Общенаучные тексты для дополнительного чтения


Science had its origin in some distant era when people began to show desire to know about their environment and to record what they saw. In time, studies of these observations led to the idea that nature is knowable, that it operates according to "laws".

The actual birth of science took place in prehistoric times, pro­bably in Egypt and Babilonia, more than 2,000 years before our era.

But true progress in science did not begin until about the sixth century before our era, when the Greek civilisation began to flourish. The next 500 years was the age of the great philosophers of anti­quity — Thales, Pythagorus, Aristotle, Archimedes, and others.

Archimedes discovered some of the basic laws governing me­chanisms and floating bodies. To Archimedes we owe the first ap­plication of mathematics to the description of nature. He was very far in advance of his time.

In the period from the Greeks to the Renaissance few contribu­tions were made to the development of science. First in importance among the scientific achievements of the Renaissance was the idea that the sun, rather than the earth, is the centre of our system of sun, moon, and planets. At the beginning of the sixteenth century the prevailing idea was that of an earth-centred universe, as de­scribed by Ptolomy.

The Polish astronomer N. Copernicus assumed that the earth is merely one of the planets and that all of them moved about the sun. It is hard now to understand the courage required to advance an idea of this nature because of the great wave of opposition which .confronted Copernicus.


did not begin until about the sixth centuryначалсяприблизительнотольковшестомстолетии

far in advance значительноопередил

Rather than the earthанеземля

to advance an idea of this nature выдвинутьподобнуюмысль

because ofвследствие,изза

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