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bonfire [`bonfaiə] – костёр

Christmas tree – рождественская ёлка

Christmas pudding ['pudiŋ] – рождественский пудинг

carol ['kærəl] – кэрол (рождественская песня религиозного содержания, славящая рождение Христа), carol service – рождественское богослужение

charity [`t∫æriti] – благотворительность

chimney [`t∫imni] – труба

church [t∫ə:t∫] – церковь

dummy [`dΛmi] – кукла, чучело, манекен

festival [`festivəl] – празднество, праздник

local [`ləuk(ə)l] – местный

old clothes [`əuld `klo:ðz] – старая одежда

penny – пенни, пенс

relative ['relətiv] – родственник

to decorate ['dekəreit] – украшать

service ['sə:vis] – служба (церковная)

straw [stro:] – солома

stocking ['stokiŋ] – чулок

sweet [swi:t] – сущ. конфета, любая сладость

toy – игрушка

turkey ['tə:ki] индейка

to be less popular – быть менее популярным

to blow up [bləu`Λp] (blew [blu:], blown [bləun]) – взрывать

to burn [bə:n] (burnt [bə:nt]) – жечь, сжигать

to carry out – проводить, осуществлять, to be carried out – проводиться

to celebrate ['selibreit] – праздновать, торжественно отмечать

to cut off smb's head – отрубить кому-л. голову

to give and receive [ri`si:v] presents – дарить и получать подарки

to hang [hæŋ] (hung [hΛŋ]) – развешивать

to let off fireworks ['faiəwə:ks] – устраивать фейерверки

to succeed [sə`ksi:d] – достигнуть цели, преуспеть в чём-л.

For self-examination

Answer the questions:

1. What public holiday in Great Britain do you know?

2. What is a "bank holiday"?

3. What is the most popular holiday in Britain?

4. When is Christmas celebrated?

5. How are the traditional Christmas songs called in Britain?

6. What do the British do on Boxing Day?

7. What is the name of New Year's Eve in Scotland?

8. When is Guy Fawkes Night celebrated?

9. What do you know about Guy Fawkes?

Fill in the blanks:

    1. The most popular holiday in Great Britain is _______.

    2. Before _______, groups of singers go from house to house.

    3. The 26th of December, _______, is the first holiday after Christmas Day.

    4. _______ is less popular in Britain than Christmas.

    5. In Scotland, _______ (New Year's Day) is the biggest festival of the year.

    6. The 5th of November is ________ Day.

Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence:

  1. there are, public holidays, fewer, Great Britain, in, than, European countries, in, other;

  2. the most, holiday, popular, in, is, Christmas, Great Britain;

  3. traditionally, the, day, this is, when, decorate, people, their, trees;

  4. public holidays, besides, there are, special, some, in, Great Britain, festivals;

5) Hogmanay, is, festival, the biggest, of, year, the, Scotland, in.

  1. Make up a plan (logical scheme) and then summarize the content of the text "Holidays in Great Britain".

6.2. Holidays in the usa

Reading and Writing

  1. Scan the text "Holidays in the USA" to get the full idea of it. Find the paragraphs about:

  • the way the Americans celebrate the Independence Day;

  • the traditional New Year's Day celebration;

  • the traditional celebration of Thanksgiving Day.

  1. Find in the text the English equivalents to:

  • состоять из людей разных национальностей;

  • отмечаться на всей территории США;

  • обмениваться подарками и добрыми пожеланиями;

  • отмечаться со времён первого праздника урожая;

  • предлагать бездомным традиционное обильное питание.

  1. Read and translate the text for getting the detailed content.

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