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Exchange of gases

Exercise 1. Translate the word combinations into your language:

the alveoli of the lungs, the combination of oxygen and hemoglobin, to pass into the blood, the oxygen capacity of the blood, due to the difference of partial pressure of these gases, partial pressure of oxygen in the venous blood, the process of transfer of gases, the medium with a lower partial pressure.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

  1. Where does the exchange of gases take place?

  2. What is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide due to?

  3. What is the transfer of oxygen from the atmospheric air into the blood due to?

  4. What enables carbon dioxide to pass from the blood into alveolar air?

  5. What transfers oxygen into the blood?

  6. What is the oxygen capacity of the blood ?

  7. How is carbon dioxide transferred?

Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations into English:

Обмін кисню та вуглекислого газу, переноситися у комбінації з гемоглобіном, місткість кисню, досягати 18-20 мілілітрів на 100 грамів крові, середовище з більш низьким парціальним тиском, завдяки різниці у тисках, дати змогу перейти з крові до альвеолярного повітря, венозна кров, атмосферне повітря, відбуватися в альвеолах у легенях.

Exercise 4. Put questions to the underlined parts of the sentences:

  1. The exchange of gases takes place in the alveoli of the lungs.

  2. Oxygen passes into the blood.

  3. The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air is higher than in the venous blood.

  4. The transfer of oxygen from the atmospheric air into the blood is due to this difference of pressures.

  5. The process of transfer of gases into the medium with a lower partial pressure is called diffusion.

  6. Hemoglobin transfers oxygen into the blood.

  7. The oxygen capacity of the blood averages 18-20 milliliters (ml) per 100 g of blood.

  8. The combination of oxygen and hemoglobin is called oxyhemoglobin.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets, putting the verbs in the appropriate tense:

  1. I knew that they (to wait) for me at the metro station and I decided to hurry.

  2. The patient said that he (to experience) never such pain before.

  3. The patient said that his teeth (to become) 3 shades whiter.

  4. He believed that the new method of treatment (to use) extensively in future.

  5. He said that this drug already (to help) him a lot.

  6. The boy’s mother said that he (to have) concussion of the brain two years before.

  7. I was sure that I already (to make) all necessary analyses.

  8. The patient thought that the treatment (to be) effective.


  1. Topic vocabulary:

Nervous circuit - нервная цепь

Involuntary activity– непроизвольное действие

To bring about= to cause – вызывать

Pinprick –укол булавкой

To withdraw – отдергивать, отнимать

To involve - вовлекать

Conditioned reflex – условный рефлекс

Patellar reflex - коленный рефлекс

Plantar reflex - подошвенный рефлекс

Pupillary reflex – зрачковый рефлекс

Response - реакция

Tosalivate– выделять слюну

Jerk– судорожное подергивание

Pointedobject– заостренный предмет

Bunching– группирование

Indication – признак, показатель

  1. Translate the following word combinations:

Painful stimulus, nervous circuit, patellar reflex, plantar reflex, pupillary reflex, sensory stimulus, to associate the sound, feeding time, knee jerk, sensory nerves, motor neurons, a pointed object, outer border, the sole of the foot, flexor response, downward movement, upward movement, extensor response, sensitive indication, bright light, dim light.

  1. Read and translate the text:


A reflex is an automatic or involuntary activity caused by a simple nervous circuit. Consciousness may not be necessarily involved. Thus a painful stimulus such as a pinprick will bring about the reflex of withdrawing the finger before the brain has had time to send a message to the muscles involved.

There are a lot of reflexes, such as conditioned, patellar, plantar reflexes, papillary reflex and others.

A conditioned reflex is a reflex in which the response occurs not to the sensory stimulus but to a separate stimulus, which has been learnt to be associated with it. In Pavlov’s classic experiments dogs learnt to associate the sound of a bell with feeding time and would salivate at the bell’s sound whether the food was presented to them or not.

A patellar reflex is the knee jerk. This is a test to the connection between the sensory nerves to stretch receptors in the muscle, the spinal cord, and the motor neurons. Disease or damage may result in absence of the reflex.

A plantar reflex is a reflex obtained by drawing a pointed object along the outer border of the sole of the foot from the heel to the little toe. The normal flexor response is a bunching and downward movement of the toes. An upward movement of the great toe is called extensor response or Babinski reflex. In all persons over the age of 18 months this is a sensitive indication of disease in the brain or spinal cord.

A papillary (light) reflex is the reflex change in the size of light entering the eye. Bright light stimulates nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system, which cause the pupils to contract. In dim light the pupils open, due to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions:

  1. What is a reflex?

  2. What reflexes do you know?

  3. What is a conditioned reflex?

  4. What is a patellar reflex?

  5. What is a plantar reflex?

  6. What is a papillary reflex?

  7. What did Pavlov’s experiments show?

  8. What is Babinski reflex?

  9. What is the normal flexor response manifested by?

  10. What does the extensor response in the plantar reflex mean?

  11. When do the pupils contract?

  12. When do the pupils open?

Exercise 5. Put questions to the underlined words:

  1. A painful stimulus brings about the reflex of withdrawing.

  2. Consciousness may not be necessarily involved.

  3. The dogs learnt to associate the sound of a bell with feeding time.

  4. Disease or damage may result in absence of the reflex.

  5. A pointed object is drawn from the heel to the little toe.

  6. The normal flexor response causes downward movements of toes.

  7. Outward movement of the great toe is called the extensor response.

  8. Babinski reflex is a sensitive indication of disease in the brain or spinal cord.

  9. Bright light stimulates nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system.

  10. In dim light the pupils open.

Exercise 6. Translate into English:

Непроизвольное действие, болезненный раздражитель, нервная цель, условный рефлекс, спинной мозг, двигательные нейроны, сенсорный раздражитель, время кормления, зрачковый рефлекс, отдернуть палец, наружная граница, коленный рефлекс, отдельный раздражитель, подошвенный рефлекс, количество света, движение вниз, движение вверх, рефлекс сгибания, рефлекс разгибания, посылать сообщение.

Exercise 7. Insert prepositions:

1…. Pavlov’s classic experiments dogs learnt to associate the sound of a bell … feeding time.

2…. dim light the pupils open, … stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.

3. A plantar reflex is a reflex obtained … drawing a pointed object … the outer border … the sole … the foot.

4. A conditioned reflex is a reflex in which the response does not occur … the sensory stimulus.

5. Disease or damage may result … absence of the patellar reflex.

6. … all persons … the age of 18 months Babinski reflex is a sensitive indication … disease … the brain or spinal cord.

Exercise 8. Explain the terms: a reflex, conditioned reflexes, papillary reflexes, patellar reflex, plantar reflex, spinal cord