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Booking Airline Tickets by Telephone

Travel Agency Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you?

Mr. Johnson: I’d like to reserve a seat on a morning flight to Seattle next Wednesday.

Clerk: I can offer you two flights: at 7.30 a.m. and at 10 a.m. Which would you prefer?

J.: I’d rather go by the 7.30.

C.: First class or economy?

J.: Economy, please.

C.: Okay. Anything else?

J.: When is the plane due in Seattle?

C.: At 12.30. There are no delays as a rule. Your name, address and a telephone number, please.

J.:(Gives the information required.)

C.: We’ll deliver the ticket two days before your departure. Thank you for calling us.

Booking a Seat at a Booking Office

Clerk: Yes, sir.

Mr. Fennell: I’d like to book a seat on an afternoon train to Glasgow.

C.: Single or return?

F.: Return, please.

C.: That’ll be fifty-seven pounds, sir.

F.: Here you are.

C.: Thank you. Your train leaves at two twenty-five from Platform 6.

Checking in

Mr Nelson: Is this Mercury Airlines counter?

Clerk: Yes, it is. May I help you?

Mr Nelson: I'd like to check my reservation for today's flight to Mexico City.

Clerk: May I see your ticket and passport?

Mr Nelson: Is everything in order?

Clerk Yes, it is. Where is your baggage?

Mr Nelson: It's over there.

Clerk: Very well. It weighs exactly thirty pounds.

Mr Nelson: Do I get a baggage check?

Clerk: Yes, you do. Here it is. Now go to gate number se­ven. Your flight number is 326.

Mr Nelson: What time does the plane leave?

Clerk: Аt 4.30.

Mr Nelson: Excuse me. Is this gate seven?

Official: Yes, it is. We are boarding the plane at any mo­ment.

Mr Nelson: Why! I'm right on time!

Mr Nelson: May I take any seat?

Stewardess: Yes, any seat not marked "reserved".

Mг Nelson: When do we take off?

Stewardess: In about five minutes. No smoking, please.

Mr Nelson: Miss! Do we land in Washington? Are we landing now?

Stewardess: Yes, we are. Please, fasten your belts. Here, let me help you. There!

Mr Nelson: Thank you.

Stewardess: You are welcome. Well, here we are.

At the Customs

Officer: Okay, bags on the table, please, uh-huh. How long are you planning to stay?

Tourist: Four weeks.

Officer: Do you have anything to declare?

Tourist: What?

Officer: Alcohol, cigarettes ...

Tourist: No.

Officer: Any meat, fresh fruit, plants?

Tourist: Uh, no.

Officer: Open your suitcase, please. Any gifts?

Tourist: Excuse me?

Officer: Are you bringing any gifts into the country?

Tourist: No, huh-uh.

Officer: Uh-huh. What's in the bottle?

Tourist: Uh, hand lotion.

Officer: Okay, that'll be okay. Here's your form.

Tourist: Uh, what should I do with it?

Officer: See that officer over there by the gate? He'll take it.

Tourist: Thank you very much.

At the Hotel

A.: Have you got any vacant rooms?

B.: Single or double, sir?

A.: Two double rooms, please.

B.: You are lucky, we’ll be able to put you up. A group of tourists has just left the hotel. Which floor would you like, sir?

A.: It’s all the same to us if the lift is in order.

B.: It has been out of order for a week. But I hope it’ll be all right now. Which floor have you decided on?

A.: We’ll take rooms on the fifth floor. How much are they?

B.: Fifty dollars a night, sir.

A.: O.K. The price is reasonable. We’ll take these rooms.

Ex.12. Переведите на английский язык.

На вокзале

- Объявляется посадка на поезд № 5 до Москвы. Время отправления – 23.30. Поезд стоит у платформы № 7 левая сторона.

А.: Мы как раз вовремя. Постой здесь, а я пойду заберу вещи из камеры хранения.

В.: Поторопись. И купи чего-нибудь поесть. В ночных поездах нет вагона-ресторана.

А.: Ну вот и я. Пойдем в вагон…

В.: Вот наше купе. Верхнее и нижнее места. Куда положим вещи?

А.: Я думаю вниз, под полку. А ту сумку можно положить наверх.

В.: Ну и отлично. Хорошо, что наши места по ходу поезда, не будет дуть.

А.: Да. А когда мы будем в Москве?

В.: По расписанию в 8.15 утра. Но мы можем опоздать.

А.: Не думаю. Фирменные поезда обычно приходят по расписанию. А иногда даже и раньше.

В.: Хорошо. А не пора ли нам отправляться?

А.: Через пять минут поедем. Надеюсь, проводник принесет чаю, а то я страшно голоден.

В.: Постели пока постели.

А.: Потом. Надо было покупать СВ. Там только нижние места, и все уже готово.

В.: Перестань ворчать. СВ – дорогое удовольствие. К тому же, нам пришлось доплатить за багаж.

А.: Я всегда говорил, что лучше путешествовать налегке.


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