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I. The noun

  1. Запишите рядом с существительным форму их множественного числа.

Example: a man – men

1. a goose 11. a child

2. a deer 12. a tooth

3. a mouse 13. a life

4. a roof 14. a fish

5. a foot 15. a photo

6. a lady 16. a sheep

7. a woman 17. a box

8. a wolf 18. a family

9. a bench 19. a boy

10. a strawberry 20. a church

  1. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Example: Gymnastics ____ my favourite sport.

A. is B. are

1. My hair ____ clean.

A. is B. are

2. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine ____ not sharp enough.

A. is B. are

3. Bad news ____ fast.

A. travel B. travels


4. Knowledge ____ power.

A. is B. are

5. You cannot see anything. Where ____ your glasses?

A. is B. are

6. In summer we eat a lot of ____.

A. fruit B. fruits

7. The police ____ to interview Fred about the accident.

A. want B. wants

8. Money ____ not everything.

A. is B. are

9. Julia’s clothes ____ in her wardrobe.

A. is B. are

10. The trousers you’ve bought for me ____ fit me.

A. don’t B. doesn’t

II. The article

I. Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.

Example: I’d like to go on an excursion to the Crimea.

1.___ President of ___ United States lives in ___ Washington D.C.

2. What do you think of Jane? - She's ___ extremely nice person."

3. Mary is wearing ___ beautiful ring today. It is made of ___ gold.

4. ___ beef is a kind of ___ meat.

5. I have ___ idea. Let's go on ___ picnic on ___ Saturday.

6. We went to ___ South of ___ Russia ____last year.

7. ____ St. Paul’s Cathedral was designed by Sir Christopher Wren.


8. I’d like to have ___ hamburger for ___ breakfast.

9. Can you play ___ piano?

10. Will you play ___ chess with me?

11. At ___ night I had ___ terrible headache after I had drunk ___ lot of coffee in ___ evening.

12. Thomas Nixon is ___ last person I want to see.

13. My favourite subject at school was ___ History.

14. He knows ___ history of ___ China well.

15. Could you phone later, please? Ann is having ___ shower.

16. ___ rent is 50 dollars ___ week.

17. We often go to ___ theatre and to ___ cinema.

18. What ___ pity they haven’t come.

19. I can’t find ___ letter which I received yesterday.

20. By ___ way, Tim entered ___ Oxford University ___ last year.

21. ___ President is going to open ___ new hospital in ___ capital ___ next month.

22. Are you going to ___ country on ___ Saturday?

23. They usually go ___ shopping on ___ Mondays, but ___ last Monday they didn’t do ___ shopping.

24. Could you tell me ___ time, please? - It’s ___ quarter past four.

25. To tell ___ truth, I didn’t expect to see him.

26. ___ earth goes round ___ sun.

27. What ___ lovely song!

28. It took me one and ___ half hours to get there.

29. ___ half ___ dozen eggs, please.

30. I went to ___ France ___ last year, but I haven’t been to ___ Netherlands yet.

31. I live in ___ Tverskaya Street.

32. ___ Thames flows through ___ London.

33. ___ United Kingdom includes ___ Great Britain and ___ Northern Ireland.


34. St. Bernard dogs are named after ___ monastery high up in ___ Alps.

35. ___ USA is ___ fourth country in ___ world after ___ Russia, ___ Canada and ___ Republic of ___ China.

36. Although ___ north of ___ Scotland is called ___ Highlands ___ mountains aren’t high there - ___ Ben Nevis (1343 m) is ___ highest peak.

37. ___ children like ___ ice cream.

38. ___ butter and ___ cheese are made of ___ milk.

39. Pass me ___ sugar, please.

40. ___ Everest is ___ highest mountain in ___ world.

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