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2. Choose the right word:

1. He asked me if I had visited my friends (yesterday, the day before). 2. They said the scientific conference would take place (the next day, tomorrow). 3. I was asked when I was going to return (here, there). 4. I am sure that (this, that) is well-known all over the world. 5. She said she would take part in scientific work (next year, the next year). 6. They knew their friends were going to Almaty (now, then). 7. He said he had been to the city Smolensk a year (ago, before). 8. We are told that we shall take our English exam (next year, the next year). 9. He said that the lecture in History of Kazakhstan would take place (today, that day). 10. She said that we could find the articles in (these, those) journals. 11. They didn’t know if they would watch the football match (tomorrow, the next day).

3. Use the required tense-aspect forms in the following sentences, observing the rules of the Sequence of Tenses where necessary:

1. When I went into the office next morning I already (to formulate) my plan.

2. Well, I don’t think I ever (to see) you before. 3. She ended by saying that she (to think) she (to make) a mistake. 4. He knew what (to go on) in their minds. 5. So I went into the living room where my aunt already (to wait) for me. 6. She telephoned her husband to the office to say that her brother (to return) from abroad). 7. An old friend rang up to ask how Elizabeth (to feel) and whether she (can) go with his wife to the concert on Sunday morning. 8. Most of the trees already (to put) out their leaves and there were buds everywhere. 9. He remembered that he (not to see) Lily for three weeks. 10. She hadn’t yet figured out what she (to be) going to do and she (to hope) she (to be able) to wait a little. 11. Everybody thought that they (to live) in happiness for nearly thirty years. 12. She didn’t know why she (to invent) suddenly the story.

4. Explain how the rules of the Sequence of Tenses work in these clauses. Translate the sentences:

1. She called my mother to say that they had just got a telegram from Boston announcing that Henry’s brother had been married in Germany. 2. I knew she was going to tell me what had happened. 3. He knew that his mother would think he was seriously ill and would probably speak to the teacher. 4. He wanted to return to his house to see how Billy was doing and tell him that he would go to California in two or three days. 5. Rudy decided that he would have to tell Bogart that it was impossible for him to appear before the board the next day, but that he would offer to do so any other day.

5. Give your reasons as to why the rules of the Sequence of Tenses are not observed in the following sentences:

1. She says she is free tomorrow. 2. He spoke with the satisfaction of a competent workman who knows his job from A to Z. 3. The teacher told the children that water boils at 100˚ C. 4. Galileo proved that the Earth moves round the Sun. 5. The speaker said that all the peoples want peace. 6. Monty told me that he had no permit for the gun, and that in England it is illegal to own a gun without a permit. 7. We knew that he plays tennis well. 8. Billy folded his arms and leaned back. 9. “I told you I don’t like milk “.

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