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Exercise 1. Learn the new words:

compound— суміш, сполука

diverse - різноманітний

nutrient - поживна речовина

carbohydrate - вуглевод

sufficient - достатній

assist - допомагати, сприяти

exception – виняток

heal - виліковувати, загоювати, заживати

expose - піддавати (чомусь - to)

fatty acid - жирна кислота

performance - продуктивність

store - накопичувати

outer - зовнішній

ingest - ковтати

Exercise 2. Form nouns with the help of the following suffixes; translate the nouns into your language:

-ance(-ence): perform, assist, differ, maintain, appear, occur, disturb, resist

-ion: except, protect, direct, ingest, suggest, correct, infect, solute, palpate

Exercise 3. Translate the word combinations into your language:

Organic compound, sufficient quantity, single exception, essential nutrients, fatty acid, amino acid, water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, be stored in the fatty tissue, ingest frequently, excreted through the urine, diverse biochemical functions, maintain body tissues, immune system's performance, outer cell membrane, deficiency disease, vitamin poisoning.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into your language paying attention to the use of modal verbs with active and passive infinitives:

1) Water-soluble vitamins must be used by the body at once.

2) Vitamin В12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the liver for many years.

3) You .can develop health problems if you do not get enough vitamins.

4) Any woman who is pregnant should get enough folic acid.

5) High doses of certain vitamins can be poisonous.

6)Oil-soluble vitamins can be stored for long periods of time in the body's fatty tissue and the liver.

Exercise 5. Read the text:

A vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. In other words, an organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. If a molecule can be synthesized in the body, it is not a vitamin. The single exception to this rule is vitamin D which can be synthesized in the skin, but only when exposed to sunlight and Niacin (B3) which itself can be synthesized in the liver in small amounts. The term vitamin does not also include other essential nutrients such as minerals, fatty acids, or amino acids (which are needed in larger amounts than vitamins).

Vitamins are classified as either water-soluble or fat-soluble. There are 13 universally recognized vitamins: 4 fat-soluble (A, D. E. and K.) and 9 water-soluble (8 В vitamins and vitamin C). Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body's fatty tissue, so they do not need to be ingested every day Water soluble vitamins cannot be stored, with the exceptions of Bl: and Folic Acid and must be ingested frequently for optimal health. They are easily excreted through the urine.

Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions. For example, vitamin A helps to develop and maintain body tissues such as bone and skin; it also helps the body's vision, nervous system functioning, reproduction, and growth. The В vitamins are responsible for increasing the production of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates as well as assisting with metabolism, building red blood cells, and maintaining the protection of the nervous system. Vitamin C helps form tissues, cells, bones and teeth; heals wounds; and improves the immune system's performance. Vitamin E protects the outer cell membranes from harm, thus assisting the immune system in fighting off diseases.

A diet naturally high in vitamins and minerals can be the best defense against many diseases. You can develop health problems (deficiency disease) if you do not get enough of a particular vitamin. But it is also important to remember that high doses of certain vitamins can cause vitamin poisoning.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

1) What vitamin can be synthesized in the body?

2) How are vitamins classified?

3) Which vitamins are fat-soluble?

4) Which vitamins are water-soluble?

5) How many vitamins are universally recognized?

6) Why is it unnecessary to ingest fat-soluble vitamins daily?

7) How are water-soluble vitamins excreted out of the body?

8) What functions do vitamins have?

9) What are В vitamins responsible for?

10) What are the functions of vitamin A?

11) What happens when an individual doesn't get enough of a particular vitamin?

12) What can high doses of certain vitamins cause9

Exercise 7. Translate the following word combinations into English:

Різноманітні біохімічні функції, викликати отруєння вітаминами, захищати зовнішню клітинну оболонку від пошкодження, органічна сполука, покращувати продуктивність імунної системи, розвивати авітаміноз, виділяти з сечею, допомогати підтримувати тканини тіла, у достатній кількості, єдиний виняток з цього правила, жирні кислоти та амінокислоти, потрібно споживати щоденно, необхідні поживні речовини, накопичуватися у жировій тканині, водорозчинні вітаміни, жиророзчинні вітаміни.

Exercise 8. Put questions to the underlined words:

1) Vitamin D can be synthesized in the body.

2) Water-soluble vitamins must be ingested frequently.

3) Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions.

4) High doses of certain vitamins can cause vitamin poisoning.

5) Vitamin C helps form tissues, cells, bones and teeth.

6) Vitamin E protects the outer cell membranes from harm,

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to modal verbs with active and passive infinitives:

1) Печінка може накопичувати вітамін В12.

2) Вітамін В12 може накопичуватися у печінці.

3) Нам слід включати вітамінні добавки до нашого раціону.

4) Вітамінні добавки мають включатися до нашого раціону.

5) Не слід вживати жиророзчинні вітаміни щоденно.

6) Більшість вітамінів не можуть вироблятися організмом.

7) 3 яких джерел можна отримати вітаміни групи В?

8) За яких умов тіло може виробляти вітамін D?