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Innovation Issues

Lesson 1


1. to guarantee (v) – гарантировать, обеспечивать; Syn.: assure, warrant, certify, secure.

All our electric motors are guaranteed for one year. – У всех наших двигателей гарантия год.

2. entrepreneurship (n) – предпринимательство, предприимчивость.

Entrepreneurship is a typical characteristic of highly successful inventor. – Предприимчивость – типичная характеристика преуспевающего изобретателя.

commercial enterprise коммерческое предприятие;

entrepreneurial (adj) – антрепренёрский.

This manager has a strong entrepreneurial spirit. – У этого менеджера антрепренёрский склад ума.

3. novelty (n) – новизна, инновация; Syn.: news, innovation.

In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism. – В современном западном мире быстро меняющаяся мода – это дань стремлению к новизне и индивидуализму.

4. collaboration (n) – сотрудничество, участие, совместная работа; Syn.: co-operate.

An invention may sometimes be based on collaborations.Иногда изобретение является результатом совместной работы.


Inventors may be inspired to invent through a desire to create something new or better, simple altruism, or for competitive or commercial reasons.




Misunderstandings of changing marketplaces are typical characteristics of successful inventors.




Some inventions represent incompetence in science or technology.




The original ideamay never be fully realised as a working invention, perhaps because the concept is in some way unrealistic or impractical.




History is full of examples of "glorious failure".



1.  An inventor is a person who creates

a)  something new or better, simple altruism, or for competitive or commercial reasons.

2.  The word "inventor" comes from

b)  which can be overcome in time with scientific advances.

3.  Inventors may be inspired to invent through a desire to create

c) the Latin verb invenire, invent-, to find.

4.  An invention is an object, process, or technique

d)  or discovers new methods, means or devices for performing a task.

5.  Some inventions also represent a radical breakthrough in science or technology

e)  which displays an element of novelty.

6.  Over time, humanity invented objects and methods for accomplishing tasks which fulfill some purpose in a new or different manner,

f)  usually with the objective of realizing that purpose in a faster, more efficient, easier or cheaper way.

7.  Any barriers to implementation may simply be an issue of engineeringortechnology

g)  which have taken some time to reach physical reality.

8.  History is full of examples of ideas

h)  which extends the boundaries of human knowledge.

1. What can you substitute to make an improvement? 2. What if you swap this for that and what happens? 3. How can you substitute the place, time, materials or people? 4. What materials, features, processes, people, products or components can you combine? 5. Where can you build synergy? 6. What part of the product could you change? And exchange for what? 7. What if you were to change the characteristics of a component? 8. What happens if you warp or exaggerate a feature or component? 9. What will happen if you modify the process in some way? 10. What other market could you use this product in? 11. Who or what else might be able to use it? 12. Who else has solved this problem? 13. What similar area of expertise might have solved this problem? 14. Is there anyone else in the company who knows how to solve this? 15. What else could we use to solve the problem? 16. Where else might this problem have been solved? 17. What other companies might know how to solve this? 18. What other industries face the same problem and what do they do about it?

  1. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

  1. physicist and electrical engineer – invented the cathode-ray tube called the kinescope.

  1. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

  1. helicopter and aircraft designer.

  1. Vladimir Kosma Zworykin

  1. rocket engineer and designer, "Father of the space program".

  1. Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky

  1. rocket scientist and pioneer of astronautics.

  1. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

  1. has been credited with the invention of the periodic tab.

  1. What do you do?

  1. In a hotel in the center of city.

  1. What are you doing in this class?

  1. I work for a large plant.

  1. Where do you live?

  1. I’m learning English.

  1. Where are you staying?

  1. I’ve got a flat in Moscow.

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