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48 Tourism

I. Соотнесите следующие английские выражения в колонке а с их русскими эквивалентами в колонке b. Запишите свой выбор в колонке с.


  1. departure lounge a) зал ожидания 1. a

  2. track b) купе 2.

  3. berth c) взлет 3.

  4. schedule d) путь 4.

  5. booking-office e) полка (в вагоне) 5.

f) касса

g) расписание


  1. compartment a) ремень безопасности 6.

  2. hand luggage b) взлет 7.

  3. take off c) взлетно-посадочная полоса 8.

  4. seat belt d) путь 9.

  5. runway e) купе 10.

f) расписание

g) ручной багаж


  1. destination a) отпускник 11.

  2. fare b) брать плату за что-либо 12.

  3. to charge for smth. c) пункт назначения 13.

  4. holiday maker d) купе (в поезде) 14.

  5. to tip e) плата за проезд 15.

f) давать на чай

g) носильщик



  1. reservation a) официант 16.

  2. porter b) приземляться 17.

  3. single room c) бронь 18.

  4. service d) обслуживание 19.

  5. waiter e) совершать частые поездки 20.

f) комната для одного человека

g) носильщик


  1. bill a) аэровокзал 21.

  2. seaside resort b) пункт назначения 22.

  3. to land c) морской курорт 23.

  4. destination d) справочное бюро 24.

  5. inquiry office e) удобства 25.

f) счет

g) приземляться


  1. commute a) арендовать 26.

  2. sightseeing b) обслуживание 27.

  3. to book c) совершать частые поездки 28.

  4. to rent d) таможня 29.

  5. customs e) плата за проезд 30.

f) заказывать

g) осмотр достопримечательностей

II. Соотнесите слово в колонке a с его определением из колонки b. Запишите свой выбор в колонке с.



  1. cockpit a) a company that arranges travel tours 1. c

  2. departure b) a boat that carries people or goods across 2.

a river/channel

  1. voyage c) the area in a plane where the pilots sit 3.

  2. ferry d) the start of a journey 4.

  3. tour operator e) a long journey (usually in a ship) 5.


  1. overseas a) a bus with comfortable seats used for 6.

long journeys

  1. destination b) pretty, interesting, beautiful (about a 7.

place or a landscape)

  1. picturesque c) a place that somebody is going to 8.

  2. cruise d) abroad 9.

  3. coach e) a journey by ship for pleasure 10.

III. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски данными словами и словосочетаниями:

progress, travel, role, move, car

Traveling in the USA

Americans love traveling, they have always been people on the (1) move. It is very normal to (2) _______________________when you retire. In the American system of values change is strongly linked to development, improvement, (3) _______________________, and growth.

They divide the whole of American history into America BC and modern America. In American jargon BC means 'Before (4) ________________________'.


American culture is often called a "car culture", since American mentality is "car-oriented". A driver's license in America plays the same (5) ______________________ as a passport in Russia - you can get a bank loan with it and do several other things, which require your identification.

catch, tickets, booking-office, comfort, railroad

Traveling by train

Modern life is impossible without traveling. Of course the fastest way of traveling is by plane. But many people prefer traveling by train as with a train you have speed, (6) _________________________ and pleasure combined.

If you are going to travel by train you’d better book (7) _______________________ beforehand because many people are fond of traveling by train. There are some reasons why people choose (8) __________________________. Train is the cheap means of traveling. If it is summer it will be better to think of your trip before the vocation starts. To understand how true it is, you only have to go to a railway station. There you will see hundreds of people hurrying to (9) _________________________ a train. You’ll waste a lot of time standing near the (10) __________________________ trying to buy the ticket.

danger, seat-belt, board, smoking, get in, various, notices, height, numerous, booking office, taking off, beforehand, luggage, journey, useful

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