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5. Translate into English:

1. Он пожалел, что бросил институт. 2. Жаль, что вы не читали такую интересную книгу. 3. Жаль, что она делает так много ошибок в речи. 4. Хорошо бы у нас были сейчас каникулы. 5. Жаль, что ты не сможешь поехать с нами за город. 6. Мы предложили осмотреть город как можно скорее. 7. Он настаивал, чтобы мы остались дома в такую плохую погоду. 8. Николай предложил взять носильщика, так как у нас было много багажа. 9. Я предложила им оставить ему записку. 10. Они разговаривали так, как будто они давно знали друг друга. 11. Она поет так, как будто она профессиональная певица. 12. Он смотрел на картину так, как будто никогда не видел ее раньше. 13. Он остановился, чтобы посмотреть, не идет ли кто-нибудь за ним. 14. Она закрыла окно, чтобы не слышать шума улицы. 15. Они пригласили нас, чтобы мы посмотрели их новый дом. 16. Надень пальто, чтобы не замерзнуть.

The non-finite forms of the verb

Participle I

(Present Participle)

Причастие I образуется по формуле: к основе глагола присоединяется суффикс –ing: read – reading «читающий, читая», leave – leaving «покидающий, покидая», sit – sitting «сидящий, сидя» и т.д.



Indefinite Participle


being asked

Perfect Participle

having asked

having been asked

1. Give the Present Participle of these verbs:

to advertise, to crowd, to produce, to exhibit, to cross, to complete, to sit, to study, to build, to turn, to inform, to greet, to examine, to play, to dance, to fall, to state, to agree.

2. Translate the following participles:

покупающий, покупая, покупаемый, получающий, получая, получаемый, давая, разговаривающий, отвечая, читаемый, издаваемый, работающий, читая, открывающий, берущий, идущий, входя, смотрящий, видя.

3. Translate the sentences from English into Russian, paying special attention to the function of the Participle in the sentence:

1. The boy playing in the garden is my sister’s son. 2. He asked her to go on with her story, promising not to interrupt her again. 3. Receiving no letters from her father, she called him. 4. He left the office at three o’clock, saying he would be back at five. 5. She stood leaning against the wall. 6. He lay on the sofa reading a book. 7. Seeing her he raised his hat. 8. Having signed the letter the manager asked the secretary to send it off at once. 9. Having lived in that town all his life, he knew it very well. 10. Having arranged everything, he went home on the 10.30 train. 11. Being checked with great care, the report didn’t contain any errors. 12. Being told of his arrival, I went to see him. 13. Having been advised by the doctor to go to the south, she decided to spend her holiday in Sochi. 14. A person bringing good news is always welcome.

4. Replace subordinate clauses by participial constructions:

1. I think the man who is trying on that suit, wears the same size as you do. 2. When the director came into the office he saw several people who were waiting for him. 3. I don’t know the name of the actress who is playing the part of Karenina. 4. When I lived in Moscow I often visited the Tretyakov Gallery. 5. The famous ballerina who was dancing the leading part made the greatest impression on us. 6. When she crosses the street she is always very careful. 7. When I travel I always reserve accommodation in advance. 8. When the editor learned that his newspaper had been taken over by another publisher, he resigned from his position. 9. When I visit a strange city, I like to have a guide-book with me. 10. Now that I have heard you side of the question, I am more inclined to agree with you.

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