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VII. Answer the following the question

1. What natural resources is the United States rich in?

2. What can you say about the iron ore mined in the USA?

3. Where is the iron ore mined in the USA?

4. What is coal used for?

5. What is oil used for?

6. What are the main branches of America’s heavy industry?

7. What are the branches of light industry?

8. What is a great deal of attention devoted to in American industry?

9. Why are new industries, such as electronics, created?

10. What do mechanization and automation bring about?

11. How and where is American industry located?

12. Why is there a tendency to build factories close to natural resources and markets?

13. What the main branches of agriculture?

14. What makes up an important branch of America’s agriculture?

15. What crops are grown in the USA?

16. What is used for intensification of farm production?

17. What are the leading exports of the USA?


VIII. Speak on the topic ”us Economy” Grammar The Passive Voice

I. Make the following interrogative and negative

1. The land of the world is divided into five large continents. 2. She was told a good piece of news yesterday. 3. The pupils are taught to drive a car. 4. I was suggested to write about weather. 5. We shall never a pleased with weather. 6. He will be offered an interesting job in a month. 7. He is being instructed by his mother.8. The radio-set is being repaired now. 9. Newspapers were being bought by him from 5 to 6. 10. That document was being copied by him at 12. 11. We have been told mane funny stories. 12.She has been given a beautiful ring. 13. They had been acquainted with many participants of this conference , before they pined it. 14. The problem of budgetary system in Ukraine will have been discussed at the seminar by the time he comes.

II. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice

1. They often invite me to their parties. 2. People speak English in different parts of the world. 3. One uses milk for making butter. 4. We form the Passive Voice with the help of the auxiliary verb “to be”. 5. They build a lot of new houses in this district every year.


1. They built this house in 1950. 2. Somebody locked the front door. 3. Someone broke my pen last night. 4. They punished the boy for that. 5. They finished their work in time.


1.People will forget it very soon. 2. They will translate this work next year. 3. They will tell you when to come. 4. Where will they build a new library? 5. Someone will ask him about it.


1. They are constructing some new Metro lines now. 2. Wait a little. They are examining the last student there. 3. They are discussing this question now. 4. When I switched on the radio they were broadcasting a very interesting program.


1. Somebody has invited her to the party. 2.They have done all the exercises in written form. 3. They had done everything before we came. 4. I thought they had already sent the letter. 5. Evidently somebody had informed him of the news before they announced it. 6. They will have informed us before he comes.

III. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice making the indirect object the subject of the passive construction

Example: They showed me the way .

I was shown the way.

1. He offered me a chair. 2. We gave him all the money. 3. They have just shown me a new magazine. 4. Mother promised the boy a new toy. 5. Nobody has told me the news yet. 6. They sent you the invitation last week. 7. I am sure they will offer you a very interesting job. 8. They recommended me several articles on that problem. 9. Someone taught him French and gave him a dictionary. 10. They asked us to be there at eight o’clock 11. They have promised me some books on this problem. 12.A passer-by showed us the way to Trafalgar Square.

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