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Dental education in the usa. Part I

Task 1 Learn the following words:


прийняття, приймання






акредитований, офіційно визнаний


претендент, абітурієнт


вимагати, потребувати


вступ; занесення (у список)








вступний або членський внесок


середнє число

Task 2 Match the following Ukrainian word combinations with the English ones:

1 обов’язковий курс a) applicant’s record

2 академічна успішність b) letter of recommendation

3 рекомендаційний лист c) average score

4 середній бал d) elective course

5 успішність абітурієнта e) application fee

6 вступний внесок f) academic performance

7 елективний курс g) required course

Task 3 Find the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense. Translate them into Ukrainian:

1 All the applicants should pass Dental Admission Test.

2 Predental course requires knowledge in biological science, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Physics and some elective courses.

3 The record of academic performance is sent by the institution the applicant has attended.

4 The applicant may participate in the Dental Admission Testing Program an unlimited number of times.

Task 4 Read the text:


Acceptance to the dental program is based on the grade point aver­ages DAT scores (Dental Admission Test), letters of recommendation, and personal interview. Each applicant’s record is evaluated for quality and achievement.

Predental studies include a minimum of 60 semester hours credit at an accredited college or University. Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of at least a “C” and have earned a grade of at least a “C” in each of the required course areas. Since admission is competitive, applicants should significantly exceed the minimum academic perfor­mance requirements. The following courses are required within the pre­dental course work:

English ………………………………….6 semester hours

Biological Science with laboratory ……. 8 semester hours

Inorganic chemistry with lab ……………8 semester hours

Organic Chemistry with lab ……………. 8 semester hours

Physics with laboratory ………………… 8 semester hours

In addition to the required courses, it is recommended that applicants choose elective courses complementing the dental curriculum. The dental profession requires an understanding of areas such as psychology, sociol­ogy, and economics. The individual student should select additional cours­es on the basis of interest and personal enrichment. All applicants are required to take the American Dental Association Dental Admission Test (DAT), with results forwarded to the College of Dentistry. The DAT is given in April and October of each year. Applicants should take the exam no later than October of the year preceding the year of desired entry. American Dental Association policy allows applicants to participate in the Dental Admission Testing Program an unlimited number times. However, only scores from the four most recent attempts and the total number of attempts will be recorded.

The following materials should be transmitted directly to the college:

1. Letter(s) of recommendation from a professional advisory commit­tee or two science instructors.

2. “Official” transript(s) sent directly to the college by the issuing office(s) of each post-secondary institution you have attended.

3. DAT transript.

4. Application fee in the amount of 25 dollars.

A personal interview is mandatory. Interviews begin October 1 of the year prior to the year of entry and around mid - March of the year of entry. Candidates are interviewed individually by two members of the Admissions Committee. The purpose of the interview is to determine the applicants knowledge of the dental profession, motivation, and maturity.

Therefore, it is recommended that applicants familiarize themselves with the profession by (1) observing and/or assisting at least one dentist during a “typical” day, (2) discussing the profession with several practic­ing dentists, and (3) visiting a dental school and discussing with faculty, students, and staff the profession and the commitment necessary to suc­ceed as a dental student. 50-60 applicants are usually selected each year.

Task 5 Read the text and find the answers to the following questions:

1 What is the acceptance to the dental school based on?

2 How many semester hours should predental studies include?

3 What cumulative grade point average must applicants have?

4 What are required courses during predental studies?

5 Is American Dental Admission Test obligatory for all applicants?

6 What materials should be transmitted to the Dental College?

7 When do personal interviews begin?

8 How many applicants are selected each year?

Task 6 Say whether the following statements are true:

1 Personal interview is not basically important for admission to Dental College.

2 Some additional courses are mandatory.

3 DAT transcript should be transmitted directly to the college.

4 The admission to Dental College exceeds 100 students yearly.

Task 7 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

1 She ... some recommended elective courses. (to have, complete)

2 Applicants ... level “A” in each of the required course areas. (to have, earn)

3 All applicants ... American Dental Association Dental Admission Test. (to have, take)

4 The transcript is sent directly to the college by post-secondary institution the student ... . (to have, attend)

5 They ... already ... one dentist during his working day. (to have, assist, observe)

Task 8 Choose the correct verb form:

1 They missed/have missed two classes yesterday.

2 Applicants knew/have known the date of taking the Dental Admis­sion Test before mid-October.

3 My friend fell ill/has fallen ill with grippe this week and his con­dition is still poor.

4 The students passed/have passed their Anatomy exam lately.

5 Dental College admitted/has admitted 50 students last year.

Task 9 Translate into English:

1Фізика, біологія, органічна та неорганічна хімія є обов’язкови­ми на домедичному періоді навчання.

2 Кожний абітурієнт має скласти загальноамериканський тест і його результати надсилаються до коледжу.

3 Бесіда із членами прийомної комісії є обов’язковою для кожного абітурієнта.

4 Додаткові курси вибираються абітурієнтами з урахуванням їх інтересів.

Task 10 Read the dialogue. Try to dramatize it:

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