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VII. Прочитайте тексты и выберите правильную видовременную форму. Text 1

Last night I (1) have seen/ saw an interesting programme on television. It (2) has been/ was about a new way of teaching science subjects to schoolchildren. For three years now a school in London (3) has been teaching/ is teaching science in this way to some of its students, and these students (4) have done/ did significantly better in examinations than the students in ordinary classes. It (5) is working/ works like this: students (6) are not only learning/ not only learn about science, but are taught to think about their own way of thinking. One of the teachers on the programme said, ‘Older good teaching methods (7) have made/ made people think, but it (8) has been/ was in a sense unconscious. When a child (9) is having/ has to explain to somebody else how they have solved a problem, that really makes them think about their own thinking.’

Researchers (10) are not fully understanding/ do not fully understand how the methods (11) are working/ work. But marks in examinations (12) have increased/ increased dramatically. Unfortunately, nothing (13) is being done/ is done at the moment to train other teachers in the new methods.

Text 2. Extracts from a radio report.

‘People (1) have come/ came from all over Britain for this demonstration. I would say there are about 30,000 people here. Some of the demonstrators from Scotland (2) have left/ left home shortly after midnight last night to arrive on time.

‘All of the members of one group (3) have painted/ painted their hands purple and are wearing gas masks. Others (4) have brought/ brought their children; one child is carrying a sign saying “Don’t forget us!”

‘The police (5) have arrived/ arrived early this morning, and have been


waiting since then in case of trouble. One of the groups opposing the march (6) has made/ made a statement yesterday saying that they would do all they could to disturb the demonstration, so police officials are being very careful.

‘The march seems very well-organised; organizers (7) have just given/ just gave armbands to volunteers, who will make sure that people stay on the authorized route and remain peaceful.

‘Wait a moment. I (8) have just had/ just had a report that a dangerous-looking parcel has been found under one of the organisers’ cars. Police (9) have taken/ took the parcel and are taking it to a bomb disposal van.’

(A few minutes later) ‘Oh, no! the bomb (10) has exploded/ exploded; people are running and screaming; several people, including some children, seem to be hurt, but I can’t tell how badly.’

(A few minutes later) ‘Police (11) have called/ called for the organizers; other policemen and women are clearing a path for the ambulances.’

(A few minutes later) ‘The police (12) have finished/ finished talking to the organizers now. I will try to get a statement from one of them… Yes, here is Amanda Raines, one of the organizers of the demonstration. She (13) has just spoken/ just spoke to the police. When do you think the bomb (14) has been planted/ was planted, Amanda?’

‘We (15) have arrived/ arrived here last night at ten o’clock and (16) have slept/ slept in the vans. The car where the bomb was found has not been moved since then. Someone (17) has probably planted/ probably planted the bomb while we were asleep; the police told me that it looks like a time bomb.’

‘Do you think the bomb (18) has been planted/ was planted by the opposition group?’

‘I think we must wait until we have more information. The group said they would disturb the demonstration, but we cannot hold them responsible just because of that.’


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