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III. Прочтите и переведите текст: Text b. Motorways and Road Construction

The impact of the road network on all aspects of agricul­ture must be fully assessed. It is the road network which is one of the greatest consumers of land. Every year large areas are taken for the construction improvement and reallocation of communications systems of rural areas. The land use plan­ners should know, therefore, the fundamental principles and provisions of road and motorway design. These may be sum­marized as follows:

1. The proposed routing must satisfy all short- and long-term traffic requirements. The routing must be coordinated with the communications system. The agricultural produc­tion should be linked with the existing road network.

2. Each motorway must be subject to satisfactory cost-benefit analysis.

3. The motorway must be integrated with the landscape thus minimizing loss of amenities to surrounding communi­ties.

4. Consideration must be given to environmental stand­ards from the user's viewpoint.

5. Lane width must be sufficient to ensure satisfactory standards of safety for all classes of vehicles.

6. Dual carriageways should be provided to reduce the possibility of head-on collisions.

7. Uniform and consistent operating conditions must be provided.

8. There must be specially designed access facilities to enable vehicles to enter and leave with the maximum safety and minimum disturbance.

9. There must be adequate traffic direction signs in order that drivers may have sufficient time to change direction.

10. Service areas, parking and other facilities must be provided in order to allow sufficient rest for drivers, thus reducing strain factor.

Extensive surveys are needed to assist in evaluation of the routing alternatives. These includes traffic, engineering, and land use planning surveys. Sophisticated modeling tech­niques must be used to stimulate the effects of various estimat­ed traffic flows and densities.

IV. Определите без словаря значения следующих словосочетаний:

a communications system; transportation of people; mo­torways and farm roads; land network; land-based production; transportation network; residential area; fundamental prin­ciples; environmental standards

V. а) Запишите и выучите наизусть глаголы, наиболее часто упот­ребляющиеся в конструкции «объектный падеж с инфинити­вом». Употребите их в предложениях. Запишите составлен­ные вами предложения в тетрадь:

to want — хотеть; to like — любить, нравиться; to wish — желать; to intend — намереваться; to mean — хотеть;to expect — ожидать, полагать; to think — полагать; to suppose — предполагать; to know — знать; to consider — считать

б) Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфини­тивные обороты:

1. Scientists do not consider this effect to be an experimen­tal error of any kind. 2. I would like to sit here, to hear pro­fessor Maslov give his lecture. 3. The student wanted his friend lo discuss the project of farm communications together with him. 4. The specialists expected the chairman to tell them about the infarm communications system.

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