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to guarantee to do levelling

to suppose gage adjustment

a roadmaster to check points

to be in charge for a switch

track operating safety to work at qualification

grade crossing safety a brigade-leader

according to a district engineer

a responsibility repair works

permanent way protection of labour

a railing technical exploitation

a sleeper means of control

embankment branch economics

to replace

My future profession

I want to be a railwayman, because …, that’s why I have entered this technical school.

  • my parents (relatives) are railwaymen too and I want to continue this family tradition

  • It was always my dream (since the childhood)

  • after graduating I am guaranteed the work

After my graduating I’m supposed to be a roadmaster. We shall be in charge for track operating safety, we must also guarantee grade crossing safety. According to our official responsibilities we must technical condition of the permanent way: railings, sleepers and (railway) embankment. Our service often has to replace old (damaged) sleepers by new, to track, to do leveling, gage adjustment and check points (switches).

If I work at my qualification, I can become a brigade-leader or a district engineer, then I shall have to manage the repair works.

At this technical school we have to study a lot of general and special subjects. Especially important for me are: protection of labour, technical exploitation, means of (technical condition) control, branch economics and others.



сигналист a signal tender

приемосдатчик грузов и багажа a luggage and freight acceptance-master

составитель поездов a train maker-up

оператор поста централизации a centralization’s post operator

дежурный по станции an assistant station-master

начальник станции a station-master

организация движения поездов train traffic organization

организация перевозок грузов freight traffic organization

безопасность движения traffic safety

оформлять документацию to do paper work

маневрирование maneuvering

ревизор an inspector

диспетчер a dispatcher; a controller, a traffic superintendent

инженер по технике безопасности a safety technique engineer

инженер по охране труда a labour protection engineer

отправление поездов train dispatch

перевозка грузов freight, transportation of goods

техника безопасности safety measures

техника эксплуатации exploitation techniques (engineering)

опасные грузы dangerous loads

железнодорожные станции и узлы railway stations and junctions

технические средства hardware, devices

охрана труда protection of labour

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