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VII. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

conservation investments; soil destruction; soil conserva­tion programme; coarse material; shelterbelt; strip cropping; soil survey data; overgrazing;

VIII. Образуйте причастия настоящего времени от следующих глаголов. Переведите образованные причастия на русский язык, запишите их в тетрадь. Употребите 3-4 причастия в предложениях:

to apply, to maintain, to build, to mean, to conserve, to retain, to accept, to provide, to manage, to design, to dam­age, to select, to return, to time, to direct, to occur, to keep, to develop, to implement, to involve, to help, to increase

IX. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Soil conservation also includes ... agricultural drainage and... . 2. With proper ... most soil resources retain their productive capacity over long periods of time. 3. Rapid soil destruction means ... loss of land. 4. The damage of wind and ... erosion is estimated by millions of dollars. 5. There are some measures to keep the soils from... . 6. Poor or workout cropland can be converted to... . 7. Tree shelterbelts and strip cropping are created for wind and water ... control. 8. Erosion control and moisture consideration practices fit into a well-rounded ... programme.

Х. Переведите с русского языка на английский:

1. Говоря об охране почв, необходимо четко определить меры, которые предпринимаются для этой цели. 2. Исполь­зуя материалы, публикуемые в журнале «Природа», сту­денты подготовили интересные доклады. 3. Рассказывая о методах борьбы с эрозией, специалисты использовали мно­го цифровых данных.

XI. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Soil conservation means proper land uses protecting the land against all the forms of soil deterioration. 2. Protec­tion of soils from water and wind erosion is one of the main purposes of a soil conservation programme. 3. To protect soils from erosions means to solve the main problem of soil conservation.


I. Выучите новую лексику урока:

pit n 1. яма, углубление; beneficial а выгодный, прибыльный

2.шахта, карьер avoid v избегать, избежать

tip n конец, край, оконечность priority n преимущество

extraction n извлечение, добыча constraint я принуждение,

ensure v обеспечить стеснение; нужда

II. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Text A. Intensification of Land Uses

Scientific and technological progress in the use of natural resources can be summarized in one word-intensification. Higher production can come from the more intensive use of lands currently in use as well as from development of new land areas.

Most types of land yield a higher and higher total produc­tion with increasing inputs of capital and labour per unit of land. It is particularly true in periods when new technologi­cal developments can be used to increase production and to reduce costs. For example, today large, expensive and complicated machines permit removal of vast quantities of land in a short time. The mines are either deep pits or open excavations, and there are large tips of waste deposited on the surface. Large acreages of prime farm land are often taken for non-agricultural uses.

Let us take for example mineral extraction industries. Of all of them mining is the one which has given rise to the greatest amount of derelict land. Apart from tips and holes there is the wasteland left behind by open excavations.

The State Land Use Control is to ensure that the inten­sification of land uses, particularly the mineral working and other extraction industries, may avoid interference with farm land uses. The land use planners responsible for after-use of derelict land should ensure wherever possible land reclamation and farm after-use. Land used for mineral working must not be abandoned and left derelict when the working is finished. It must be restored or otherwise treated with a view to bring­ing it back into some form of beneficial use.

Land management usually is considered to include ap­praisal of alternative treatment relative to the use of land for specific purposes, selection of practices to be used, and di­rection of the use of desired practices.

In determining the alternative after-uses, it is essential that as much information as possible be obtained about the land in question. The land use planners must use the existing know-how to effective land use to facilitate new and improved after-uses.

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