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С.Д. КОМАРОВСКАЯ world economy.docx
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In that it led to the optimal allocation of world resources, so a customs union, which was a step

In that direction, must also be beneficial. However, Jacob Viner in The Customs Union Issue,

published in 1950, pointed out that the creation of a customs union could have two effects: (a)

a trade-creating effect and (b) a trade-diversion effect. Although the former might be a gain,

greater losses might be incurred by the latter. Take the example of two countries A and В and

the rest of the world С producing a particular commodity for 50, 40 and 30 respectively. If

the home market of A is protected by a 25 tariff on the item, then no one in A will find it

economic to import from В or C. Production in A will occur, at 50. If country A then forms a

customs union with B, trade will be created because it is cheaper for A to obtain the commodity

from В than to produce it itself. There is a gain in so far as A is 10 better off. On the other

hand, if country /l’s original import duty had been 15, trade would then have taken place with

the rest of the world C, despite the tariff, as this would be the least-cost source to A. In this

example, if A forms a customs union with В it will now switch its trade because it can obtain

the commodity for 40 from В compared with 30 + 15 = 45 from C. This trade diversion

represents a move away from the optimum of resource allocation, because В is a higher realcost

source than C. Whether, therefore, a customs union will yield overall gains from shifts in

the location of production will depend on the superiority of trade creation to trade diversion.

However, this type of analysis covers only a part of the problem; many other factors must be

taken into account in assessing whether a customs union is beneficial. In particular, the removal

of tariff barriers between countries will change the terms of trade and therefore the

relative volumes of the different commodities demanded, because of the price changes. It will

shift the commodity pattern of trade as well as the geographical origins of the commodities

traded. Whether a community will finish up better off therefore depends on the price and

Income elasticities of demand for the commodities traded. An added benefit may accrue because

the increase in the size of markets may enable economies of scale to be made. Finally, a

protective tariff is initially imposed because home costs are high; but home costs may remain

high because a protective tariff is imposed. Removal of the tariff may induce more efficient

operation and lower costs.

Commentary and Notes to Text

1. vis-a-vis — визави, по отношению

2. unambiguously — недвусмысленно

3. to incur losses — потерпеть убытки

4. better off — выгоднее

5. a move away from the optimum of resource allocation — несоответствие оптимальному распределению


6. to accrue — увеличиваться, появиться (в данном контексте)

7. removal of the tariff may induce more efficient operation and lower costs — снятие тарифа

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313 Read the text “Latin American Integration Association” and enumerate the countries

which joined it.

Latin American Integration Association (LAIA) is the successor to the Latin American Free

Trade Association (LAFTA), signed in 1960, under which Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico,

Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay agreed to establish a free-trade area. Ecuador and Colombia

joined the following year and Venezuela in 1966. Significant reductions in internal tariffs were

achieved. However, in 1969 Chile and Peru joined Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador in forming

a new economic grouping (Andean Pact), and in 1981 the Free Trade Association was replaced

by the Latin American Integration Association. The member countries of this are Bolivia,

Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The intention of

LAIA is to reduce tariffs between member countries but on a pragmatic industry-by-industry

approach, rather than by across-the-board tariff reductions following a fixed timetable, which

was attempted by LAFTA.