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(An interview of an American Student)

Corr.: I’d like to know what the students’ life is here. Do you have

to pay for teaching?

St.: Yes, sure. Fees for teaching are paid by students in all uni-

versities in the USA, in particular for teaching in the

dented faculties.

Corr.: Would you be so kind as to cite the figure?

St.: Why, of course. On average, it’s about 13 000-15 000

dollars in public universities and 23000-27000 dollars in


Corr.: Well, it’s a pretty sun of money. And what about students’


St.: There are hostels and fees are charged for places in them,


Corr.: I see, only the rich and the well-to-do are trained here.

St.: Generally speaking, there are no Government scholarship

for students. Some students receive grants from the

education department, and have to work off these grants on

completion of their training, some take loans. The

universities give some scholarships for the individually

distinguished students.

Corr.: A lot of thanks for such detailed information.

Dental education in great britain. Part I

Task 1 Learn the following words:












впорядкування, домовленість




дозволяти, давати можливість













Task 2 Match the following Ukrainian word combinations with the English ones:

1 навчальний процес a) conservative dentistry

2 основні медичні предмети b) majority of students

3 ротова порожнина c) entrant students

4 терапевтична стоматологія d) make arrangements for

5 більшість студентів e) general Medical subjects

6 вступники f) oral cavity

7 циклічна система g) teaching process

8 домовлятися про що-небудь h) cyclical system

Task 3 Find the sentences in the Past Perfect Tense. Translate them into Ukrainian:

1 Majority of dental schools propose rather extensive course in den­tal mechanics.

2 The fees have been paid before the beginning of training.

3 The students had obtained everything necessary for their work.

4 He had started to work as a house surgeon.

5 It is necessary to work under supervision until you’ll be permitted to work independently.

Task 4 Read the text:


Dental Education in Great Britain is provided by its sixteen dental schools enrolling some 1000 students every year. The schools are not large - on average there will be 30 to 60 students in a dental course. The length of training at the dental schools is five years.

The organization of the teaching process varies in different schools. In some there is the cyclical system, in which the student works for some months in one clinic. In others a parallel system is introduced in which the student works to the extent of a term or a year straight off in sever­al clinics.

In general the teaching of all dental schools is divided into two stages. During two years the general medical subjects are taught: general pathol­ogy, bacteriology, general medicine and some other clinical subjects. Special subjects also enter the teaching plan, such as anatomy and physiology of the oral cavity, pathology of the teeth and oral cavity and in some schools dental diagnosis.

The study of special clinical subjects begins in the majority of schools with a rather extensive course in dental mechanics and study of dental materials, and a course of phantom head works in conservative dentistry from four to six months. Great attention is paid to the technical training of the future dental surgeon.

Fees for teaching are paid by students in all universities, in particular for teaching in the dental faculties. The fees in comparison with those of other Western countries are relatively small, on average about 300-500 pounds per year. Textbooks, dental jackets, everything necessary for work in the clinics including instruments are obtained by the students at their own cost.

On completion of the training the young specialists make their own arrangements for their work. The majority start work as assistants to dental surgeons in general practice. Some manage to succeed in working up to an independent practice - equipping a surgery costs not less than 6 000-7 000 pounds. In order to begin teaching or take up a post of a sci­entific worker, it is necessary to work for some years as a house surgeon and registrar in a hospital. It is necessary to spend a particularly long and many-staged training to be permitted to work in a surgical department of a hospital.

Task 5 Read the text once again and find the answers to the following questions:

1 How many dental schools are there in Great Britain?

2 What is the length of training at the dental school?

3 Is organization of the teaching process similar in all dental schools?

4 How is teaching in dental schools usually divided?

5 When do the students begin to study clinical subjects?

6 What is average fee for teaching per year?

7 How do majority of young specialists start their work?

8 How much time is it necessary to spend to be permitted to work in the surgical department?

Task 6 Put in the words omitted:

1 Young specialists make their own ... for their future work.

2 Fees for teaching are ... in all universities of Great Britain.

3 The students have an extensive course of dental materials in ... dentistry.

4 Dental schools in Great Britain ... about 1000 students every year.

5 Some doctors start professional activity as ... in the hospital.

a) registrar b) enroll conservative c) enroll

d) arrangements e) paid house surgeon

Task 7 Complete the sentences adding the proper ending:

1 Curricula and teaching plans are not uniform in dental schools and ....

2 All dental surgeons have university education on a level with ....

3 At the present time great attention is paid ... .

a) corresponding medical one

b) to the teaching of children’s dentistry

c) are arranged inde­pendently

Task 8 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

1 We ... already ... familiar with the general organization of the National Health Service in Great Britain. (to have, to become)

2 The students ... the general structure of dentistry in Ukraine before the beginning of the lecture. (to have, to discuss)

3 We ... that problem of prevention in dentistry was not solved in all points. (to have, to note)

4 Everything you ... me about organization of dental education is exceptionally interesting. (to have, to tell)

Task 9 Choose the correct meaning of the words:

1 average

a) ordinary b) usual c) normal d) common

2 faculty

a) committee b) teaching staff c) department d) section

3 fee

a) cost b) payment for smith c) price d) loan

Task 10 Choose the correct verb form:

1 We have just learned/had learned the structure of the heart.

2 Doctor in charge had already examined/has already examined the patient when the professor came in.

3 Dental schools have admitted/had admitted more mature students by the end of the month.

4 Since 1991 the number of applications to dental colleges has con­siderably increased/had considerably increased.

Task 11 Translate into English:

1 Деякі стоматологічні факультети мають циклічну систему нав­чання.

2 Загальні медичні предмети вивчаються протягом перших двох років.

3 Як правило, студенти не одержують стипендію, але певна части­на студентів може отримати “гранти” від регіонального відділу освіти.

4 Кілька років тому в Англії були відкриті спеціальні школи по підготовці допоміжного медичного персоналу.

Task 12 Read the dialogue. Try to dramatize it:

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